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幼儿园另类作业太折腾 家长感叹做功课“拼妈”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

幼儿园另类作业太折腾 家长感叹做功课“拼妈”100颗糖、100颗纽扣完成的幼儿作业 100 candy/100 button finish children work幼儿园另类作业太折腾 家长感叹做功课“拼妈”


一些家长孩子的手工作业太折腾了。做一个称职的妈妈一定要德智体美劳全面发展 Some parents:The child's hand work too about.Be a qualified mother must be integrated art all-round development


另一些家长:尽力而为不必过于计较 Some parents:Do my best don't cry over spilt milk

  晚报记者 肖波 钱钰 报道 制图 邬思蓓

Evening news reporter XiaoBo QianYu reported mapping WuSiBei

  “自从孩子上了幼儿园,我就开始重修手工课了。 ”“儿子呼啦呼啦睡了,老爸老妈加班做老师布置的作业!”“现在找工作拼爹,做功课拼娘。”近来,不少家长在微博上吐槽,幼儿园、小学三天两头布置出小报、做灯笼、废旧材料创意设计等各种雷人回家作业,远远超出孩子的能力,令家长疲劳应付。

"Since children in kindergarten,I began to rebuild the manual training. ""Son shout shout sleep,How I met your mother do overtime teacher assigned homework!""Now looking for a job spell dad,Do homework spell niang."recently,A lot of parents in micro blog vomit tank,kindergarten/Primary school every two or three days that decorates a tabloid/lanterns/Waste materials such as creative design all kinds of shocking homework,Far beyond the ability of children,Make parents cope with fatigue.


The reporter interviewed many kindergartens/Elementary school parents,Collect all kinds of challenges parents the bottom line of the alternative operation,For these assignments,Some parents said quite toss about a person,Others say do your best don't cry over spilt milk.The teachers, said,Parent-child homework more is hope parents guidance,Rather than take on all things.


幼儿园作业大吐槽 Kindergarten work big vomit tank


最苦恼 The hardest


“修桥盖房”全是爹妈的活儿 "Repair houses"All parents work

  “昨天终于把幼儿园的作业做完了。”家住徐汇区的Emmar(化名)母亲昨天如释重负地说。原来幼儿园上周布置了一个亲子作业,要求父母和孩子一起用废旧物制作一座大桥。这么大的工程,光靠大班的Emmar当然无法完成,妈妈只好拉上爸爸一起谋划,普通的小桥不抢眼,难度太高的又做不来,“家庭会议”商量之后决定“修”一座“南浦大桥”。剪硬纸板,Emmar手小力气小,根本剪不动,由爸爸代劳。桥身大致成形了,怎么做斜拉锁?斜拉锁怎么固定? Emmar连斜拉锁是什么东西都不知道,当然又是爸爸妈妈帮忙。起初,爸爸设计的木棍柱子在制作到一半时被证明容易倾倒,于是妈妈又重新尝试用泡沫塑料做柱子,然后买来塑料绳,缠在桥身和柱子上,勉强完成了“南浦大桥”。整个“造桥”过程,Emmar参与的部分基本是听爸爸妈妈商量和 “打下手”。每次遇到这样的作业,Emmar妈妈就头痛不已,一方面由于自己主要照顾孩子学习,这种功课基本上也就是自己的功课;另一方面,就怕做得不够好,孩子在幼儿园得不到表扬,心里难过。

"Yesterday finally put the kindergarten work done."The Emmar in xuhui district(alias)Mother relieved yesterday said.The original kindergarten last week layout a parent-child operation,For parents and children with waste things make a bridge.Such a big project,Light by group of Emmar of course was unable to complete,Mother had to draw the father together plan,Ordinary Bridges do not grab an eye,The difficulty is too high and do not to come,"Family meeting"After consulting decided to"repair"a"Nanpu Bridge".Cut cardboard,Emmar hand little strength small,Fundamental shear fixed,The father allows.Bridge roughly formed,How to do sew lock?Sew lock how fixed? Emmar even sew lock is what all don't know,Of course is mom and dad for help.At first,Dad design stick pillars in production to half proved easy to fall,So the mother again to try to use plastic foam do pillars,Then buy plastic rope,Around bridge and post,Barely finished"Nanpu Bridge".The whole"bridge"process,Emmar participate in part of the basic is listening to mom and dad to consult and "Act as assistant".Every time they meet a such work,Emmar mother will have a headache unceasingly,On the one hand because of their primary care children learn,This work is basically his lessons;On the other hand,They were afraid isn't good enough,The children in the kindergarten not praise,Heart sad.


