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儿童教育 小心有误区 望子成龙 用力别过猛--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  人们常说,中国的家长最舍得给孩子花钱,培训班、家教、择校……可其中是否有些钱花得过于盲目? People often say that,Chinese parents give children the most willing to spend money,training/tutor/school……But among them are some money too blind?


People often say,Chinese children are of the greatest concern at home,Many people around the child"turn"Under the condition of,Parents strength is really in the a?


here,Have education concept need to progress/update/Scientific problems.So in recent years,Family education class books,Become the press a hot plate.And the topic of education,Never seem to concern,Never say enough.Among them for some specific problems often from experience and viewpoints,Given a hard with universality and convincing empirical reasons.


是与非 Is not and


“别让孩子输在起跑线上”? "Don't let children lose in the starting line"?


In recent years,"Don't let children lose in the starting line"The slogan,It may be said from the great river north and south,Its rapid/anxiety,To make all kinds of class early/Parents busy,Also make the child in the very young,Early on the set of learning"plywood".YinJianLi through the years of education practice,Think this view there is misunderstanding,And in d.l. hung here,To break this view found empirical.


D.l. hung said:"In my school,Have an important biological dogma,Is the brain neurons after dead not renewable,Don't like the skin cells kept metabolism.This is to let the children don't catch out late learning the source of error.but,In the 1970 s,The comparison of study birds psychologists have found that,The male bird singing neurons in the autumn season birth after the atrophy,But in the second year spring and grow new neurons to.If the bird is so,so,The neurons have regeneration of possible?In 1998,,Sweden's doctor Eric in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients seen in the brain of the hippocampus in charge of memory tooth nerve cells under the microscope to shine,The patient said is injected with the radioactive water BrdU(This is a kind of protein,If want to grow new neurons need to use it)After the birth,Display the human brain also have nerve cell regeneration,The original "it was overthrown.Although at present did not know the human brain the hippocampus every day how many new cell was born,But from adult rat experiments know,Every day there are 5000 to 10000 new cell was born,So we don't have to worry about‘An old dog cannot learn new tricks’,We can all learn to life."


D.l. hung introduces another experiment results,The United States a recent experiment,Please college students to the laboratory to learn acrobatic troupe of throw the ball.First a brain scan,Then let them to practice can also cast joint three goals,And for a minute to not be born to stop,At this time to scan a brain;Subjects to bed for three months,Don't touch the ball,Back to the laboratory to scan a brain.When the experimenter put three different period of the brain in comparison with the figure,It was clear that the second picture of the parietal lobe over space motion place some special activation,Increased blood flow,Area bigger;For three months without practice,The place and narrowed.Because these students have beyond puberty,So the experiment very clearly pointed out:The human brain by the needs of the external environment and change the distribution of inner work,As a successful enterprise,It is a internal mobility,Will at any time for the market demand and allocate human.So that the human brain after puberty is finalized the design/Do not change the idea is completely wrong,The brain's plasticity is lifelong,People throughout his life kept for new experience and constantly reshape his brain.So parents don't have to let the child in the starting line for successively,Life is like a marathon,The morning and evening can win.


“开发右脑开发潜能”? "Development right brain development potential"?


D.l. hung after years of research,Think of urban development with right brain/Potential development is a fallacy.She said:"Always have a kind of view,Seems to have been widely recognized,That is:Left brain command right limbs,Members of the left brain command;In turn,The left limbs activities drive the right brain,The right body activities drive the left brain.Because people often use less left hand,So will cause the underdevelopment of right brain."D.l. hung by a large number of experimental science professor at home and abroad the example,This way:"Children's brain is synchronous development,No right to start drive any evidence left brain.Brain plasticity than we might think:Even if the child was a brain damage,Through the normal to the other side of the brain would also hurt the other side of the brain function to receive treatment;Even in the adult only after injury,Rehabilitation still has considerable effect.Britain has a paediatrician,Tracked 500 water brain disorder children's intelligence development,Until they 30.He found that as long as the damage is progressive,To have great influence on intelligence."


In addition,D.l. hung said,In anatomy,Two eyes the left side projected out is the right field,The right field to the left brain;Two eyes right department cast out is left field,Left to right view.Is not the right to the left brain,Left to right.So called the child to cover one eye to inspire the other side of the brain is totally nonsense.But until now,There are people called the child to write with their left hand/Cover to inspire the right brain,Completely do not understand the brain is a close cooperation and brain,As long as the middle of the bridge corpus callosum has not been cut off,The exchange of information is the rapid clear.The left hand can only exercise left hand,Cannot exercise right brain."


