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extension:Bijie 5 boy died person in charge is processed? ?? ?


2012 2012

years11 11

month19 19日傍晚,贵州毕节天降冷雨,街上行人口呼白气,急于寻找各自遮寒的归宿。四天前,一个同样寒冷的雨夜,

Day evening,Guizhou bijie heaven rain,The street line population call white gas,Anxious to find their covered the end-result of the cold.Four days ago,An equally cold rainy night,5 5名流浪儿童也找到了他们的归宿。他们钻进一个垃圾箱,试图熬过那个漫长的夜晚。

Name street children also found their home.They drilling a dustbin,Try to get over the long night.


like"The little match girl"as,The children born up a brazier,But not can wait to warm the world.


5 5条幼小的生命就此终结。生前,他们如同城市里漂浮的灰尘,无人在意;死后,沉痛的事实却刺伤了千万国人的心灵。都市的霓虹灯照不进垃圾箱内,到底还有多少被我们忽略的角落?

A young life ended.was,They are like a city floating dust,No one care about;died,The fact that the grief but hurt thousands of WanGuoRen heart.The city neon as not into the trash,Exactly how many we overlook corner?


We track WuShao years before the trajectory,Look for the deformation of their childhood.These kluge pieces of time,Are the children left the world of the last,Also left us a serious examination questions:What to do,Tragedy wouldn't repeat itself?


   “孃孃,快点整碗土豆给我吃,我太饿了!” "empress,Hurry up the whole bowl of potatoes to eat,I'm so hungry!"


They last end,Is a green and white sheet iron dustbin.


Dustbin placed in bijie city seven cities near a site,Around ManMan weeds.Engaged in the hair to walk a few minutes,Is the local famous bijie college.College on both sides of the,Vendors sections along the road.They also become WuShao years last witnesses.


11 11

month11 11日前后,少年们第一次出现在商贩视野中。

After a,Teenagers first appeared in the field of vision vendors.5 5名小孩个子都不高,身材瘦弱,明显营养不良,脸上脏兮兮的,看上去几月未洗脸,手臂和指甲缝里满是泥垢。他们衣着单薄,裤腿稀烂,脚上的鞋子也杂乱不堪,有人穿着绿色水胶鞋,有人则穿着破旧的运动鞋。

Name the child is not high,The thin,Apparent malnutrition,Face dirty,Look a few months not wash a face,Arm and nail seam is full of dirtness.Their clothes were so thin,Him leg,Feet shoes also is in a mess,Someone dressed in green water rubber shoes,Others ragged shoes.


College area near,Children become the main location.They all day at the wandering,From morning9 9点多一直到晚上

Some have been until the evening12 12点,有时要来回走好几趟。

point,Sometimes walking around several trips.


Barbecue long-armed old meng said,Children are divided into two group of appear.11 11

month11 11日,先来了

day,The first3 3名小孩,两天后,队伍增至

Name the child,Two days later,Team to5 5人。孩子们经常聚在一起用方言窃窃私语,时不时爆发出笑声。

people.Children often get together and whisper in dialect,Every now and then burst into laughter.


A few years ago,This area also had street children,The gamin see pedestrians will kneel down,"uncle""aunt"Shouted to money.But no vendors see this5 5个孩子要钱。

A child want money.


They are just in the very hungry"rob"Some food.For example during fruit stalls conveniently tear down a couple of banana,Or take a dried persimmon,"Too poor,We all don't roar."Sell candy seeds of Lao Yang said.Some vendors also will offer something to eat,They took a walk,Also don't say thank you.


11 11

month12 12日,孩子们跑到不远处的桥头捡硬纸壳。捡垃圾的老婆婆开玩笑:“给我嘛。”孩子不肯:“我们要卖钱。”

day,The children ran to a nearby the bridge to pick up YingZhiKe.The old woman picking up litter joke:"Give me!."The child refused to:"We want to money."


ZhiKe finally no money.Old meng said,That night,He saw the children huddled in2 2路公共汽车终点站候车亭内。那些纸壳成了被子。当晚,毕节气温只有零上几度。

Bus terminal in the shelter.Those who ZhiKe became a quilt.That night,Bijie temperature is above freezing of degrees.


