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胡乱生长的野草 Wild growth of weeds


5 5名少年来自何处,为何流浪,又有着怎样的家庭背景?

Teenager from where,Why stray,Have what kind of family background?


11 11

month19 19日,毕节市政府公布了五少年的具体信息,他们都姓陶,是堂兄弟关系,年龄最大的为

day,Bijie city government announced the WuShao years of specific information,They all surname ceramic,Cousins relationship is,The oldest for13 13岁,最小的为

Years old,Minimum for9 9岁。

Years old.


The children live in seven cities under the jurisdiction of the haizi street town wipe gun rock village solidarity group.It was a far from the center of the small mountain village.The village is located in the mountains above,To the outside world road treacherous.


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month20 20日,记者来到团结组村。村中房屋多为泥土房,牲畜在土路上随意奔跑。

day,The reporter comes to solidarity group village.The village houses more for soil room,Cattle in the dirt road on the run at will.5 5名少年的老家,家徒四壁,除去锅碗瓢盆和被褥,没有任何值钱家当。

Young teenager's hometown,In necessity,Remove basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle and bedding,Without any valuable property.


5 5名少年的大伯陶进财(音),正在田里牵牛耕种。他回忆称,孩子们是在

Young teenager's brother-in-law TaoJinCai(sound),Was in the field to lead farming.He recalled said,The children are in the11 11

month5 5日不见的。那天,

Day missing.That day,12 12岁的陶中井从学校离开,和

Old pottery from the school in well leave,and4 4名辍学的兄弟,一起消失不见。因孩子身上都没钱,家人推测,他们是一路从山里走到的毕节市。

Name the brother of school,Disappear together.Because children have no money,Family speculated that,They are all the way from the mountains to walk the bijie city.


5 5名少年中,有

Teenager in,have4 4人的父母均在深圳打工。陶进财说,孩子失踪后,学校校长和老师曾来家探访,他也曾打电话询问亲戚,但并没有第一时间报警。

The parents of all work in shenzhen.TaoJinCai said,The child after missing,School principals and teachers had to come home to visit,He was also call to ask relatives,But it is not the first time alarm.


TaoJinCai says,These left-behind children no one tube,Sometimes please buy him a little rice.The children are all her own cooking,But will only cook some rice porridge,With a little salt or pepper,Almost no next meal.TaoJinCai sometimes pick up some potatoes give them,They were in the fire burned to eat.Opening the mixed time consuming,Someone will follow TaoJinCai to dozens of dollars.


TaoJinCai said,His house has five or six grandson,ZiGuBuXia.He can't remember these children to name,Only know that childhood name,Such as a small crab/Small garlic.


5 5名留守儿童,在无人看管的情况下,像野草一样胡乱生长。很快,他们从留守儿童变成了流浪少年。

Name left-behind children,In the unattended situation,Like weeds wild growth.soon,They from the left-behind children into a vagrant.


TaoJinCai remember,The children in the pottery and ceramic well in red has run to DaFangXian,Later the government back to.Teenagers often run to haizi street town play,Or selfish to relatives.


After the incident,The official access to information display,Teenagers has repeatedly ran to the field,Back by the police.


2011 2011

years11 11

month2 2日,贵州当地媒体《乌蒙新报》报道称,有市民在毕节街头发现流浪儿。这些流浪儿童,以三合板当床,硬纸壳当被,露宿在建筑工地中。而随后的追踪报道显示,其中便有五少年的身影。

day,Guizhou local media[New GUI zhou plateau]Reports say,Have the public in bijie street found that gamin.These street children,With ternary plate as a bed,YingZhiKe when,Camping out in the construction site.And the subsequent follow-up reports,Among them will have WuShao years of figure.


Bijie city seven cities bureau of civil affairs staff was revealed,This is the first TaoChong etc gamin6 6次被发现,“前

Time was found,"before5 5次,这些孩子特别调皮,白天答应乖乖在民政局,但是到了晚上下班以后,便把门窗撬开跑了”。

time,The child is very naughty,The day promised to darling in the civil affairs bureau,But in the evening after work,Then the Windows and doors pry ran".


