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父母怀疑女儿被虐待 告8名学生及学校索赔130万--亲稳舆论引导监测室

父母怀疑女儿被虐待 告8名学生及学校索赔130万 父母怀疑女儿被虐待 告8名学生及学校索赔130万 患病的小华 Sick xiaohua


"That evening after lights out,My daughter is eight classmate shame.They call my daughter kneel down,And said 20 sound‘I'm sorry’,Still use mobile phone camera shot down my daughter kneel down action."


"That evening after lights out,Few of us came to his daughter in the dormitory,Let her say‘I'm sorry’,At first she didn't want to,Later in the others appealed to her apologized,We will go."


The two above statement,One from the child's family,One from eight female classmate,Now no one can prove,What's statement is correct,But the result is,This name its family member said was the beating of girl has students suffering from schizophrenia years,Hasn't found a medical expenses,The family already exhausted.


yesterday,The case in kunming PanLongOu longquan court.


事件 events


家属称女儿被8名同学逼着下跪 Family members say daughter was 8 students forced to kneel down


Pei chang xing in current conditions are DaYaoXian golden town ZhongXiuCun large bay subgroups,His wife called ZhouShouCui,Two people are honest farmers.1991 February lunar calendar,Daughter xiaohua(alias)Was born,The daughter has been their pride,"To acquire the junior middle school,Xiaohua has been monitor,Diploma received a lot of."Speaking of daughter,49 xing pei chang is very excited.


In 2008,,Junior high school after graduation,In order to reduce the burden of the family,Wah abandoned the chance to high school,Decided on the technical secondary school,Nurses after.The September,She get into the yunnan traditional Chinese medicine secondary specialized school school,Learn up nursing.


however,Technical secondary school second grade just opening soon happen one thing,Had become a family forever of pain.


On September 25, 2009 before at wanzi xi,Wah classmates phoeny and little fairy(Are alias)Beat in the classroom,Ran to the platform,Phoeny accidentally a fall,When take dust dust accidentally fell on the sat in the first row of xiaohua body.Wah think,Phoeny take when dust on her ass,Apparently didn't respect her.But little chicken didn't care,To continue and small fairy playing with.


When arching over,Phoeny found themselves on the table was a note.Note is put xiaohua,write"You behave,Be careful dead no place to bury"And similar words.Angry phoeny and wah noisy up,Until the monitor will be two people to open,They only reluctantly back to their seats.


On September 28 evening,Phoeny told her the seven roommates,Let them accompany oneself to wah dormitory,Let xiao hua to his apology.As good friends,The seven roommates agreed.That night at half past ten,Eight people came to xiao hua in the 104 dormitory."They use the language of the evil to my daughter for aggressive and insult.Phoeny still call my daughter kneel down,And said 20 sound‘I'm sorry’,My daughter did not answer,A small chicken will her bag was on the floor,The other students will also my daughter's glasses picked lost in bed,Using pomegranate skin hit her."These words,Is xing pei chang in the many days after listening to the daughter said.


"After being insulted,My daughter can resist,However eight people. Control her,For her to continue to overrun,Until the child is forcing kneeling said 35 sound‘I'm sorry’.But even this,Eight people still refused to give up,They use their cell phones to take a picture down my daughter kneel down action,Before he left the dormitory.At this time,From 8 people enter dormitory has in the past nearly four hours."Xing pei chang angrily about her daughter's encounter.


The second day early in the morning,Xiaohua will happen last night told the teacher in charge.At noon,The teacher in charge with eight students ask them to apologize to xiaohua,Eight people agreed.


National Day holiday,Wah on just two days class,Xing pei chang will receive the school telephone."The school give me a call,Say my daughter spirit anomaly,Often a man sat there,Like a spirit out of the question."Xing pei chang said,The day,He arrived at the school,"See daughter,She run around,What also don't say.Too late to asked about the situation,In the teacher, accompanied by,I took my daughter to a mental hospital in yunnan province.After inspection,The doctor told me,Daughter got acute schizophrenia,Need hospital treatment."


上诉法庭 Appeal court


父母要求8名同学及学校赔偿 Parents ask 8 students and school compensation


Settle good daughter,"I asked the teacher in charge of the children,The teacher in charge but didn't want to say.After a few days,The child mental state are a bit better,To me about that day he was insulting things."After understanding,Xing pei chang decided to wait until daughter got better to find eight students ask things.


