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高校自主招生的困惑 仍徘徊在十字路口--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

With 45 young man into is shenzhen preparation/Not allowed to recruit students of the university of science and technology of the south,China 1977 years since the recovery unified the university entrance exam is the most radical of higher school recruit students explore in 2011 began.
More radical story happened in the summer this year.June,These boys and girls refused to attend the university entrance exam of authority.This makes them many people's eyes"boycott"The mighty men of the state examination system,Although some students didn't even finish high school education,Originally will not have the university entrance exam qualification.
They volunteer to participate in the south university and school principal academician zhu qingshi established"The experiment".When not to participate in college entrance examination admission,Graduate will not receive government approval degree.In the school in the idea of,They will get custom degree certificate.As for this certificate can be better than the good and bad are intermingled of education training institutions granted certificate more competitive,The school of education depends on whether such as founder of the expected as happy.
To meet them all are not praise.
In giving up before the college entrance examination,A student has published an open letter,Describe the people, including me,"For China's education reform has made the supreme sacrifice,Abandoned all,Willing to be some in the eyes of the little white rat".
Zhu qingshi President also wrote a letter for recruitment of students propaganda open letter,Encourage those who want to become"mice"The students and their parents,The opening namely use human when first moon landing the words of description:"Take one small step south university,The reform of higher education in our country will be a big step."The President admitted that,Strive for independence experiment let him"On thin ice".
Each year to squeeze in"bridge"The university entrance exam candidates do it,The south university of science and technology is not approved"Autonomous enrolment"Just a remote may not and the narrow meandering footpath.Even if is the ministry of education approved the formal university autonomous enrolment,With China agricultural university President KeBingSheng words,So far"And more than 99.9% of the candidates have no direct relation".
KeBingSheng basis is,Each year in the independent recruitment of students admitted to form the examinee of about 15000 people,One of the two thirds no independent enrollment of preferential can also enter the same school,Really enjoy preferential examinee is about 5000 people,Accounted for 0.05% of the total candidates.
The same,Autonomous enrollment also and the vast majority of universities have nothing to do.In the official language system,Does not exist"Autonomous enrolment"The word.Begin from 2003,The ministry of education approved some universities"Independent selection admission pilot work",Since then,This work has been in"pilot"state,The scope but the universities.
The ministry of education first allow each pilot college autonomous enrollment control in the school recruit students within 5% of the total,This is regarded as opened lower autonomy in college enrollment a"cut".So far,this"cut"Still not expand.In the past few years,Some universities more or less broke through the limitation of 5%,this,The ministry of education in 2011 reiterated,"Generally not more than"5%.
therefore,And south university of science and technology from the university entrance exam system/100% own recruit students is different,Beijing university/Tsinghua university with independent selection admission permissions pilot college,Only in the 5% range,In the premise of the university entrance exam,Realize part of"independent".They advance the selected students are still to be on study of the university entrance exam,Just can enjoy certain drop points preferential admission.
College entrance examination premise autonomous enrollment,Who have gone farthest way of fudan university and Shanghai jiaotong university.Since 2006,The ministry of education approved this two universities in Shanghai launched another test:Mainly by way of interview in the independent recruitment of students,Students are still to attend the university entrance exam,But the university entrance exam is only for reference.
传统名校与南科大在龟兔赛跑吗? The traditional school and south university in the hare and the tortoise?
But for like zhu qingshi so eager to recruit students autonomy,Even hope from the university entrance exam completely independent of recruit students for the President of the university,2011 this year,In addition to the south as they dared hkust taking a step,Autonomous enrollment has no too big news.
After a year,Beijing university and a professor joint to the principal ZhouJiFeng write,Hope north first break"And college entrance examination fraction theory"The fetters of,Try to"The university entrance exam and the combination of expert interview"Admissions to select the way.
11 a professor pointed out that,North of the"High school principal real name recommend system"Both the reform measures such as a limited role,Fractional line or overwhelmingly more than interview enrollment become the only basis and way.They suggested that in the high school and university entrance exam as the main reference basis of,Increase the multi-disciplinary expert team interview link,To expand the influence of the teacher in the recruitment of students.
ZhouJiFeng President said"Totally agree with this suggestion",But because recruit students reform matters,Decided to open letters,To teachers and students/Alumni for advice.
And the ministry of education often emphasize 5% this number,In tsinghua university professor SunFu at first sight,Is the professor of Peking University open letter"Tit for tat"reply.
