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15岁女孩上学路无故被恶男挟持 拍裸照后遭强奸--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


You really malicious

  上学路上无故被挟 恶男摧花终获重刑

The way to school by ENan defeat without carrying flowers end the looters

  这天,为了一点小事,小苏心里很不痛快,喝了点小酒,更是一肚子火,干脆骑摩托车到街上找个人来出气!15岁的小玉独自骑着自行车去学校,这条熟悉的街道,没想到成为了噩梦开始的地方。“就是你吧?你得罪我表妹了,跟我走,不走就划破你脸,让你毁容!”明明就是自己心情不好,还拖个表妹下水。小苏手里拿着裁纸刀的刀片,逼着小玉上了自己的摩托车,随即将她挟持到了一间出租屋,用绳把她反绑起来。“你想干什么?我要报警!”小玉哭得梨花带雨。小苏一听,火气腾的一下就上来了,他拿着刀片在木架床旁划了一条很深的痕,并对小玉说:“就在你脸上划一道那么深的口子吧!”可怜的小玉被吓坏了,再不敢大声求救。见状,小苏又得寸进尺,“我刚刚拍了你的照片给我表妹看,我表妹说就是你得罪她的,现在她让我要么划花你的脸,要么拍你的裸照,你自己选吧!”可怜的小玉浑然不知道自己到底得罪了谁,极度害怕之下只好一边动手脱衣服,一边向小苏低声祈求,求他能放过自己。小苏不但没有心软,还持刀片不断威胁她快点,待小玉把衣服脱了,他立刻用手机拍了照片,随后还侮辱了小玉。仗着有照片在手,小苏再三威胁其不能报警,然后将她送回单车旁。不过不久,警察便找上门来了。原来小玉一下午没上课,老师通知了家长,小玉的父亲觉得事有蹊跷,便耐心询问了小玉,结果听到自己的女儿竟然被人玷污,愤怒之下立刻报警。地点:清新县法院结果:小苏暴力强奸未成年在校学生,犯强奸罪,从重判处有期徒刑六年。小记感慨:侮辱一个花季的少女,给人家留下终生的阴影,应该重判。 (黄琼徐 利欣 韩雯)

this,For a little thing,Little su heart was annoyed,Drink a little wine,Is full of fire,Simply ride a motorcycle to the street to find someone to air out!15 years old jade alone riding a bicycle to school,A familiar street,Thought become nightmare the place to start."Is you!?You have sinned against my cousin the,With me,Don't walk will split you face,Let you disfigure!"Clearly is in a bad mood,Also drag a cousin launching.Little su holding paper knife blade,Make small jade on his motorcycle,Then she held to a let,She tied up with rope."Do you want to do?I want to alarm!"Jade cry pear flower take rain.Little su a listen to,Internal heat to the room up,He took the blade in the gallows bedside struck a deep impression,And jade said:"Will you draw a face so deep cut it!"Poor little jade was frightened,To dare not loudly for help.Looked at,Little su and beer,"I just took pictures of you to see my cousin,My cousin said that you have sinned against her,Now she let me or HuaHua your face,Or take your nude,You choose me!"Poor little jade one don't know oneself after all who have sinned against,Under the great fear to one side to take off clothes,Side to ask little su in a low voice,Ask him to let go of his.Little su not only not softhearted,The blade is constantly threatened her hurry up,For small jade take off clothes,He immediately by mobile phone took pictures,Then also insulted jade.They have a picture in the hand,Little su repeatedly threatened its not alarm,And then put her back to her by bicycle.But soon,The police will seek to the.The original jade an afternoon no class,Teachers inform the parents,Jade's father think can smell a rat,He patient asked jade,Only to hear his daughter should be defiled,Rage immediately alarm.site:The fresh county court:Little su violence rape minor students,rape,Severe sentenced him to six years.XiaoJi regrets:Insult a flower girl,Give people a life-long shadow,Should be heavy to. (The HanWen HuangQiongXu hin)
