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美国14岁少女喝能量饮料身亡 实为预支人体能量--亲稳舆论引导监测室


能量饮料实为预支人体“潜力” Drink energy drinks as advance of human body"potential"


recently,The United States food and drug administration(FDA)A survey released,Have received five deaths report and 1 up induced heart attack report,May all and drinking a name"monster"The high-energy sports drinks relevant.Merchant energy drinks if you can drink?Drinking energy drinks what taboo?What the crowd is not fit to drink energy drinks?The event soon become micro blog net friend forwarding hot spot,Adolescent girl hit energy drinks reports also supported the cause to the attention of energy drinks.


能量饮料让人预支“能量” Energy drinks to advance"energy"

  美国近日发生的5名饮用能量饮料导致死亡的病例中,有一名14岁少女因在24小时内饮用两罐 “怪物”而引起咖啡因中毒,最终死于心律失常。女孩母亲认为“怪物”能量饮料公司没有在瓶身标注该饮料每瓶高达240mg的咖啡因含量,也没有提醒顾客不适宜饮用人群和可能导致的危害。

The recent five drinking energy drinks cause of death cases,A 14-year-old girl in 24 hours for drinking two tank "monster"And cause caffeine poisoning,Finally died of cardiac arrhythmia.The girl mother think"monster"Energy drinks company not in body mark this beverage bottle is as high as 240 mg of caffeine content,No remind customers is not fit to drink the crowd and may lead to harm.


Energy drink was added the human body needs energy for the purpose of a kind of special purpose beverage.Its complementary energy principle is the person drink after energy drinks,The vitamin in drink(The general is class B vitamin)And sugar(Is generally white granulated sugar)In under the interaction,Into the human body needs energy,In order to achieve supplementary"energy"purpose.Many people stay up late or motion,Can choose these energy drinks,Help yourself to resist fatigue,Supplement physical.Some energy drinks because its cool even dazzle the outer packing,More popular with the young group of welcome.


The second military medical university affiliated hospital of long march heart WuZongGui said,General energy drinks contain vitamin for vitamin supplements/To promote the body's metabolism is have certain effect.But from the Angle of energy terms,"Energy drinks"The word itself is not very accurate,Power should be provide hot card,It's the energy.Energy drinks, there are some sugar and vitamin,This is can be converted into heat card,But the main energy drinks to mention spiritual component should be or caffeine and taurine,These two components can temporarily make people excited,But this is not really provide energy,But belongs to a kind of human body potential energy transfer,It is simply the body stored energy of the advance.For example, some energy drinks hit message,"Every bottle of give you four hours of energy",The four hours is not itself provide energy drinks,But the advance of human potential energy,A lot of people in the morning drink these so-called"Energy drinks",Afternoon started a little spirit also can't up,In fact is for energy overdraft.


咖啡因摄入要注意把握“度” Caffeine intake should pay attention to grasp"degree"


"monster"Energy drinks of the little girl poisoning composition"caffeine"Is not rare.Ordinary people drink coffee/Coke inside more or less will have caffeine existence.A cup of concentration of medium coffee can often help people keep 1-2 hours of vitality,And a energy drinks can be achieved 4-5 hours,This to some extent,Is caffeine in action.


Professor wu is introduced,Caffeine belong to central stimulant,It to promote metabolism/Increase exercise tolerance has certain help.To the American dietetic association suggested human daily intake of caffeine can't more than 300 mg(Equivalent to about 2-3 cups of coffee)standards,The average person in the drinkable normal amount of conditions,For the human body is won't have too chief role.But if too much may causes the human body to have the nerve excitement/Nervous anxiety/Heart beats faster,Severe cases even cause sudden death situation.so,For caffeine intake,Must pay attention to grasp degree.


In addition,Caffeine also not suitable for long-term intake,Shanghai hospital of traditional Chinese medicine doctor of traditional Chinese medicine sleep disorders research institute of medical director doctor brown cb remind,If long-term intake of energy drinks like this caffeinated drinks,Even if the daily intake of not excessive,But it can also be caused to human body damage,Especially because it has addiction,Let the human body form drug sex rely on,That could damage the liver/Kidney and other important internal organs of human body,Induced diseases.


小孩孕妇等不适宜饮用 The child pregnant women is not fit to drink


Reporters visited some of the supermarkets to know,A lot of energy drinks and no special mark not appropriate crowd,Such as a brand energy drinks labeled as having not suitable for young children,But for a pregnant woman and cardiovascular whether the patient to drink no clearly labeled.Professor wu pointed out that,Some of the material energy drinks,Mainly is caffeine metabolic needs certain time.General normal adults caffeine metabolic need to 2 hours,But in children's body,Caffeine longer half-life,Slow metabolism.Many children in the morning drink coffee or consumption of caffeinated drinks,In the evening or night will have influence,Even cause insomnia,So children in drinking energy drinks not excessive.


For pregnant women of course doesn't suit,Pregnant women itself metabolism slow,And fetal only eight or nine months of the time,To get through the metabolism,Remove the caffeine in blood,Pregnant women should not be drinking caffeinated energy drinks.Caffeine intake there is a individual difference problem,Because it's in everyone's inner metabolic situation is different,And this kind of high caffeine content"Energy drinks",But also need to pay special attention to.Generally speaking,The child/Pregnant women/Lactation women/Cardioascular disease/Metabolism disease crowd is not fit to drink.


At present,Germany and Canada and other countries on energy drinks issued some limitations statement,Requirements energy drinks must be clearly marked not appropriate crowd,Pregnant women/The child/Caffeine allergy can drink.


And domestic energy drinks on the market,The case is not optimistic.Energy drinks of various kinds/Many didn't mark product composition,Even selling channels also is many and varied.According to the micro bo netizen leaks,At present domestic there have been some place to start selling"monster"Energy drinks.And the reporter in taobao also saw the monster drink overseas act as purchasing agency.


Professor wu Suggestions,Energy drinks must be in the product outside wrapping clear label product composition/composition,Including sugar and vitamin content also need to write it out,And the caffeine/Taurine this likely to harm human body form of the component content need more marked;secondly,Also should be clearly marked suggest intake and composition excessive possible adverse consequences;Without appropriate crowd will also indicated,To prevent unwanted consequences.This express,Consumers will also be able to have a better understanding of the product,There is a tradeoff selection process.

  晚报记者 肖波 实习生 陈婷婷 报道

Evening news reporter XiaoBo interns ChenTingTing reports