最吐血 The most vomiting blood


制作百物图纪念入园百天 Production of below chart into garden one hundred days


"Dear parents,Your baby to join xx kindergarten is 100 days.In this memorable day,Would you please and baby with 100 species of the same things decoration in the teachers give your card..."On Monday afternoon,Receive message from kindergarten teacher,YangYu(alias)thoroughly"disorderly"the.In order to facilitate the parents understand,The teacher also special note 100 things is an object 100,For example 100 candy/100 chocolate/100 beans/100 button/Only 100 long-sought, etc,The deadline is Wednesday morning.

  收到短信后,杨雨赶紧发微博向朋友们求助。朋友们的点子也千奇百怪,有人建议用100粒米装饰卡片,有人调侃用100粒黑芝麻组成一颗“黑心”。各种纠结后,杨雨决定用100粒糖装饰卡片,“我估计孩子们看到糖会比较兴奋。 ”于是,她和两个好友一起耗时一个小时,终于完成了这幅巨型糖果拼图。不过,杨雨做到最后,眼睛也花了,糖果也数不清了。心里只想着,快点完工,早点交差。 “孩子刚上小班,用100种东西装饰卡片,对他而言,显示是不可能完成的任务。 ”杨雨说,纪念孩子入园百天的形式有多种,刻意去凑100这个数字,太过形式主义,确实给家长增加了不必要的负担。

After receive a text message,YangYu hurriedly FaWei bo to friends for help.The idea of friends and all sorts of strange things,It is suggested that use 100 grain of rice decoration card,Someone poking fun at 100 grain of black sesame composition a"shoddy".After various entanglements,YangYu decided to use 100 grain sugar decoration card,"I estimate that the children see the sugar will be much more excited. "so,She and two friends take an hour,Finally I finished this picture giant candy puzzles.but,YangYu do finally,Eyes also spent,Candy also number not pure.Obsessed with,Hurry up completion,Breakfast a job. "The child was just small class,With 100 different things decoration card,For him,Display is a mission impossible. "YangYu said,Memorial children into the garden one hundred days in the form of a variety of,Deliberately to gather together the number 100,Too formalism,Does give parents increased unnecessary burdens.


production"Below chart"YangYu also forced to accept.In fact,She most afraid of or manual work.once,The teacher let hand sewing fruit,Home no cotton,She directly from the plush toys at some cotton out,Robbing Peter to pay Paul,Very not easy to put the strawberries plug into the shape of the bulging,Joint to the last,Strawberry incredibly"long"Out of a section of small tail,It is the inside of the filling material leakage.

  “这样的手工实在拿不出手啊,连儿子都嘲笑我。后来,只好去超市买了个现成的交差。”杨雨曾在网上看过一则笑话,幼儿园老师让家长和孩子一起用布和棉花缝制一个水果。结果,有位家长直接买了个柚子剖开皮再用线缝上,当成作业上交,被老师强烈“鄙视”。“每回碰到手工作业,我都特别想模仿这位家长,把水果剖开再缝上最省事。”杨雨苦笑着说,儿子还在上小班,老师布置的作业都由家长包办,没有考虑到孩子的实际动手能力。“相对于手工缝制水果,我认为,捡树叶、采果子等作业更适合小朋友。 ”