关键词 keywords


受虐 大脑记忆会萎缩 Battered brain memory will atrophy


In recent days the central hunan province"Child abuse event"Let a person feel deceived,D.l. hung expressed,Young children,The brain inhibit its behavior ability is not enough,Therefore we cannot blindly punishment.Abused children,He will produce fear,In the experiment will know that it will change people the brain hippocampus,Atrophy of the,So our experiment found,Abused children brain tube memory mechanism atrophy.education/Take care of the child,No matter what people,This person should bring children a sense of security,This is children need most.We in the rat experimental know,Lick the mother mouse,Will make it produce a sense of security,If mother passed away,Use brush stroke in mice,Also can let mice have the same feeling,So no matter who's going to look after the children,To give children a sense of security.


网游 可提升推理能力 Online can promote reasoning ability


Now the children,Is still very hour have already had contact with the network game/IPad games,They grow"electronic"The environment is not expected to many parents had no experience.Many parents headache children love to play online,D.l. hung but said,Play online is not always a bad thing,As long as it doesn't involve pornography and gambling,To play online/Hand fit,The concept of space and reasoning ability and other aspects are very helpful.Online will also develop children's attention span.The child in the game can also practice hold interpersonal relationship,And learn to"Courtesy demands reciprocity"The importance of.


But must pay attention to is,Playing online on the child is not prohibited,But how to let the child of time spent in self-reliance.She said their children as an example,Her children are playing games,She is to teach him,People responsible,You as a student,You want to take the book to read well,Before at half past ten,All the time you,But to point you would go to sleep.If you haven't finished homework,Set the alarm clock in the morning to get up and do.This advantage is,After he learn to be independent,Will be applied to a lot of places,For instance, in the arrangement of the allowance.


外语 学习没有关键期 Foreign language learning is not critical period


Foreign language learning is the child in the education faced in a part of the important.Many children have been foreign language learning,What time to start for children to learn a foreign language,D.l. hung point is,Language learning is"Critical period",The sooner the better;But the second language learning to now didn't see support critical period of evidence.After adult learning a second language,With a child learning a second language performance and indifference.She said,The second language learning,Is different with the mother tongue of the mechanism,Second language brain processing position,Not with him to learn about age,But with his use of the language of the essence of the purity.


专家说 Experts say


人生是长跑,不能短视卢勤(知心姐姐、教育专家) Life is a long,Cannot myopia LuQin(Bosom sister/Education experts)


D.l. hung professor is not only the educator,The more important she is a scientist.Look at her book,I want to say,Education need science.We all hope to cultivate good children,But today, we in the education of children,Lack of scientific,We are anxious psychology,used,But don't know the child in science education of the case,Ability to adapt to society's a talent.


For example,"Don't let children lose to the starting line",This is how many parents approved a word,How many development institutions hang out a word,But this sentence but against the science.In this slogan next,Kindergarten children very bitter,Childhood is not childhood,They are the most happy time more and more short.Life is a long,Not sprint,Cannot because our myopia,Will destroy the child's future.Not because of our utility,Will kill the child good childhood.


Again for instance,In the morning or evening to learn is to learn?Professor o. j. l. made clear said,And have a scientific basis,Don't go to school early.In fact later is good to go to school,Like myself,Is children born in September,School belongs to set before the fall,So although I at home and small,But than school children can understand a little thing.


Sometimes give children bring shadow is their parents.Old feel"Don't play good for nothing",A lot of people think that as long as the child will pass the college entrance examination parents is a success.so,"Tiger mother Wolf dad"Very arrogant.They don't think,Because of their own proud.This is success?And some parents to beat the boy,But this kind of harm,In the minds of children left on the film of shading.


Education may not be as,As YinJianLi no matter(writer/Education experts)


Taiwan contemporary education mode is greater than the mainland go slightly as early as a few steps,The mainland of the education environment,And some of the Taiwan similar,Taiwan society had lost some of the education,The mainland people are going through.life,Maybe no thing like"used"it,Show surprising means and the deviation of target.Some parents very attentively,But produce a small hun hun;Some parents seem what also no matter,The child is very good.Investigate its reason,Education is a wonderful things,Because you in the face of the product is not a senseless articles,But a body hidden a independent complete world rich people,so,If power use wrong,As well don't,Don't force at least not damage,In accordance with the nature of their children often grow well.


Specific to"school"and"Pew class"problem,Difficult to treat as the same,This may have some meaning,But this is outside/Snorkelling of/Auxiliary method,Education really spell is internal/in-depth/Core means,That is the parent education attitude and philosophy and school teachers' quality, etc.so,In the school and so on,Make sure you understand:Money can not buy education,If the price is too big,Can only get negative.


For instance again some time ago came"Child abuse"events,We should be zero tolerance for it.This problem from three aspects need to solve,The first to legislation,Punish such evil.The second to improve primary school teacher as soon as possible/Preschool teachers' appointment threshold.The third,The government should to the kindergarten and primary school education of the capital investment preferential,Put the flowers in the fine decoration of the money to the blending some hidden in the ground,so,Education level will improve.

  晨报记者 刘婷

Morning paper reporter LiuTing
