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男教师逃离中小学:挣得少无发展空间成最大顾虑   在不少家长看来,男教师更善于把握知识规律,以此来激发学生的创造力,迅速形成自己独特的教学风格。 南方日报记者 周游 摄 In many parents it seems,Male teachers more good at grasping knowledge rules,In order to stimulate the creativity of students,The rapid development of its own unique teaching style. Southern daily reporter travel perturbation


Again the annual graduate recruitment season.Elementary school principal or RuiHang countries hope school can enter a few male teachers.In his"At the helm"Of this primary school,The proportion of the number of male and female teachers, up to 1:5.


In fact,Men and women teachers imbalance, or more than occurs in primary school.Shenzhen bureau of from a data display,At present shenzhen middle and primary school teachers male teachers accounted for 36% of the total,Female teachers accounted for 64% of the total number of teachers,Primary school teachers of male ratio of 28%.


Shenzhen middle and primary school male teachers scarce!Shenzhen why men and women with primary and secondary school teachers ratio imbalance,What is behind the profound reason?Men and women teachers imbalance will give students bring what kind of impact?Male teachers group is more outstanding,Whether schools should take measures to balance the teacher gender ratio……These questions again into people's field of vision.


数据 data


目前深圳中小学男教师占教师总数的36%, At present shenzhen middle and primary school teachers male teachers accounted for 36% of the total,


其中小学男性教师比例为28%。 Primary school teachers of male ratio of 28%.


现状 status


某师范专业 A normal professional


仅一成男生当老师 Only ten percent of boys when the teacher


YeJian graduated from anhui normal university physics major,Shenzhen ping mountain high school this year new into the position of the teacher.He told reporters,Their professional 118 students have 97 boys,But in the end only ten boy became a teacher,"As for the graduates,Starting point and working environment determines your future development,So some students go to the graduate,Some students take an examination of civil servants,Or into the company".


"As long as in my life can have change change and unforeseen stimulus,I am ready to set foot on the cliff jagged rocks,Go to the beach with reefs."This is MengWen(alias)Like most British writer maugham[The moon and sixpence]Words in a.


In the normal school of Chinese language and literature major MengWen,Is this year graduate work for a member of the army.Although and his most professional to mouth is the teachers in this career,But MengWen but and don't want to be a teacher.He hopes his life have a dream/challenging.In his view,To be able to communicate with people and deep understanding of the world,Is a"Very challenging things".now,MengWen will media as their first choice of employment.


In some of the school looks,To apply for the decrease in the number of male teachers has become an indisputable fact.


"Recruiting teachers at,In the same in the right person,We will first choice for men."Elementary school principal or RuiHang countries said,Because the teacher too little,In the recruitment, he really hope to recruit male teachers,But the actual to apply for male teachers too little,Sometimes even did not have a male to apply for.


Futian district education bureau a controller are emotionally.He told reporters,From the view point of child development,Each year they really want to recruit male teacher,To change the present female teacher partial many questions.Because the country about teachers' professional regulations,No male and female teachers in proportion of the rigid requirements,In making recruitment policy they cannot say to preferred male teachers,Only is to mobilize the male teacher examination,And tell them shenzhen good treatment.


"But the effect is not good",This person in charge said,They tend to value the comprehensive quality of high male teacher,Do not want to into the line."May these male teacher employment opportunities will be more.And personnel bureau regulation,We can only go to directly under the ministry of education related colleges and universities teacher recruitment,School levels of different also determine the colleges and universities of male teacher place more."


Now in college students' employment situation severe cases,Normal college graduate students to obtain employment have what idea?


YeJian graduated from anhui normal university physics major,Shenzhen ping mountain high school this year new into the position of the teacher.He told reporters,Their professional 118 students have 97 boys,But in the end only ten boy became a teacher.


Talk about why to shenzhen,YeJian said,In addition to hope to see the world outside,He was also shenzhen teachers' conditions to attract,"Just graduated monthly salary is 6000 yuan."YeJian said,This in their classmates of is in above the average.


but,YeJian heart or"More challenging"hopes,Although just appointment only 4 months,But his career is also a general planning:To improve their professional skills,After reach a certain level,"May leave the school,Such as in other education institutions/Remedial class or education service class enterprise,Maybe go to the venture".


South China normal university college of chemistry and environment LinJia senior student(alias)Also don't want to be a teacher,"I want to continue to go to graduate school,Hope there will be engaged in the work of the class."LinJia parents has set up a file in the shenzhen home,"They all hope I in shenzhen as a teacher,After all the teachers here wages and civil servants have a spell".But LinJia remains largely unaffected.


析因 factorial


挣得少无发展空间成男教师最大顾虑 Earn less or development space into male teachers' biggest concern


September this year,A released by Beijing normal university[Chinese primary and middle school teachers' development report(2012)],It is concluded that the primary and secondary school teachers for 10 years in a row"feminine"conclusion.The report shows that,Big cities nearly eighty percent of elementary school teachers hold post by women;Not only the new jin male teachers in reducing the number of,On-the-job male teachers also fleeing.


