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华中师大一女厕2分钟挤30人 上课铃响排不完队--亲稳舆论引导监测室


The bell rings in class but not the girl?Toilet queue?!


两分钟内 华师一女厕挤满30人 Two minutes the women's no.1 packed with 30 people

  下课求提前 出教室要趁早 走路要小跑 内急不厉害就憋着

For the class in advance to walk out of the classroom before it is too late to trot nature calls not much is held

华中师大一女厕2分钟挤30人 上课铃响排不完队


Sina micro bo @ rain ling looking forward to snow:No.1 in,Imbalance,Toilet proportion still 1 than 1,Every time we will run a class to go to toilet queue,Row to the bell rings haven't row to ~ well,Why school toilet not sanqi (panax notoginseng) points?For the class in advance,Out of the classroom to before it is too late,Walk trot,Nature calls not much is held in order to go to the toilet,Central China normal university is the girls do"Unique skill".Reporters yesterday visited central China normal university found,Line up the women of the most serious main is 7/8/9 teaching building,Due to the great course arrangement more visitors,Break ten minutes can always see the women"full"phenomenon.


女生不到万不得已绝不如厕 The girl never less than absolutely necessary toilet


Yesterday morning he,The bell rang,YangTongXue quickly rushed to the toilet,This is the central China normal university 8 building three floor of the ladies,Clearly runs so fast,But late step,Xiao Yang had to row in the crowd waiting for the toilet.According to the reporter visual,Two minutes the women on the third floor have been filled with more than 30 people,And women's only nine CunWei,A girl"stamp"Etc in line.


"Suppressed all morning,Less than as a last resort not to go to the stool."Law school sophomore girls Chen very envy gent don't line up,She told reporters,His many general course arrangement in 8 teaching building,Every time the toilet like war,So she drink less as far as possible,The whole morning last toilet only,"If it is good to have a few more women."


Row of the five or six minutes of xiao Yang finally to the toilets.She told reporters,In order to go to the toilet,She tried to climb from the second floor to the sixth floor to,The results have to the second floor of the toilet,"Really very difficult,Especially the classroom from far away from the toilet when,Row to class on the toilet."


According to the reporter observed,8 men and women in building toilet distribution on both sides of the stairs,Each floor left gent total of six CunWei and seven then pond,The women have nine CunWei.Students are generally four classes in the morning,After two classes is big break time is 20 minutes,In addition intermediate is 10 minutes to have a short rest,"Big break often in teaching building,So is bad also to go to the toilet."Chen top over toilet has is going to class,Wait until the bell rang reporter discovery,Women still have more than ten students waiting queue,"To have a class also first top over toilet!!"


男生几乎不用排队 The boy almost don't have to queue


Reporter observed when the women,At the same time please big two boy xiao li also help to observe the boy toilet situation,According to his revealed,The third floor gent one nearly thirty men came in,The inside of the then pond is also bad for three,But almost no queuing phenomenon,quickly,Wait until the school bell rang gent has almost no one.


"I often in the 8th floor self-study,If the toilet,I usually a came to class,But seldom met queuing situation."Xiao li told reporters,Men and women of no.1 ratio of 3:7,And the boy toilet speed is very fast,In his view,The girl is need to queue for a long time not only because many toilet less,"The girl's speed is too slow,Don't line up my ass?!"


后勤表示打算增建女厕 The women said they planned to logistics improvement


In April this year,No.1 by institute of foreign languages"Occupation gent"action,Collapsed a hospital/The second floor things head of male to female toilet toilet.The school property management center QiuQi director told reporters yesterday,At the beginning which was just preliminary pilot,More reconstruction project has already handed in proposal.

  “女厕问题一直都在关注,目前准备对7、8、9号楼重点改造。”仇主任介绍,为迎接明年华师110周年校庆,物业中心已在10月底向学校提交了改造女厕的方案,准备在三栋人流量最多的教学楼增建女厕,"占领男厕’不太实际,当初是因为外院男女比例为1:10,这次的方案打算在每层楼增建女厕,男厕不变。”(记者 史凤玲)

"Women's problems have been attention,At present prepares for seven/8/Building no. 9 key transformation."Scores director introduces,To meet next year 110 anniversary no.1,Property center has set up a file in the school the end of October submitted a reform scheme of the women,Prepare a person in three of the most women more teaching building,"Occupation gent’Not too practical,At the beginning because the outer court ratio for men and women ",The scheme going to each floor in the women's improvement,Gent constant."(Reporter ShiFengLing)
