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One day in the class fee is 282 yuan.This is not a class offer,But a college student with the formula to calculate the cost of skip classes:Annual tuition/Accommodation times four,The cost of living every month multiplied by 32,Add to buy computers and other electronic products cost,Divided by the number of days the actual class,Results the cost of one day that cut class.


University environment than junior high school/Loose a lot of high school,Students have more autonomy to arrange their own life,Whether to also become a class"choice".Although skip classes in the school administrators eyes is illegal behavior,But there is still some students ridicule:"University class only divided into two,Choose skip classes and will cut class."


However a"Reading university cost calculation formula",Let a lot of students have been slam a hand feeling,Even someone exclamation:"If the university tuition fees are paid by the day,I'm not so be ignorant and incompetent."


Calculated cut class economic cost indeed make quite a few students surprised/Love dearly,But don't skip classes which could disappear,Everyone darling sat back to the classroom.The expert reminds:When you could not restrain to escape from the classroom,If you calculated their waste other losses?


不上课的理由有多少 Don't class how many reason


7 o 'clock in the morning,Alarm rang,Sophomore phillips and dormitory another three girl's dialogue is often:"You go to class today?""Who is the son of the class?""no,I want to go to eat breakfast,Or go to class."When everybody in ravel going to class,Someone will not firm,And down on the bed.Also has been considered"Learn the"Up wash and dress the,As far as possible action put light,Do not affect others rest,Four people together action is very rare.


Phillips has a own individuality schedule,She was"marketing"/"Linear algebra"Subjects such as painted black fork,This a few course in addition to determine the teacher to assault the roll call,She seldom appears.


Of course,Those in her looks interesting and high gold content of the class,She must appear."Some lessons to also can't learn??????,The teacher to the PPT read lesson plan,Only sitting in the first three rows of the students can hear her talking about??????,Anyway, there is always someone go to class,Borrowed copy one copy notes,Test can will do."This is the reason of phillips cut class.


Fast LiuTing graduated and two love cut class roommate.A answer read a year before I come to Beijing,But she to the enthusiasm of the class is not high,Although according to class a little up,But stuffy in the house read[A brief history of Chinese philosophy]Or watching cartoon.She started her course only,Then even the professional course are not to go,It doesn't matter is hanged division.In addition a roommate's truancy reason to be more unique,She often for cosmetic time is too long and arrange,Or skip classes to learn Latin dance.


LiuTingChang want to pull the roommate go to class,But the effect is not obvious,But even when the exam"Help each other",Let they pass.


The Chinese JiaRongJin university found,Don't like the professional,more"geeks"The teacher appears to reduce the interest in her class.


Teaching of ancient Chinese literature teacher 31 years old,Is buddhish doctor,Every day in the big class of the robe,Hair disheveled,Always a pair of didn't like to wake up.The most unpleasant is,Clearly is the real from the north,Taiwan is a cavity,Lecture always take a pen,Look out of the window,DongQingChu about,Will shed.Because you do not like the teacher,And think her class nothing substantial contents,So JiaRong would rather go to the library to read also don't go to class.


Lie in/After beautiful play/Taobao shopping/Watching football matches/Go to the library to write operation,This is sitting in the classroom do a much more abundant,The time went faster.it,Every student has his or her class not reason,But most people in decided to escape a lesson at the same time,And no reasonable planning their own time.


逃课不是没有心理负担 Cut class is not without psychological burden


Since have the acting smart cut class,There stand your ground to help everyone on guard.LiuTing as a monitor,Will shoulder the task.I heard that a attendance,She will be for everyone"Ventilation and".


In the eyes of students,LiuTing life as dry as a chip,In addition to the normal outside,She went to the library and read free,The weekend to work,Schedule is full to the brim.Students are puzzled:Some of the class no harvest,It is a waste of time,Better to do some interesting things.


JiaRong will firmly believe that,His cut class than sitting in the classroom"cost-effective".