SunFu initial think,People will see a slow but sure type competition:Domestic a batch of one hundred school and the new south the enrollment of university of science and technology and the school autonomy different,But all chuai wear build a world class university goal.
An old teacher to SunFu initial said,Want to tell children,If 2050 China appeared several world first-class university,Put the race results written on paper,To their grave burn up.
however,In China, the human society,The south university type admissions will be the direction of the autonomous enrolment?Central China university of science and technology education academy of sciences doctoral LiuJin on 1993-2007 autonomous enrolment of word study/Article frequency/Content have been analyzed,Find word appear most times/Fastest growth/Discuss the most lasting is autonomous enrollment fair question.
He summarized the contradiction is first education decentralized and education fair contradictions on one hand,Recruit students access by the government to college and middle school transfer,May produce a large number of institutional rent-seeking corruption even;On the other hand,Universities and colleges in some particular way,There may be to education fair tendency,May go against the vulnerable groups in rural areas and students to participate in.
LiuJin also pointed out that,Autonomous enrollment system after implementation,Due to the lack of professional college admissions officers,Proposition and interview organization the lack of experience,Independent recruitment of students test question scientific cause social widely discussed.For example,Autonomous enrollment proposition based on city most words,For nose to the grindstone and lack of knowledge/Because of economic reasons can't cultivate interest in some aspects of the specialty/Because of the low degree of education and opening up to ability of expression backward rural students extremely adverse.
The ministry of education and pilot college in 2011 rural students clear responded to questions.Tsinghua university launched"Self-improvement plan",Mainly to the state-level counties at the county level and below middle school to choose,Requests the examinee I long-term learning/Live in rural areas/Outlying and poverty-stricken areas and ethnic minority areas,Strive constantly for self-improvement/Having both ability and political integrity.The plan to get a lot of universities response.The ministry of education also puts forward,Pilot college consideration should be given to both the students' quality and regional distribution of rationality,To subject stands out application the examinee/To promote the quality education of the solid region or middle school/To the rural area middle school or appropriately apply for the examinee.
But overall,LiuJin think,In 2006 fudan/Shanghai jiaotong university after reform,In addition to scale the increased steadily,Autonomous enrollment system and no big changes,"There are still many contradictions sharp,Autonomous enrollment system reform is still in the intersection wandering".
名校结盟掩不住暗战的火药味 School alliances can not cover dark war strong
In 2011,Autonomous enrollment public attention unprecedented increase.This and many famous university the smell of gunpowder dye-in-the-wood"alliance"and"Back union"relevant.
In 2006,,Beijing jiaotong university/Beijing university of post and telecommunications university in Beijing five independent recruitment written joint examination.At that time did not cause much attention.But in 2011,Tsinghua university joint Shanghai jiaotong university/University of science and technology of China to participate in the 7 school entrance exam,Beijing university joint Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics/The university of Hong Kong university, such as 13 school entrance exam,Let the entrance exam warming become public topic.
Two big entrance exam organization were called"Warsaw pact treaty"and"NATO".then,Tianjin university/Tongji university/Harbin industrial university, therefore in the engineering school set up"Excellence alliance",Will two camps confrontation into"Triple kill"situation.
This year the spring,Three major league held respectively independent recruitment written examination.Process is not as they professed that perfect.Entrance exam really reduce the cost of the examinee,But some high school principal and the examinee complain,Entrance exam is not the university entrance exam for top student before a small college entrance examination?Even the examination room picture with the university entrance exam is similar.
Even in the union,There are also some colleges and universities are"Under the situation"Passive join.Have college admissions office director of the China youth daily reporters,Don't join is likely to be marginalized,A school of examinee's attraction is difficult to bind together with more than the school.On the other hand,The ministry of education to encourage pilot college explore diverse selection mode,The unified on the exam,Calculate do not calculate a step backward?
More dramatic scene appeared in the end of the year.On December 1,/2,,Nankai university and fudan university announced one after another,2012 not attend the entrance exam.According to the explanation of the two schools,Not union internal contradiction,But the two schools in accordance with their respective the cultivation plan for the talented people,Introduced a new recruit students reform plan,Hope that through independent selection,Recruit to accord with the real idea of students.
Fudan university officials said,Against a fractional line around,Even the admissions policy for high marks as a means of students.The school also said to"With good real autonomy".
The second half of 2011,Due to the ministry of education approval late,Universities released delayed autonomous enrollment plan.This caused a lot of speculation.A popular news said,The ministry of education may unravel autonomous enrollment entrance exam.