At that time,The WuShao years TaoChong says,He doesn't want to go home,"Don't want to go back to,Mother has had married,Home to be father play,Him a drink and then hit me,Sometimes I play on the ground,I really don't want to go home,As long as you call him pick me up,I'm going to escape."


but,At that time TaoChong father be shenzhen TaoYuanWu but in a telephone call in response,"I don't,They love to where go to where.We are now in working out hard also."finally,In the staff under the persuasion,He reluctantly agreed to let the child fellow villagers brought back,After a period of him to pick up the kids go to shenzhen.


TaoChong finally didn't go to shenzhen,He and brothers daily in the field of frisk run.School teacher said,These children too wild,Don't.


TaoJinCai said,Until now,WuShao years have4 4人都没有上户口,因为,“上户口要钱。”

People did not have the registered permanent residence,because,"Hukou want money."


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month5 5日那天,村里的吕婆婆看到,五少年正往山外跑。少年们还试图喊她的孙子一起。

day,The village comes to see her mother-in-law,WuShao was to mountain running out.Teenagers are also trying to shout to her grandson.


"Out mixed."The children was a heroic said.


The day after,WuShao years out of the mountains,Came to the city,Hide into the dustbin,Finally a funeral home in cold body.


从留守到流浪 From the left-behind to stray


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month19 19日,来自殡仪馆的消息称,孩子们的遗体已火化完毕。

day,From the funeral home news said,The children's body was cremated finished.


In the funeral home not far away,There is a large building under construction of advertising:"Hui very warm in winter."


This is a rapid economic development of the city,The city can be seen everywhere are to start building.Above the streets,Even visible BMW/Maserati boscacci, etc.Locals call,Because bijie subordinate county have coal mine resource,So within the city,Do not lack millionaire.In addition,Bijie city was known as"China ten big summer tourist city".


Be XuanChuanCheng optimum in the city,But some in the rubbish box from the cold and dead,This creates a huge head.Data shows,The land in the seven cities,2011 2011年生产总值为

Annual production value is151.34 151.34亿元,

One hundred million yuan,2012 2012年前三季度的经济增速为全市第一。然而在五少年所在的团结组村,记者看到,村民生活大多贫困,为谋生路,许多青壮劳动力外出打工。

The first three quarters of economic growth for the first.However, in the unity WuShao years group village,The reporter sees,The villagers live most of the poor,To make a living way,Many QingZhuang labor work out.


After the incident,The local government said,Accident exposed in the government"Social management/Social help and the learning control dropping out"There are weak link,And will strengthen this aspect work.


Local citizen told reporters,In recent years,In bijie subordinate mountain village,There are a lot of children,Most of these children because parents working outside unattended,Together with economic poverty,Lead to give up his study,"Older ran point out do child labor,Smaller in his butt street".Have residents said,When autumn,On the street seen some speaking the local dialect of the gamin.WuShao years after the incident,The street has gone gamin.


11 11

month20 20日,七星关区民政局工作人员回复称,当地民政已经开展城区范围巡查,发现流浪乞讨人员及时实施救助,并对他们进行登记,建立档案,“进行地毯式拉网排查

day,Seven cities bureau of civil affairs staff reply said,Local civil affairs has to carry out the urban area patrols,Found timely relief for vagrants and beggars,And they register,Establish archives,"Machines for carpet catches, ,做到横到边,纵到底,不留死角死面,力争做到流浪乞讨人员早发现,早救助”。

Do cross to the edge,Longitudinal exactly,Leave no dead Angle dead front,Strive to accomplish vagrants and beggars early detection,Early rescue".


however,This ultimately not effect a permanent cure method.How to solve the left-behind children problem,How to reduce dropout rates,And the establishment of corresponding security system,To become a public is hot topic of discussion.


These macro big problem,And five small independent life.Their life to the end,Now more than only a piece of leave scart cement ground.Not lit the candles,No mourning chrysanthemum,Their stories also will soon because of the attention to reduce and dissipation.


Micro bo on,Someone found a suspected the day before the incident,Passers-by took pictures of the children.Five children scattered on the steps of the sat by the roadside,Smile is sunshine as/brilliant.