[Chinese primary and middle school teachers' development report(2012)]mentioned,"The new jin in reducing the number of male teachers,On-the-job male teachers also fleeing",Shenzhen is also has this kind of situation?Reporters have a letter to shenzhen bureau of verification,But the other side of the back, did not make clear a response.but,In the interview,Some teachers in recent years that shenzhen do have some male teachers are"Escape from"The industry.


Flat mountain high school research staff has revealed,This year just induction 3 months of a male teacher has resigned to one's deceased father grind.Baoan district a middle school teacher said,The two years,They have two or three teacher for admitted to civil servants and resign.


In the new sand primary school principals ZhengYaoZong 30 years of teaching career,A lot of the students from the teachers,Some of the mayor/Education director/county,There are students in politics has is the departmental.


The second high school in shenzhen every week rain and years of teaching career,Also witnessed many male classmate turned business or after promoting to a higher position,But he himself had had an"Is a bit poor"day,"The temptation of outside"Once let him to teacher cause of shake.He said,Before ever thought about checking officeholder,But in the recruitment process,But he repeatedly up against the wall,"A lot of unit recruitment when he made it clear that don't recruit teachers,After all the exam is the teacher's strengths,Once for the exam,Others basically competition but the","If there is no policy limit,Teacher: I'm afraid the wastage rate will be more big".


Why on-the-job male teacher"Escape from"or"Escape from"idea?Reporters in more than a teacher,Salary is not high/Work hard/Development the space is not large/Without a sense of accomplishment/No future/Not respected and other reasons were frequently mentioned.


YeJian told reporters,If outside class work,According to the personal performance salary calculation,Teach well salary is high,More with a sense of accomplishment,And accumulation after period of time,Rising space more big.And if the choice has been when the teacher,"Work two or three years exam preparation,After six years of basic impossible to a new job,Every day to work on time took little change salary.If you want to take an examination of senior teacher,At least have to stay up for ten years,As for the super teacher,A lot of people to retire can't reach".


Income no growth space also become some male teacher giving up teachers' one of the reasons for the industry.


LinJia told reporters,When the teacher in shenzhen,Starting wages rather than go to the company's students to high,But with the increase of the school age,Salary increase is limited.In LinJia seems,Society gives men support role,In the family also means that men take more responsibility."Shenzhen prices so high,Prices rise year by year,Buy a house has been a difficult to finish the task,After a child how to do."LinJia think,It makes a lot of boys can't"Steadfastly to be a good teacher".


The reporter understands,Even was awarded senior teacher/Super teacher,The teacher's pay is not necessarily follow up.Baoan district a did not wish to be named, famous super teacher said,"I do teachers 30 years,Now about 14000 yuan a month,Just to the near the teacher may also get 10000 yuan,gaps".The superior teacher also expressed their concerns,"Present should try education more deadly than in the past,As long as the students' score make up it,Business studies may not be valued,It also lead to young teachers ignore the academic and scientific research of the charm".


In addition,The teacher work busy,Don't have time to take care of the children,YeJian is also in the teachers' concerns."A lot of people think it is winter and summer vacation is very easy,But summer and winter vacation we write this article,bookmaking,Prepared a semester classes.At ordinary times QiBaDian class students,The teacher more than six o 'clock will be up,The evening want to accompany students self-education,Back to home and lessons."In YeJian seems,The teacher usually many tasks,"A little personal space all have no,If there are children themselves,I'm afraid even their children had no time to teach".


In shenzhen male teachers team,There are still some good male teachers,If no 11 years don't traditional textbook/In high school Chinese special research learning curriculum reform WuHong experiment,write[Youth reading class]series,Let the students accept the humanities/The life education YanLingJun,And the importance to students' humanistic care/The humanities and civil literacy shenzhen high school Chinese teacher MaXiaoPing late."They stick to,Also means that pay more",A long-term focus on education personage points out.


建议 Suggestions


“让教师行业变得专业化和有挑战性” "Let teacher industry become specialization and challenging"


"In such a large gap between male and female teachers proportion of cases,Related departments should pay attention to this problem,Make scientific teacher recruitment policy,Male and female teachers guide more reasonable proportion.Also should guarantee policy,Make shenzhen teachers can attract/Keep more and more excellent male teacher."A long-term focus on education people in the industry say.


Shenzhen bureau said,The provisions of the state on teachers' professional in,No men and women proportion of rigid requirements,No authoritative research showed that sex appropriate proportion.In shenzhen teacher recruitment and personnel system under the framework of the total,The teacher wants to follow the flow of talent market mechanism,Each school as the main body,To conform to the education according to law/Help the school development/To the principle of the students' growth,Combined with the school staff independent choice of teachers,Form the relatively reasonable teachers structure.


But the reporter understands,Many schools still want more recruit male teachers,And in the present cannot assure male teachers number of cases,Schools are adopting different measures to alleviate this problem.In ZhengYaoZong new sand primary school,The male teacher partial less cases,Will ensure that each class will be able to have the participation of male teachers.