A cold winter night,They constantly transform domicile,shack/Bus station and finally dustbin.It is a just put into use the near dustbin,about1 1米多高,宽约

Meters high,Width about1 1

meters3 3,孩子们可以挤在里面。

,The children can squeeze in.


11 11

month14 14日,有人深夜从垃圾箱附近经过,听到里面传出了孩子们的聊天声。

day,Someone from the dustbin pass near late at night,Hear it from the children's chat voice.


11 11

month15 15日,五少年生命的最后一天。中午,一名孩子捏着不知从哪里得来的

day,WuShao years the last day of life.At noon,A child grabbed the do not know from where come20 20块钱,在一个小摊上买了一碗

dollars,In a market stall bought a bowl3 3元的糯米饭。伸手拿筷子时,摊主嫌他手脏,抱怨道“你先买袋洗衣粉洗洗手”。

Yuan glutinous rice.Stretched out his hand and took the chopsticks,The vendors don't think his hands dirty,complained"First you buy bag of laundry detergent to wash his hands".


then,The child and the rest of the money bought4 4个馒头。其余孩子站在旁边,直勾勾地盯着看。

A steamed bread.The rest of the children standing by,Straight stare.


afternoon,An old woman picking up litter SunQingYing found,Dustbin opposite of waste in the cabin,WuShao years are warming himself,Side put to pick up brazier and caddy.


"You on the earth to burn wood,Don't knock(Roof wood)."SunQingYing ear is back,Yell bigger,The children had a surprised,Quickly run away from the house.


"empress,Hurry up the whole bowl of potatoes to eat,I'm so hungry!"Four o 'clock in the afternoon,A child appeared in the potato sells the small kiosk,At the woman begs the vendors.Can't wait for the other party filled,Then he grabbed bamboo stick,Hurried from the hot frying pan prod the potatoes into his mouth plug,Breath ate four or five small potatoes.


then,The child found stalls of ham and egg,Caught a root,ran.


In the evening8 8点多,他们在老杨摊旁一两米处踢皮球。“你们这五个小丐帮。”老杨开着善意的玩笑,孩子们只是笑,并不介意。

Point more,They stand in Lao Yang by one or two metres kick a ball."You this five small gai."Lao Yang open good joke,The children just laugh,Don't mind.


The night wore on deep,The sky under the drizzle.Late into the night11 11点多,即将收摊的老孟看见,几个孩子还在街上走来走去,在捡一些泡沫板。他猜测,这是因天气太冷。

Point more,Like the old meng saw,Few children in walking up and down the street,In picking up some foam board.He guessed,This is because the weather is too cold.


"Where is your house?"Old meng asked.The child a:"generous."Old meng then asked:"Your house is old mama or after after torre?"The child a:"Torre after."


This is the children leave the world last dialogue,But most of the said is a lie.16 16日清晨,老太婆孙庆英开始捡垃圾。翻到第三个垃圾箱时,她看到

Early in the morning on,Old woman SunQingYing began to pick up the garbage.Turn to the third dustbin,She saw5 5个孩子一个挨着一个,坐在垃圾箱中。孩子们双手环抱,小小的头低垂着,两脚交错摆放,犹如熟睡。一个孩子的鼻子还在冒泡泡。

A child a next to a,Sitting in the dustbin.The children hands around,Small head nodding,Two legs staggered put,Like sleeping.A child's nose still take a bubble.


Their feet,Put a warm little brazier,Brazier there are threads.


SunQingYing hoe push children,Each other no reaction."villagers,You see,Several ran with ZhuEr sleep as."SunQingYing to gather together over the traveler said.


then,The police arrived at the,Confirm WuShao years has died.soon,Their bodies along with the dustbin,Be trailer the drag away.Trailer through the broad showily bijie college.Someone saw they have secretly over the wall into the grass wallow in play.


soon,News broke,Shocked the,Micro bo on a piece of sad/Confusion and angry voice.


It also became a hot debate on the order of the topic.In the not far away in a small hotel,Have wine guest loudly to discuss the matter,Also have foreigners to the wife of shop-owner ask situation.


Wife of shop-owner has been cold face,Half a day to interrupt,"I've heard that you big city even the dogs will not die,We of this death but ran".