The December 28,,Wah improved,The doctor agreed to let its discharge.A discharge,Xing pei chang will find the school,To discuss matters relating to compensation.31,In school under the auspices of the teacher,Xing pei chang and eight students' parents reached an agreement,Agreement content for the:Phoeny compensation xiaohua 7000 yuan,The rest of the seven people pay 1500 yuan per person,Agreement was signed,Xiaohua disease again,Has nothing to do with eight people."I am in the school under the threat of the sign."Xing pei chang said,Added up to 17500 yuan,How can be the child's treatment.


Wah after discharge,Xing pei chang and his wife took 17500 yuan back to the yao hometown.But it didn't take long,Wah illness,To parents and play and scold,Spirit is very unstable.forced,And they had to take the children to the hospital.So far,Xiaohua has successively hospital 6 times,Hospitalization time for up to 18 months.


Expensive medical bills let old xing a crippled,Helpless under,Xing pei chang consultation with the lawyer.Lawyer told his,Children are so,And the school management/The teacher in charge after the incident on the negative attitude.After hearing a solicitor,Xing pei chang find the school,"But the school said,His already doing his duty,Eight students have signed an agreement,Don't want to pay damages."Multiple conciliation,Last August,Xing pei chang and his wife will eight students and schools to court,Request a few of the defendants jointly liable for more than 130 yuan.


司法鉴定 Judicial authentication


女孩属精神伤残中度 The girl is moderate mental disability


The court contact,Xing pei chang couples with a small huayuan fly chongqing,In chongqing medical university first hospital affiliated to wah did disable grade appraisal.Appraisal conclusion shows that:quarrel/Catch tear is a xiaohua made the inducing factors of schizophrenia,Wah to mental disability moderate(Level 2).


Although had the report,But after court mediation many times,Schools and eight students are still unwilling to pay compensation.yesterday,In the case of kunming PanLongOu court longquan court.


庭审 trial


学生:当天晚上我们没有打过她 students:That night we didn't play her


Court yesterday,Eight already graduate female classmate only four people came to the scene,Event direct party phoeny didn't also appeared.What happened to the night,Four people with a statement ChuanKan each other.


"That night,Phoeny tell us,Let us accompany her to find xiaohua,Give her an apology,We agreed to.Half past ten after lights out,We came to the dormitory xiaohua,At that time the dormitory xiaohua the seven roommates are in.Phoeny went to bed xiaohua for her an apology,Xiaohua says:‘Unless I am dead,Otherwise won't give you an apology’,We have the xiaohua persuasion,But xiao hua is not willing to apologize.Lasted 20 minutes,In her roommates under appealed,Xiaohua to phoeny to say a few words‘I'm sorry’,After finish,We will go.The whole process,We didn't and she quarrelled,Have not had her,More not let her have kneel down."Four people also said:"On December 31,,We beat 1500 yuan to the wah parents,And the deal also agreed,Wah again after the situation and we have nothing to do.Now we lose money,It is not possible."


That why he had done wrong,Still willing to pay 1500 yuan per person??"The school the teacher told us,After all that night we went to,So it is still appropriate to compensate a little,We will compensate the."Several people said,Wah at ordinary times very withdrawn character,Do not love and people speak.


学校: The school:


已尽到教育和管理职责 Already done education and management responsibilities


hearing,Xing pei chang rage,Often without the judge agreed to ask to school agent.But even so,The school is still very firm attitude,"We have no responsibility.According to[Tort liability law]The relevant provisions of the:With limited capacity for civil conduct in school or other education institutions learning/During the life from a personal injury,The school or other education institutions do not education/Management responsibilities,Shall be liable for.But when the,Xiaohua has 18 one full year of life,Belong to full capacity for civil conduct;The whole event,Schools have done education and management responsibilities.For example,After the incident,The school teacher the first time mediation organization;Found condition after the,The school teacher the first time inform parents;Parents after coming,The school teacher accompanied by parents and children to the hospital is proved."The school representatives say,The ministry of education for[Students' injury accident treatment measures]Specified in the,Students because quarrel/Fight injury,Schools should not shall bear corresponding responsibility,"The more important thing,School dormitory formulated the regulations of the mentioned,Students may not be in the dormitory quarrel/fight.The school also to each student handed out the student handbook,Manual to students how to obey the rules are the rules."therefore,School agent think,The school shall assume no responsibility or liability for the matter.


The case court will next sentence.