"This manual is take do not move ah,Even the son laughed at me.later,Had to go to the supermarket to buy a ready-made cross."YangYuCeng read on the net a joke,Kindergarten teacher to let the parents and children together cloth and cotton sewing a fruit.The results,A direct parents bought a grapefruit dividing of skin to sew on line,As work hand in,Strong by the teacher"despise"."Every time met manual work,I particularly want to imitate the parents,The dividing of the fruit to sew the most convenient."YangYu says with a wry smile,The son was in small class,The teacher the assignment are arranged by the parents,Without considering the child's practical ability."Relative to the handtailor fruit,I think,Pick up the leaves/Mining such as fruit homework more suitable for children. "


最挑战 The most challenge


全家折腾4小时弄破3个蛋 Family toss about 4 hours break three eggs


In order to complete the daughter eggshell painting work,Last Sunday,Family general mobilization toss about four hours,LiuYun(alias)Almost collapse.The daughter of LiuYun in this city a primary school sophomore,The school is being held recently 10th science day,The teacher is decorated in the internal empty egg painting work.


In the face of such a difficult operation,LiuYun scalp,Had to turn to universal network.With reference to the production methods,LiuYunXian use toothpicks in eggs poked a hole,Will mashed yolk,Let the egg liquid slowly outflow.then,Will eggshell clean air,Started playing paper,painting.Every painting link,LiuYun will tremble with fear,Fear the picture on the eggshell get flowers,She gingerly with two fingers pinched the eggs,Instruction to draw the outline of contour,coloring.


Have been busy from morning to lunch time,See to the success,Didn't expect,"MAO wipe"A sound,Eggshell finally can't stay to the end,apart.The whole family more than the regret,Had to start again.All the steps again,To the last moment,But the eggshell or screws up to broken.Stand aside daughter nasty cry,LiuYun also grasp crazy.

  接连弄碎3个鸡蛋后,刘芸决定放弃。 “我看这么耗下去也不是办法,于是就找了个咸鸭蛋代替,在上面画了点东西交差。 ”刘芸说,尽管女儿撅起的小嘴都可以挂油瓶了,脸上写着一百个不满意,但她也实在无能无力。 “我已经如此小心翼翼了,蛋壳还是碎了,家长做起来都这么艰难,就更别提孩子了! ”刘芸感叹说,经常会为孩子五花八门的家庭作业感到头疼,这作业到底是留给学生,还是留给家长?

After crumb after three eggs,LiuYun decided to give up. "I see such a loss down but that is not a good way,So he found a salted duck egg instead,In the above drawing something a job. "LiuYun said,Although daughter mouth pursed up all can hang the oil bottle,Faces one hundred not satisfied,But she also can weakness. "I have been so careful,Eggshell or broken,Parents are so difficult to make up,Let alone the children! "LiuYun exclamation said,For the children often multifarious homework feel headache,This work exactly is to leave the student,Or left to parents?

  在刘芸看来,对孩子而言,在蛋壳上作画确实是一种有趣的体验,只是老师在布置作业前能否给予指导。“或者不要将题目定得那么死板,比如不一定非要在蛋壳上作画,可以发挥你的想象力,用碎蛋壳粘贴成一幅画,没有那么多的技术难点,或许更适合小学生动手操作。 ”

In LiuYun seems,As for a child,In the eggshell painted on it is an interesting experience,Just before the teacher in the homework can provide guidance."Or don't will subject fixed so inflexible,For example must not in eggshell painted on,Can play your imagination,Pieces of eggshell paste into a picture,There are not so many technical difficulties,Perhaps more suitable for primary school students operate. "


最尴尬 The most embarrassing


大冷天帮孩子满地找蚂蚁 The cold to help children everywhere find ants

  “幼儿园这个星期的作业,画6到8个动物做成一本书,我上学那会儿都没这么累过。 ”“我要发狂了,一小时画了8幅!幼儿园作业!画故事书!纯手绘!这还只是草图!还要描还要上色!还要装订! ”几位家长前几天不约而同地在微博上吐槽,幼儿园要求制作一本动物书,但孩子画画水平有限,要凭空做书根本无法实现,于是爸妈操刀上阵。

"Kindergarten this week's work,Drawing from six to eight animals into a book,I go to school at that time didn't so tired. ""I'm going to mad,An hour painting and painting!Kindergarten work!Picture story books!Pure hand draw!It is only a sketch!To trace and coloring!Also binding! "Several parents a few days ago to happen to coincide in micro blog vomit tank,Kindergarten requirements make an animal book,But the child to draw level is limited,Want to just do books cannot achieve,So parents the requests.


