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男子去女友学校遇阻 与保安冲突重症入院遭截肢--亲稳网络舆情监测室

男子去女友学校遇阻 与保安冲突重症入院遭截肢


Has been amputated is still in the hospital PeiHongYi.

  城市晚报讯 14天过去了,20岁的裴洪仪仍躺在中日联谊医院的重症监护室里,此时他还不知道自己的一条腿已经离开自己。裴父说,儿子是被吉林建筑工程学院城建学院的一群保安打的,而学院说,当日先动手的其实是裴洪仪,但学院该负的责任一定会负。

City evening news - 14 days past,At the age of 20 PeiHongYi still lie in the fellowship of the hospital in the medicine,At this time he also don't know their own a leg have left their own.PeiFu said,Son was jilin institute of civil engineering and architecture college of urban construction of a group of security dozen,And college said,On that day it is PeiHongYi begin,But college responsibilities will be negative.


事发14天后仍生命垂危 The 14 days still in critical condition


Yesterday at about 11,The 20-year-old PeiHongYi lying in the fellowship hospital 3 floor cardiovascular surgical intensive care indoor,Finish operation he has not yet out of danger,Took the two dying notice,On hospital bed doing dialysis,Was livid,Glows eyes,He doesn't know that he has not his left leg,Never run like normal person.13 afternoon,He also classmates and swimming,now,Has become a expect.


The father PeiXianSheng already crying into tears a person,He'd never think,Just won the third prize design,Jilin province first prize of excellent design of the son,Once said to find a good job after graduation,Branch up home pillar,Just off the phone,Meet again is like this.


学校保安发争执引冲突 And the school security hair dispute lead conflict


PeiFu said,According to his understanding,13 21 PM,PeiHongYi came to a girlfriend in jilin institute of civil engineering and architecture college of urban construction downstairs take computer,Security where a son,Son Da a song,Then security began to play son,When two security guards,But soon come five security,The son press the fell to the ground.


PeiHongYi girlfriend make classmate say,At that time really and PeiHongYi happened a little unhappy,Go upstairs to get his computer,Next, you will see a direct boyfriend was four or five name security press the fell to the ground,At this time,Both sides have stopped joust,Her boyfriend always say leg hurts/breathless,The ambulance was taken to the hospital.


宿舍门前标有“男生止步” Dormitory door marked with"Boy walking"


Yesterday afternoon,The reporter comes to urban construction academy,In the security department director lee led by,The reporter comes to the girl of the bedroom door.In the only path to female tomb of the intersection,Have the iron railings and iron gate,The iron gate in,Have a dozen square meters of white caigang room,According to li department chief said,Caigang room is guard house.

  在铁门两侧的栅栏两侧,分别贴着两个告示板,告示板上有红字写着,“女生生活区 男生止步”以及“外来人员进入需要登记”的提示。里面有四栋女生寝室楼,裴洪仪的女朋友,住在对面稍远一点的三寝。

In on both sides of the iron gate on both sides of the fence,Stick respectively with two notice board,Bulletin board has the scarlet letter writing,"The girl living quarters boy walking"and"Foreign workers into the need to register"tips.There are four girls bedroom floor building,PeiHongYi girlfriend,Live in a little a little bit and far across the three bedroom.


保卫处处长:裴洪仪先动手 Security department director:PeiHongYi begin


According to li department chief said,At that time PeiHongYi had entered"the"About 4 m or so turning,"We are not allowed to boys into female dorm."Director lee said,When security guards very politely called PeiHongYi to duty room to go,At that time PeiHongYi with gas and scold the security personnel,Now just students are back to the bedroom,PeiHongYi with duty personnel move a few steps away to the duty room door,Security and made a gesture of please,But PeiHongYi not into the guards' room,And the crowds operator on duty.Attendant said,"How can you push me?"At this time PeiHongYi go up and then give security a boxing,Hit the forehead and eye intermediate,Your hand and caught the security guard hair.At this time a security saw two people grapple with together,He came near and together will PeiHongYi uniform,And alarm.Lee division chief said,Not four or five security guards PeiHongYi play.


学校:该负的责任一定会负 The school:Responsibilities will be negative


Director lee said,In the process of PeiHongYi uniform,Make students said that her boyfriend had heart disease,So the school dialed 120,The 16 hospital appraisal there were no serious problems,As for later PeiHongYi amputated things,School is to listen to the public security organ said.


According to li department chief said,The school then understand the situation is,PeiHongYi have mucus hemangioma,Hemangioma fracture cause of blood clots,And later amputation.Exactly because he and his girlfriend a dispute,Angry or because of dozen security process in hemangioma rupture,All in the future police issued by the testimonial give priority to.


Urban construction dean assistant said philippe,At present the two parties security has been criminal detention,The school will cooperate fully with the public security organs investigation things,If find out is the school's responsibility,The school won't evade,Will be responsible for.


医院:打架或成诱因 hospital:Fight or into incentive


According to PeiHongYi doctor is introduced,PeiHongYi do have atrial myxoma,If there is a brawl,So, or will be later amputation the unrest.According to introducing,Myxoma is a kind of common primary cardiac tumors,Volume small may not have symptoms,Grow up can present hemodynamic changes the whole body performance and peripheral vascular embolization three kinds of symptoms.

  作者:孙圣颖 张添怡

The author:SunShengYing zhang add happy