The rumours with the ministry of education official notice issued by the collapse of itself.Notice of a comment let several league breathed a sigh of relief,"Continue to explore part pilot college entrance exam".
Even in the internal entrance exam,About the entrance exam in disguised form monopoly germ/Rob top student criticism is not rare.Due to the high school students and the recommended independent recruit students of the university entrance exam top student high contact ratio,Universities are in fact the university entrance exam in advance before"screening"Again top student.Peking University and tsinghua university is almost a monopoly of entrance exam to recruit the best student achievement,Other schools can only settle for second best.
In nankai university and fudan university"solo"after,Also have college admissions officers privately said,Regret not exit entrance exam.
质疑自主招生不等于反对高考改革 Question autonomous enrollment is not equal to against the university entrance exam reform
More important is,Autonomous enrolment in the entrance exam"independent"There were no significant exploration progress.With Peking University and a professor words,Still a"And college entrance examination fraction theory"Enrollment system.In such a system,Even north can only passively accept a limited number of high scores the examinee selection.For the sake of so-called"Social reputation"Student score and ranking,Each college enrollment is not what they really need/LiangCaiLuYong,But evolution as a pitch up points the examinee and rob"champions",Height than fractional line,Even more than the scholarship amount of scrimmage."We are a very worrying."
2011 years after the college entrance examination,Fudan university and Shanghai jiaotong university's telekinesis scold war many reflects the current situation.Fudan university first of all blame"Shanghai some universities of science and engineering"Pretend to be fudan manages the call,Says the school and the student enrollment signed agreement has been cancelled,And persuade students change volunteer choose other schools.Shanghai jiaotong university is response,"A teacher in college enrollment in the recruitment of students propaganda wanton detract from Shanghai jiaotong university".
The smell of gunpowder also reflected in"Warsaw pact treaty"/"NATO"The entrance exam time they announced,2012 years of written examination in February 11,,Examinee can only"alternatively".
Since the independent selection admission is the university entrance exam system"Important supplement",As for the university entrance exam,In 2011,,"market"Learned from the autonomous enrolment the Denver nuggets.Tsinghua university admissions office have to declare,Tsinghua never held any form of independent recruitment of students training.Reason is,The school received many students to report,The company near the school to tsinghua nominal hold independent recruitment of students training.
And about the university entrance exam reform,The ministry of education test center director wear home dry 2011 published an article of public attention.He lists the sent two extreme views:It is suggested that cancel the unified national examination,Replaced with various universities fully autonomous enrollment.Someone is calling for autonomous enrolment cancel such as the university entrance exam policy,Make the university entrance exam regression"Only fraction theory",Implement the national unified proposition/quandary/Admission absolute"united".
He said,Two groups have obvious disadvantages.Education is relatively developed British/beauty/Russia/day/Korea and other countries,Have to reform and perfect examination system,On the whole show"Unified exam and multiple evaluation based on"The development direction of the.This is also the world today examination system reform and development trends.
in"985"Key construction project in the university,China agricultural university is one of the few don't apply to carry out independent recruitment of students school.The school's headmaster, KeBingSheng in 2010/In 2011 two times in this school website deregulation plan to write,Expounds his views.
In KeBingSheng seems,Now the independent recruit students practice,With still was a far cry from what expected.Relevant college entrance examination reform,Seems to form a kind of atmosphere,"To question autonomous enrolment,There is opposition to reform too,Is conservative".He stressed that,His is not to deny the independent college admissions power,More is not against the independent recruit students to achieve the objectives,But it now needs to be improved and the practice of the reform.
He said,If each university themselves organization examination,Cost huge,Technology also is unable to realize.therefore,Countries must be involved in,This is the national unified examination system causes,The United States and other countries have some form of national unity the university entrance exam."These the result of the exam,Although not necessarily is the only admit according to,They are the most important according to.High marks in school is not sufficient condition,But it is necessary condition."
The headmaster constantly reminds said,If not the rationality of the system of active the university entrance exam a clear understanding,It is possible to put forward some solutions,Not only can't solve the university entrance exam system existing limitations,And the effect of the university entrance exam than now as well;Not only can make up for the university entrance exam shortcoming,But also will damage the university entrance exam strengths fairness.This is worth alert.
From 2001 nanjing 6 universities of pilot count,The researchers LiuJin autonomous enrolment will be 2011 years as the current model of autonomous enrolment in the first ten years.In his view,After ten years of university autonomous enrollment system"Came to a crossroads"Player must change and do not change/Big change or major/Where the change of strategic issues of making a choice.
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