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理想如何照进现实 各国妙招应对毕业生就业困局--亲稳网络舆情监测室


According to the sound of China[The global Chinese radio network]reports,On November 17th,Is the international college students' day,Also called"The university day".In 1946, the countries all over the world in Prague student representatives held a meeting around the world students,Put on this day each year as"The university day".


On this day,Various universities usually held a series of activities,For example:Communication performance/Film festival/Academic exchange and so on,But this year the day,There are some students have a little heavy.Recently had the news said:Jiangsu is still have 40000 2012 sessions of graduates not obtain employment,And the 2013 session of the employment of college graduates work start immediately,This year than last year the born more than 6000 people.

  这么多毕业生等着找工作,鸭梨山大啊!不过眼下很多大公司、大企业都开始招聘了,下个周末,国家公务员考试也要开始了。不知道面临毕业找工作的同学们有什么打算?我们先来听一位即将毕业的大学生 小陈的想法:

So many graduates and looking for a job,Pears shandong ah!But now many large companies/Large enterprises have started to invite applications for a job,Next weekend,The national civil servant exam also will begin.Don't know face graduate to find a job classmates have any plan?Let's listen to a the university students who will graduate soon Chen ideas:


Chen:To me,Because I university chosen major is what I later want to dry,Want to go the way of,So no matter how great the difficulty,I will also choose so.But for some people speaking,They go to college is to get a diploma,Wentworth earl.Others to choose the one's deceased father grind,Work is quite difficult to find,Besides some interview unit also to school is 211 project,If 985 engineering requirement very strictly,The gold to which will shine,It doesn't have to be a good school can have a good student.


A speaking of college students' employment ah,is"A brow case",Have employment problem,Has obtain employment selection problem,And the employment psychological problems...Don't know in other countries is graduated students also have so much pressure,Also so ravel?They were doing what? Employment preparation?Come first ask in Britain read a graduate student zhang wen,British university students have the employment pressure?

  张闻:现在英国的就业率处在近几十年以来的谷底,所以大部分公司不是裁员,就是维持现在的人员不变,对于刚刚毕业的本科生或者研究生来说,就业压力非常巨大。很多同学会选择临时做一些Party time工作来养活自己。另外,从学校角度上来说,现在英国的学校在不同程度上会推出一些相关就业的workshop或相关课程,其中老师会教你一些写简历的技巧,会根据你个人的实际情况来分析你未来可能更适合走哪条职业发展道路。

Zhang wen:Now Britain's employment rate in the last three decades of the valley floor,So most of the company is not layoffs,Now is to maintain the same personnel,For just graduate students or graduate students,The employment pressure is very great.Many students will choose temporary do some Party time a job to support herself.In addition,From the school terms,Now it's the English school in different extent launch some related employment workshop or related course,The teacher will teach you some writing your skills,According to the actual situation of your personal to analyze your future may be more suitable for on which a career development path.


Before two years in the UK,The government also pushing a called"National internship programs",This program can help students failed to find a job in the enterprise to practice 3 months,Many graduates in practice after all to have the chance to get a full-time job.Data display,Britain over the years slipped unemployment,But zhang wen said,That's because British difficult employment,Side some students have started to return to find a job:


Zhang wen:My classmate of more people from other countries of the European Union,Such as Germany/France or from eastern Europe,In the past these countries students choose to stay at Britain's ratio is very high,Now I find at least my class from the eu countries of almost all of all returned to his home to employment,This also from on the other hand refraction in Britain appear in looking for a job very difficult.


Take a look at the United States.Remember Obama before re-election last released employment rate is 7.9%.Don't know the number to the United States will have graduated from the university? How old influence?[The global Chinese radio network]The United States observer PangZhe said,In order to encourage college students' employment,The government has a lot of incentive measures:


PangZhe:American students employment problems in American university and graduate students of education has been very valued project,University education commission will usually have special service team for students in grade two or three grade is carrying on the guidance,But the campus often host professional party,Invite some additional employees plan business enterprise personnel department for counseling come to school,Let the students be familiar with examination/The process of the interview process and how to write a resume,Interview talk/Instrument and performance, etc.A lot of schools also encourage students to work on campus,Cultivate interpersonal coordination and regularity of experience,These will benefit students after graduation be looking for a job the employment value.But even so in recent years the United States because of the economic situation is bad,Looking for a job or difficulty is very big,Many students will not no longer to continue to read degree,Wait until the economic environment stable job again.At the same time because Labour market competition is increasingly fierce,So lead to a lot of students during the period of school work because of fears that the root hard to find,Some will meet the employment opportunities to give up finish school,And advance to participate in some degree is not high to low salary,But relatively stable job.


Back about our college graduates,Maybe because of the parents"Used to/Hope female ChengFeng"mentality,May also be college students eye high/Reason hadn,Special hope the first job can one pace reachs the designated position.[The global Chinese radio network]Australia observer LiuJue said,Australian students very practical,Not so high demand:


LiuJue:In Australia,I saw a data said,To the end of the year before last,Australia youth employment number out of the more than 90000 people.In Australia,Many of the local employers cut away the young clerk to save their cost.The reporter interviewed a graduate of Australian local college students,He said I am with my expectation is not high,Just started to do a simple company such as secretarial work is already very satisfied,But you need to know that he is Sydney university bachelor of economics.In the school in employment guidance,I found the practice consciousness is very strong,They will give students instill a kind of very good ideas,If you want to choose academic road words,You then how to get there,You will graduate/Reading dr.,If you want to directly find work early words,They will put your professional and social practice course combined.


This year China's college graduates hit a record high of 6.8 million people,Account for more than half of the new labor.Just listen to this number,There is great nod.but,An old saying goes"Where is the gold will shine",National college students in the day,We also wish friends future college students to find a satisfied and for their own work.
