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  浙江在线杭州11月28日讯(见习记者 崔晓宇) 近日,湖南湘西凤凰县腊尔山镇所德小学“营养午餐”问题被一名嘉兴学院的支教老师微博爆出后,这个大三的学生一时间成为了媒体追逐的焦点。他的微博名叫“刁牙”,朋友们叫她牙牙。而她也有个美丽的名字梁栩晔。

Zhejiang online hangzhou), nov. 28,(Trainee reporter CuiXiaoYu) recently,Fenghuang county of hunan province LaErShan towns that DE elementary school"Nutritional lunch"Problem is a jiaxing college education teacher micro bo after came out,The junior students at that time became the focus of media chasing.His small bo name"Diao tooth",My friends call her fang.But she has a beautiful name LiangXu Ye.


嘉兴学院大三学生 Jiaxing college junior student


为了支教休学一年 Education in order to take a year off


The teacher in charge in university step Jue good eyes,LiangXu Ye is a looks soft weak weak but skin has a stubborn strength girl,The look of things will certainly to do.


Education is a matter of trabecular look."September this year,Opening day,She suddenly and I put forward,To take a year off to education,Say to want to exercise yourself."


Step Jue good don't know,What makes trabecular have this kind of determination,Go to a meal no relationship with her in the remote mountain area to lend a hand."To tell you the truth,I was surprised."Step Jue good said,Although before at the class meeting,I said,Person's life,Four place to go for a walk,Perhaps for you to change will be very big,The poorest places/prison/Hospitals and funeral home.But dare to practice,Only trabecular a person.


Trabecular friends"Mr. PangZi"revealed,In the trabecular decided to drop out of education,Many people don't understand to her."fang(Trabecular nickname)Then quit school,We go to the teacher in charge,Also has the teacher said it giant silly!Such a good time,So waste?"


Understanding of the non-uniform after a month"Mr. PangZi"Went to the nepalese bok pull,There's an orphanage volunteering.He said,As long as a year or a few years"Volunteer + travel",Abroad is very common among young people.


He thinks,Domestic college students or young people generally do only short-term volunteer work,Utilitarian stronger.I often joked that have a girl I abet have had to learn to do a volunteer.well,She is real,Is fang.


凤凰县支教的梁老师 Fenghuang county assistance beam teacher


为了学生要和教育局“掐架” In order to students and education bureau"QiaJia"


As a volunteer teacher,Her work should be taught good lesson,But see be shrink"Nutritional lunch",Look at the children has a lean and hungry look hungry,LiangXu Ye,The jiaxing college junior student,Was angered.


"I want to success or fenghuang county bureau of device a frame.The children lunch more and more shrunk,Now a day per person a slice of toast,6 cm in diam thickness of 1.5 cm,As well the little match girl."October 30, 13 point 34 points at noon,LiangXu Ye a micro broad and sound up.


Due to the local education bureau and contact several times reflects the problem,Have not been satisfactory reply,LiangXu Ye a micro bo.


And LiangXu Ye together,In virtue of the primary school education,There were two other volunteers TangBing soldiers/WangTing.


After several twists and turns,Contact reporters on the TangBing soldiers.His hometown in hunan,recently,He USES his own name to open a bank account,Some love people can put donations hit his card.He said,The primary school a total of 114 students,Most of the home is far away from the school,Noon is difficult to go home to have a meal.


As for these so-called"Free lunch",But a piece of bread a bottle of milk,The wholesale price only two dollars,With three dollars of half the standard deviation."Actually the biggest problem is,Schools do not have a dining room,This three dollars if give children buy vegetables do buy rice to eat,Or enough."


让父母牵肠挂肚的小梁 Let the parents of the trabecular solicitude


为了建食堂依然在坚守 In order to build the dining room is still in the hold


"Free lunch"Once the problem out,Public outcry.And the people kept tm was also pushed the in the teeth of the storm,From her micro bo can be seen in,She was the local education department gets called out"tea",And come to look for trouble media army also the babe at the little girl was crying.


According to the insider said,When faced with pressure,The brave girl cry."Today afternoon received trabecular telephone,She has been crying,The local competent government department leaders accompanied level media constantly and trabecular conversation.In the face of the media on army,She doesn't know what should I do."


At this time the most worry trabecular is her parents.According to the insider said,Originally these things have been from her father,But father from TV, see these afterwards,Advised her to go home at once.But trabecular said,Dining room didn't make good,She can't.


"Don't want mom and dad worry,But still, they inevitably know"Trabecular appears very depressed.


TangBing soldier said,In school,There is no electricity during the day,If cooking words can oneself cutting wood fire,There is no fixed food source and m source,And firewood is hard to make.At present the difficulty they have ever met is very big still,"I believe and trabecular meshwork,As long as the look of things,Will go the whole hog."


"Now the children or drinking cold milk,Eating bread,We must rely on our own to build a dining room.Firewood less,We and the children said,Temporary let them go to school in the morning when brought from home a little."TangBing soldier said.


, dining room,In fact just a local-style dwelling houses.WangTing published in the November 26, micro bo,"Kitchen already selected!The master long-term working outside,The kitchen idle.The house opposite in our school,Give students dozen rice convenient safe!To get the key tomorrow we will clean the health then hair after cleaning the photos to you."


LiangXu Ye micro bo had so a word:"This is an idealist monologue:First start from a school,We want to make xiangxi all the left-behind elementary schools have dining room."


浙江营养餐怎么样? Zhejiang nutrient food?


In the 27 morning in zhejiang province at the 11th National People's Congress standing committee meeting 36,ChenJiaYuan vice governor on behalf of the provincial government on the social relief work report just mentioned its content.


"Since 2006,The province every year about 370000 compulsory education primary and middle school students enjoy its love."ChenJiaYuan said,This year the province in the implementation of its love on the basis of the implementation of the rural compulsory education and the students' nutrition improvement plan,ZiZhuMian expanded to our province new poverty alleviation standard of 4600 yuan of the following difficult family,Subsidy standard also from originally of every 350 yuan a year born raised to 750 yuan.


In year(Is 200 days)For example,One day a meal,5 days a week,750 yuan a day to calculate booth is 3.75 yuan,This standard is higher than 2011 issued by the central[Concerning the implementation of rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement opinion]In the pilot area per person a day students 3 dollars subsidy standard.


ChenJiaYuan in the report says will further strengthen the audit and administrative supervision,Regular inspection social assistance fund fund management system construction and implementation,In order to quickly discover and correct in the course of funds utilization existing problems.


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