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百余洋博导来京挑学生 3000娃将与洋导师会面--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  今天上午,在港澳中心瑞士酒店,来自德国、法国、英国、荷兰、美国等9个国家近170所高校的百余名博士导师和学校招生负责人摆开咨询台,与想到海外读博的学子面对面交流。今明两天将有来自全国各地的近3000名学生赶来与洋导师会面。 This morning,In Hong Kong and Macao center Swiss hotel,From Germany/France/British/The Dutch/The United States and countries of the nearly 170 universities over doctoral tutor and school admissions officers lay out help desk,And think of overseas read bo students face to face communication.In the next two days will have come from all parts of the country's nearly 3000 students and teachers to the meeting.


From zhejiang university ZhouXu is department of physics graduate student grade three students,He could have at the university dr helicopter,But ZhouXu still hopes to abroad to read bo.For this interview,He came to Beijing the day before yesterday."My research direction is plasma.I hope to go to Germany to further my study.Because a China to participate in the investment of fusion power generation project ITER project is Europe.This project research and put into production is a process for more than ten years,I hope to be able to enter the European school research related major,And into this project.If I imagine success,Ten years later returned,I will be the expert in the field."


From geological university two girls and Germany as the target countries."We are learning of gemmology,This research field many high-end experimental instrument domestic colleges hasn't,So I hope to go abroad to learn some professional knowledge."More to come to interview students said,Go abroad read bo is hope to be able to feel and China different cultural atmosphere.


Munich, Germany university admissions chief introduction,To have not learned German students,Language is not a problem,As long as the adviser does not have a special requirement,Even if didn't study German,Can also enter.The officials think,Now many students are misunderstanding,Think only with teacher research topic related to increase admission opportunity,But in fact,Students have their own research project more can cause the teacher's attention.Because teachers decided that,Have their own idea is the first step in the study.

  据活动主办方、中国教育国际交流协会宗瓦副秘书长介绍,“洋博导面试招生”已举办四届,第一届有110所海外高校参与,今年来京的学校近170所。因为这是一个与海外教授直接见面和交流的高端平台,所以每年都吸引来自全国近30个省市自治区的逾千名学生云集北京。今年在网上注册参加面试的学生总数近3000人,而北京地区学生占了一多半。从学生们选择的留学目标国看,排在前五位的国家是:美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、法国。学生希望就读的专业,排在前五位的是:经济学、社会科学、材料科学、计算机、医药工程。 (张玉军摄 记者李莉)

According to the organizers of/China's education international exchange association deputy secretary-general of tile is introduced,"Formerly the interview enrollment"Has held four sessions,First there are 110 overseas universities to participate in,Beijing this year the school nearly 170.Because this is a professor and overseas to meet and communicate directly in the high-end platform,So every year from all over the country to attract nearly thirty provinces, cities and autonomous regions of the more than students gathered in Beijing.This year in online registration for the interview student population of nearly 3000 people,And the Beijing area students account for more than half.From the students choose to study abroad to see the target country,The top five country is:The United States/Canada/British/Australia/France.Students hoped to attend professional,The top five is:economics/Social science/Materials science/computer/Pharmaceutical engineering. (ZhangYuJun perturbation reporter li li)