"We will put the female teachers pay more attention to the practice of male teachers,In practice, can the advantages of both fusion."RuiHang countries said,"Family education aspects,Also hope to participate in a daddy".


Yang is a futian district in the auditions recruitment five one of primary and middle school principal,Her school also hope to recruit male teachers,"Give preference to the same conditions".But Yang said a,"Male teachers in language on the gap",According to the difference between male and female teachers can discuss different recruitment content,To attract male teachers.A male looks in,As long as you work hard to the teacher,Gender issues don't worth discussing.


And in LuXiaoZhong looks,The teacher industry safe and not challenging,Is a whole industry.To attract more male teacher,Even more outstanding person into the teachers' industry,The most fundamental problem is the teachers' specialization.Many boys full of adventure,Need a challenging job.Now to do,Is to make the teachers are like a doctor/As a lawyer,More professional,"Not anyone even if not normal professional,As long as there is a certain subject knowledge can when the teacher".


For now,Teachers' professional for"The teacher certificate"The threshold.But only this is not enough,LuXiaoZhong think,To make the society a evaluation standard:A good teacher is not to impart knowledge tools,But the human soul engineer.Will teach/Teach good books,At the same time in class realize the emotional values of the transfer,It is not easy to achieve,"This will allow teachers' professional become challenging and professional.If you need to keep learning enrich himself/Develop their own,challenging,Male teachers won't appear prematurely of job burnout".


声音 voice


“男女教师各有风格,是否优秀与性别无关” "Men and women teachers each have style,Whether good has nothing to do with sex"


Some normal specialized graduation male students don't want to be a teacher when,In the part of the male teacher already"Escape from"Or want to"Escape from".The scarcity of male teachers,Let some parents also very worried.Because in their eyes,A certain amount of male teachers there will be more conducive to the development of children.


"The female teacher will tell me,The child's the assignments/Don't listen to these details,And male teachers were more focused on the construction of the subject system and framework."Parents ms. Li said.Reporters interviewed more than ten random citizens,Some people also think that in the era of students,Male teachers influences more.Mr Yang said citizens,He contact of male teachers in addition to the professor textbook knowledge,More attention to the cultivation of students' humane feelings,Such as the literary background and schools are integrated into the textbook in interpretation,Recommend students watch the original ancient books,Wide field of vision.


In the weeks seems to rain,male/Female teachers in the teaching has significant difference,"Male teachers more good at grasping knowledge rules,In order to stimulate the creativity of students,The rapid development of its own unique teaching style".


In baoan district of some famous super teacher looks,Male teacher is good at rational thinking,Especially in the students into adolescence,Image thinking to logic thinking/The perceptual thinking to rational thinking transformation,Male teachers lead is very important.


Shenzhen bureau of from a statistics show,Nearly five years the city for teachers' day"Top ten young teachers"in,Young male teachers and name,Accounted for 42% of the total.A long-term focus on education personage points out,From the surface to see,Although the top ten youth teachers ratio is closer to male and female teachers,But if the data on the shenzhen male teachers far less than the number of female teachers under the background,Visible from the group terms,"Top ten"The number of male teachers appear more.


And to this idea,There are many people opposed.prepare"Youth reading class"Series of books YanLingJun think yucai middle school teacher,Different teacher's personality is different,The teaching method is not the difference of gender differences.


South China normal university education sciences dean LuXiaoZhong also think,There is no special empirical proof male teacher is more outstanding,This is because of the person different,Difficult to treat as the same."In fact,Women more delicate,In the more emotional input.While men more composed a little,Not too easy to appear."In LuXiaoZhong seems,In terms of gender is,When the teacher,Men and women are very suitable for.


Shenzhen high school is shenzhen designated key middle school,The ROM. The teacher told reporters,The school school teacher for men and women proportion approximately 5:5."Each have advantages",Male teacher more good at abstract thinking,Like their school science competition guidance of teachers in almost all are male,The female teacher more good at thinking in images,At the same time also is careful.

  “女教师比较慈爱、慈祥、细腻、敏感,男教师则比较简单、豁达,对学生的影响是刚性的。”郑耀宗认为,按照人类的自然规律,男女平衡是最好的,但在小学阶段,女教师偏多,比较科学。而在中学阶段,则男教师偏多会比较好。作为一位女校长,项阳也认为,优秀的教师和性别无关。(本文部分受访者姓名为化名)(策划:吕冰冰 统筹:吕冰冰 孙颖撰文:见习记者 昌道励 记者 孙颖)

"The female teacher is love/kind/exquisite/sensitive,Male teacher is more simple/open-minded,To student's influence is rigid."ZhengYaoZong think,According to the human nature,Men and women balance is the best,But in the primary stage,Female teachers more than partial,More scientific.And in high school,The male teachers partial will better.As a female President,Item Yang also think,Good teachers and gender have nothing to do.(This part of the respondents name for the alias)(planning:Lu ice ice as a whole:Lu SunYing ice ice articles:Trainee reporter chang road excitation reporter SunYing)


(Sources: southern daily)