Because do not like Chinese,She chooses to repair the second degree,Legal professional.When two college courses have conflict,JiaRong had to selectively class,Of course,Her center of gravity in the law,Because she set for yourself plan is admitted to graduate school.


Grade with,Repair the law of double total of 170 people,However, usually go to class"Familiar face"Not more than ten,Only when everybody is seated test,And JiaRong almost perfect attendance.She says Chinese professional is the school"The most easy to deceive professional",Deal with exam is relatively easy,So she will be more energy to the study on the law courses,And at the same time to test English four levels.


Phillips?,Because is the student cadres,A lot of cut class time to be with her in"work"on.so,Although academic performance is not outstanding,But she believes that his organization coordinated ability is stronger.Grade debate/Welcome party participate in the organization are made by her.


"In an activity,You sure will be looking for me,May also see I have the ability."Phillips thinks he is not a waste of time,In her eyes,Other ability is also very important."In the university,Growth should be individualized,Rather than as middle school,Everyone into test machine."


but,The JiaRong phillips skip classes also have no psychological burden:Afraid call,Afraid to miss some test content,Afraid of pay not neat operation.


Skip classes let a person guilty,But many people often have this consolation:During class time to do more meaningful things,Is not wasted time.The most important thing is,If you can get the score on the test,Occasional absence,Also forgive yourself.


学好合理利用时间这门课 Rational use of time to learn this course


Many college students have the experience of skip classes,And think you can arrange your time.so,Reality can reasonable planning university life,Learn and use time of college students?


LiuTing said,The majority of students in the class can still adhere to the class on time.From the test result,indeed,Attendance and is proportional to the result,Only a few people can"Muddle through".Two love skip classes in roommate,Keen on reading[A brief history of Chinese philosophy]Students with no repair enough credits,May not be able to get your diploma,Most recently she see philosophy books and animation interest is not high,How can just to intercede to the teacher.Another in the arrangement of the parents to go abroad for further study,Family condition is superior she does not seem to care about their future development.And LiuTing has started in a oneself to like enterprise practice.


As a university teacher,ShaoLei against students skip classes behavior."I don't want to from the book,Each class will be careful preparation,Can say,As long as students coming to class,Absolutely not nothing."and,In her eyes teacher seriously lectures,Students listen to the teacher carefully,Is to respect each other.


ShaoLei think,The environment of the university relatively free loose,But students also cannot too"indulgence"oneself,Some ability and accomplishment is must go through the classroom can"practice"out.When asked what kind of leave reason is acceptable,ShaoLei list only:sick/Home have two.


Central China normal university mental health education center WuCaiZhi professor thinks,With economic cost to measure the value of a class is not reasonable:"Time cost/Energy costs are taken into consideration,Even the cost of mood."


In WuCaiZhi seems,Smart students selectively cut class,Most of the students understand priorities,What lesson can't escape,Their hearts spectrum at.Of course people are out of group psychology to skip classes,It is not advisable."Some of the lessons you really don't want to go to is the premise of:The first,Sure you have master teacher speak knowledge.The second,Learn to reasonable use of our time,Rather than waste in the idle."


WuCaiZhi think,Now any university will not only pay attention to students' professional knowledge,Students' ability in organization and coordination/To the social adaptation ability is to see the same important.At the same time,University education in the students how to plan their life,And whether the class on time,Is part of the plan.

  “有质量的大学生活,更有利于个人成长。”吴才智说。不过,吴才智也强调,并不是所有学生都有能力做出合理规划,因此,如果你没有比上课更理性的选择,那么,最好别轻易选择逃课。(记者 张黎姣)

"Quality of university life,More conducive to personal growth."WuCaiZhi said.but,WuCaiZhi stressed,Not all students have the ability to make reasonable planning,so,If you don't have a class than more rational choice,so,Best don't choose cut class.(Reporter ZhangLiJiao)