And they are different,Other parents in the last weekend in busy to the village to the ground to find the ant.The original kindergarten children arrangement as required to take a photo ants,Write a diary in observation.Some parents complain that,The best home near a printing photos of quick shop,Not for a moment photo work photos,For a while to do grow photos,For a while to go out again trip photos.A parent in micro blog to write:"While days of black when I find the ants,Probably it's too cold,Ants don't love go out..."


More parents,To the kindergarten is required to provide material purchase all solve,Request observation of ants,Online buy a"Ants mate";Request observation snail's time,Birds and flowers market snail sell off the goods.There is even parents in order to complete the homework kindergarten children,Simply match the printer/Sealants machine/Punching machine, etc. Various kinds of"weapons".

  如果仅仅利用周末陪孩子做功课,家长的怨言也许会少一点,但有的幼儿园功课要求孩子和家长利用平时晚上完成,一些家长工作繁忙,做完了单位的活儿还要接着“加班”。简单生活128128在微博上写道:“儿子呼啦呼啦睡了,老爸老妈加班做老师布置的作业哎!上个幼儿园老爸老妈的手工活越来越强! ”

If only the weekend to accompany children do homework,Parents' complaints may be a bit less,But some kindergarten work requiring children and parents use at ordinary times finish at night,Some parents busy working,Finished unit work and then"overtime".Simple life 128128 in micro blog wrote:"Son shout shout sleep,How I met your mother do overtime teacher assigned homework well!The kindergarten ssi manual live more and more strong! "


最荒唐 The most absurd


为了孩子的作业硬吃三筒薯片 For the children work hard to eat three tube potato chips

  变废为宝原本是一种值得提倡的环保行动,可一旦变成作业,却让家长甚为头疼。李倩(化名)的孩子上幼儿园大班,前不久,老师布置作业用废弃的薯片包装筒做出环保作品。“薯片是垃圾食品,我们家从来不吃的。这一下子让我到哪里去找废弃的薯片包装筒啊? ”情急之下,李倩只好去超市买了三罐薯片,又不敢拿回家怕被孩子发现,就偷偷带去单位,明知对健康无益,还是硬着头皮消灭掉所有薯片。

Can make originally is a worth advocate environmental action,But once into operation,But let parents shall have a headache.Sviri ge(alias)Children in kindergarten class,Not long ago,The teacher to give me homework with abandoned chips packing box to make environmental protection work."Potato chips are junk food,Our family never to eat.This suddenly let me where to find abandoned chips packing box? "unaided,Sviri ge had to go to the supermarket to buy the three cans of potato chips,And did not dare to take it home and children afraid to be found,Will secretly bring unit,Knowing not good for one's health,Or crustily skin of head out all the chips.

  “这哪是变废为宝,根本就是变宝为废。完成作业不是利用身边的废物材料,而是到处去买材料,硬生生将其变成废弃物。 ”李倩哭笑不得地说,还有一次,老师让我们用废弃的蛋糕盒做东西,而且要求是圆形的泡沫盒。“都什么年代了,现在蛋糕的包装盒都是纸制的,哪有泡沫制品。 ”为了找到泡沫盒子,李倩来到了小区的废品收购站,遍寻无果,只能请老师谅解。

"This which is make,Is fundamentally change treasure for waste.Finish the homework is not use nearby of waste materials,But everywhere to buy materials,Abruptly, as a waste. "Sviri ge in distress situation to say,There are a,The teacher let us use waste cake box do things,And requirement is round foam box."All what age,Now the cake box are chartaceous,Which have foam products. "In order to find the foam box,Sviri ge came to the district's waste products purchasing station,Ransack fruit,Can only ask the teacher understanding.


Not long ago,Kindergarten a parent-child activities,For parents and children with milk box do a robot,"The child's beginning ability obviously can not reach to the requirement of the robot,Almost all the parents in the hands,The children sat watching."Sviri ge said,At ordinary times the homework help parents,The children formed the dependence.Of course,And a lot of parents complain that is different,Also some parents think do these assignments can be fun,Increase the parent-child communication.


最受欢迎 The most popular


家长帮小忙,孩子巧织“爱心围巾” Parents help small busy,The child skillfully woven"Love scarf"

  “妈妈,我有一个小秘密,到了圣诞节,我要把织好的围巾送给一个我喜欢的人。 ”昨天下午放学时,徐汇区科技幼儿园大三班的女孩晓晓乐呵呵地告诉妈妈,教室里,还没被接走的好几个孩子趴在地上,兴趣盎然地在一块块泡沫塑料板上缠着五颜六色的粗绒线,有的整齐,有的歪歪扭扭,有的似乎漏了格子,但个个全神贯注。一个孩子的外婆催了好几次,小女孩还是不愿意回家。

"mother,I have a little secret,The Christmas,I want to put the weave good scarf gave a I like of the person. "When school yesterday afternoon,Xuhui district technology kindergarten class three big girl xiaoxiao buoyant to tell mom,The classroom,Haven't received up go several children prone on the ground,Interest in pieces of foam plastic board covered with colorful coarse yarn,Some in order,Some crooked,Some seem to leak the lattice,But all attention.A child's grandmother push several times,The little girl or don't want to go home.


This week,Xuhui district technology kindergarten is developing"Weave love scarf"activities.Every child parents please prepare two regiment wool to kindergarten,The teacher taught the children use foam plastic board weave a scarf,On the New Year's day before and after,The active good scarf to the person I love.Some children insisted the weave scarf material home,The second day and taken to a kindergarten,Family did not begin,But look at children complete"homework"process,Can also experience the joy and fulfillment.

  相比较一些幼儿园的 “丢包袱”式的作业,家长们更青睐幼儿园指导教育,家长提供材料或帮助的做法。徐汇区科技幼儿园大三班老师宋爱萍说,“织围巾”是一个深受孩子喜爱的传统项目,很多家长都不相信五岁多的孩子能够织围巾,大人提供了毛线,一个月后,看到孩子的作品,无不为孩子骄傲。

Compared to some of the kindergarten "Lost baggage"Type homework,Parents more favour kindergarten education guidance,Parents to provide materials or help practice.Xuhui district technology kindergarten class three big teacher SongAiPing said,"Knit scarf"Is a deeply love child of traditional project,Many parents do not believe that more than five years old children can weave scarf,Adult provides wool,After a month,See their children's work,For all the children proud.


this"homework"In many kindergartens have,For example SiNa road kindergarten"Picture frame picture"activities,Parents need to cooperate with the kindergarten,Providing children with shirt boxes or other similar box,The children took the material to the kindergarten,Under the guidance of the teacher make a beautiful picture frame picture.


Yuanxiao colored lantern is a lot of kindergarten"In China"The theme of the reserved project,SiNa road kindergarten also requires making lanterns children home,But careful teacher is not lost a job for the children and their parents,But in the materials they need to make lanterns ready,Let the children take home the material package,At home long accompanied and guidance,Use scissors/Glue can finish.Do not pursue the excessive delicate,Do not require to buy more senior colored lantern,Children play in the process of can achieve various teaching goal.


最折腾 The most flounder


元宵花灯,买个回来拆了重做 Yuanxiao lanterns,Buy a back down redo


The tomato in huangpu district mother also encountered a similar work,Such as requiring children with the matches or side other things"made"A house.In her eyes,This work is"abnormal",The child couldn't finish,Are all adults scored,Your child to participate in part are fairly small.


Tomato mother about a many parents got a homework in making lanterns.Tomatoes when small class,There is a kindergarten for the children and their parents to make a colored lantern,Will not buy,Well and the whole class rating.At that time,Some parents go to yu garden commodity market to buy the rabbit lamp/Lotus lamp/Palace lantern,Pull down her new again after modification,Can resolve the material,His look is the DIY,Praised by the teacher.


Tomato mother smiled and said that his hand stupid,Do not out of difficult/Delicate and beautiful lanterns,But buying colored lantern tear down heavy do also don't need to,Finally they came together to make a little orange light.Put a orange internal pulp to dig,Put a small section of the candle.Very simple little orange light have made them,Tomato is full of a sense of accomplishment,But when the comparison,Little orange lamp has mold rotted away,In the end of the assignments,Not praise,His heart was sad.


In the face of such results,Tomato mother comfort son words can make many parents reference.She patiently to tomato said:"This is both of us can do it the best of the lanterns,if?The somebody else may do well,But that's the somebody else's,Also do not have what rare.Like the baby,Maybe somebody else's baby is very beautiful very lovely,But mother a dime a dozen,Because the tomato is mother born ah!"Listen to the mother's words,Tomato become very happy,The next day,From kindergarten carry rotten little orange light back is also a bright face.


In the tomato mother looks,A lot of things,Not the little boy's questions,But parents their own problems.In the face of the kindergarten work,Parents should have their own adaptations and perseverance,It is flexible according to their own actual situation,Adhere to is to parent-child do together,Don't take on all things.Many parents are worried,There are still the main "keep up with the joneses" mentality,Hope children"Don't lose in the starting line",Whether writing reading do the math,Or manual creative DIY,Will for the first,So even the painting/handwork"play"Homework will lead to"Pressure shandong".In fact,The children and their parents in the parent in the process of cooperation,Just do the best you can.


老师看法 The teacher view


“亲子作业”也不能让家长越俎代庖 "Parent-child homework"Also can't let parents do it for someone else

  上海市特级园长、著名幼儿教育专家郭宗莉昨天表示,不少幼儿园会设计各种亲子活动,这当中有一个家长参与 “度”的问题和一个沟通的问题。即使是提高和锻炼孩子动手能力、增进亲子关系的各种活动项目,主要的教育承担者仍然应该是老师,老师根据孩子发展的阶段和能力,设计相应的活动,吸引孩子主动参加。如果希望家长参与亲子活动,老师则应该把活动的目的,锻炼提高孩子哪方面的能力,希望家长如何在家里帮助孩子等细节向家长说明清楚,避免家长“过度参与”,包办替代孩子完成“作业”。

The Shanghai super the principal/The famous children education experts GuoZongLi said yesterday,A lot of nursery school can design all kinds of parent-child activities,One of the parents to participate in "degree"Problems and a communication problem.Even if is to improve and train children's ability/Enhance parent-child relationship activities project,The main education undertaker should still is a teacher,The teacher according to the child development stage and ability,Design the relevant activities,To attract children to participate in the initiative.If hope parents involved in parenting activity,The teacher should be the purpose of the activities,Exercise to improve children which ability,Hope that parents how to help children in the home such as ask the detail explain clearly,Avoid parents"Excessive participation",Arranged substitution children complete"homework".


In fact,In some kindergarten,Existing parents scored the child's hand,But children and didn't get exercise,Even some children also show off their parents make manual,The education of children has no value.In this,On one hand should not it had been charged with the task of by the teacher thrown to parents,Let parents become half a teacher;On the other hand,As most parents is not education workers,To help the child finish the homework in the process,If does not have teacher's advice,Very easy to fall into take on all things position.even,Some private kindergarten children to decorate elementary school change homework,Let parents weekly staring at children complete writing/English/Mathematics, etc. Various kinds of course assignments,Is illegal operation.


关键是亲子参与,过程比结果重要 The key is to participate in parent,Process more important than the outcome


Pudong east kindergarten the principal MaoMeiJuan said,On the one hand,Parents not to kindergarten parents suggested cooperation project too nervous,Don't be too utilitarian,Look in the works of exquisite extent,The teacher won't worry too much about the work quality,The purpose of the parent-child activities project is the main company and cooperation.On the other hand,Each family has its own characteristics,Parents can choose the suitable content to participate in,The key is in the process of children do enjoyable.School education and family education after all have different division of labor,The main education work should undertake by the kindergarten,"Parent-child homework"Frequency is unfavorable and exorbitant,Generally a semester or a year for a can,Some kindergarten weekly arrangement all kinds of difficult lessons,Hard to avoid lets the parents dislike.

  家长对于作业的抱怨,老师们也有看法。普陀区一所小学的俞老师认为,既然作业是布置给学生的,家长为什么要包办?让孩子自己做,哪怕做得粗糙一点,就算完全失败又怎样? “很多人都在说国外的作业灵活多样,一旦老师真的布置了能发挥学生想象力的作业,家长又迫不及待地帮助,或认为这是雷人、无聊的作业。”俞老师说,老师确实应该根据学生的年龄特点,布置他们有能力完成的作业,或者把交作业的时间拖得长一点。但家长也要学会放手,不要认为你的孩子没有能力完成,孩子的潜能是我们不能低估的。俞老师建议,家长可以与孩子一起动手,请孩子出谋划策完成作业。

Parents for assignment of complaints,The teachers also have views.Putuo district a primary school teacher to think of shu,Since work is arrangement to their students,Parents why want to do?Let children do,Even if doing a little rough,Even when completely failed what? "A lot of people are in the said foreign operations flexible,Once the teacher really arrangement that can exert students imagination homework,Parents and can't wait to help,Or think it is shocking/Boring operation."Shu teacher said,The teacher really should according to the student age characteristics,Decorate they have the ability to finish your homework,Or put to hand in the homework time take a little longer.But parents also have to learn how to let go,Don't think your children have no ability to complete,The child's potential is we can't underestimate the.Shu the teacher suggested that,Parents can it together with your child,Please advise child finish the homework.

  在市西小学校长蔡骏看来,从老师布置作业的本意来看,也是希望作业的形式更加活泼,尤其是增加动手探究等内容,帮助学生拓展思维,活学活用。从这点上说,老师的积极性是应该肯定的。但同时,作业的布置也要考虑到孩子的实际能力和家庭情况。不要过分看重形式,而失去了作业的本来意义。很多家长希望孩子交出去的作业看起来完美,所以,习惯于包办孩子的作业。 “其实,我们更倡导让孩子自己动手,做到什么程度都无所谓。 ”蔡校长说,现在学校也在积极改变评价方式,用评价引导师生行为。例如学校评比班级黑板报,已不再以板报的精美程度作为唯一衡量标准,而是比学生的参与度和参与面,“学生自己动手做的多,参与的学生多,就能得高分。 ”

In the city west primary school principals CaiJun looks,From the teacher to give me homework meant to see,Also hope that the form of homework more lively,Especially to explore increase, etc,Help students expand thought,Live learning.From this point,The enthusiasm of the teachers should be sure.But at the same time,Homework decorate also want to consider to the child's actual ability and family.Don't put too much value form,And lose the homework was significance.Many parents hope children surrender to homework looks perfect,so,Used to package the child's work. "In fact,We also advocate let children yourself,It doesn't matter what extent do. "Choi said the principal,Now the school also actively change evaluation mode,The evaluation guide teachers and students behavior.For example the school appraisal class blackboard newspaper,No longer at the boards with fine degree as the only standard,Rather than students' participation and nationality,"Student begin to do more,Participating students more,Can get high scores. "


家长观点 Parents' opinion


“拼妈的时代” "Spell mama of age"


The home has bush and the princess:Since Eva in kindergarten,Parents also follow be busy ah!Often have manual work,Too bothering me this bumbling the parents.


My small fart child:Suddenly discovered that be a qualified mother must be integrated art all-round development!


Longfeng babies:Kindergarten homework to do car,Paper box.Now I'm a head two large.When the mother's,How much will only qualified?


keguo:When the child is a primary school,Parents become do manual first a superior.Sadly the children but will not necessarily!Feel the object of preschool education made a mistake,Parents in complement kindergarten class.


Does not love to say "no" not o:Basic every few weeks I and child dad do it all for the homework worry,His sorrow MBA homework,I worry about kindergarten work.
