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广东信宜一校长被指狂抽学生 涉事校长已被停职--亲稳网络舆情监测室

广东信宜一校长被指狂抽学生 涉事校长已被停职

  校长到底有没有打学生 The headmaster exactly have dozen students?

  正 is


@ exclamation point small captain:As a education workers,If even the most important virtue all have no,Why education?!


Maoming @ in zhongshan:Itself is,Why education!People from all walks of life should be mutual supervision,Report exposure such unhealthy tendency.At the same time,The government accountability system to really implement.




@ silly meow:As I worked as a teacher,I just want to say,Maybe it is wrong to play students,But also just hate iron not rewinded into.Good for the student just.Now the students some really naughty nor the teacher in the eyes.When out to society after will understand what the teacher at the beginning so that only want to us grow better just.


recently,Called a"Maoming XinYi junior high school principal public crazy smoke students a slap in the face"The net post recently and in the south/Mr A asked on the net ZhengPing lifted waves.Southern daily reporter investigate that,Video of the male teacher for XinYi pool hole first high school principal YeJinHai,Video of the students were the original there a manifold and wang mou.


校长被指“殴打成性” The headmaster is refers to"Confront beating"


The network for a long time with video 52 seconds.Video display,In an office door,The ground squat down two boys,A male teacher side loudly to a student,On top of the head of the fingers to students.Students answer how long,The teacher on the stool to sit down,Tone heavier,Hand over the students face to swing.Video broadcast to 37 seconds,When students more loudly after answer,The male teacher start up,Left hand again to students,Squat students moment be left to side lying on the ground.The teacher does not appear to stop.


DaRenZhe who is?The post have laid largely at XinYi pool hole first high school principal YeJinHai.Net post said,Underachievement and self-discipline is not strong students once discipline,Leaves the headmaster will"Harsh voice hoot",If a student retort,Often can be pull hair/Fan a slap in the face/Hit the floor/Knock at the door, etc.Students with a"Confront beating"principal.


In addition,Net post also revealed another three dozen students' events.One is the original one LuoMou students make mistakes,In the process of questioning,Is being strangled by the principal,With the head bump to,Cause short shock.The second is on duty the President in leaf he was found that students who FengMou and around the students talk,In front of the class surface smoke FengMou two a slap in the face.Three is the student li mou for discipline to the teacher's office,Just see the headmaster was smoking a slap in the face.


学生称其“有时脾气大” Students say the"Sometimes temper big"


Reporter in the pond hole first middle school around when visiting,The students confirmed to reporters,Video of the teacher is really hit the school principal YeJinHai.A number of students in the memory,Leaves the principal although strict to the student,Work is responsible for,But sometimes temper is big.


An anonymous student told reporters,Some of the students really discipline by the headmaster played,"Especially if students dare against,The headmaster will be laid hands on him more heavy".


One student said,Video of the two students read at 2,At ordinary times is naughty,After the criticism by the teacher still dare to against.As for why will be playing,The students have said can't remember.


The school a graduated alumni, think,Objectively said,Leaves the principal is not so bad,And it just/responsible,Quite a few students into the society after,You'll know the headmaster for all one's pains."What can students do extraordinary things,I believe that never fail to end to hit."The alumni says,Leaf during the term of the principal,The school teaching level have been progress,He is very understanding why the principal temper.


This section of video also cause school peripheral part of the discussion."Brilliant disciple!"A passing the villagers heard after this that Mr. Li,In the face of the naughty students,Don't say the teacher,Is their parents,Sometimes hate iron not rewinded into,Also bound to teach students,Just can't play too heavy.


"If it is your own children,Would you like to be somebody else to play it?"In addition, there are some people argue that,Play is not sure."


涉事学生亦称只是“推” Students also called wade things only"push"


It is understood,Pool hole town is now in the education and strong town the important stage,Events cause the attention of the XinYi city bureau of education.


The vice President LuoGuiLin said,After the incident,The city education bureau sent to school special investigation,The principal YeJinHai temporarily suspended under investigation.The city education bureau chief roth also confirmed that,It says,A preliminary investigation as a result,The headmaster is"push"students,Rather than"play"students.


Investigating the case JianChaShi bureau director the benq told reporters,Video records of events happened in June this year the final simulation during the test,Two students were manifold one and wang mou,Now, he is studying grade.the,Liao a Joe wang mou in class a summer transfer out the work of the leaflet.Note that by the teacher,The second quarter self-education class,The teacher let two students to the office,Ask the origin of the flyer.But manifold a refused to replacement,Also against the teacher.At this time,The principal YeJinHai is tour after class,Undertake to the student education,Push a few manifold one.


Education provides a manifold and wang mou written respectively[The President's education].Two logic them say,When the headmaster just hand push the manifold a few,inactive,The principal also patiently for them to go out to play about the dangers of summer jobs.


XinYi education bureau said that at present is still in the further investigation and verification."If it is a student,That must be dealt with harshly,Even to fire.If just pushing,Does not exist violence tendency,It doesn't have to be dismissed."Roth said.


The reporter,What YeJinHai principal in the mobile phone have been unable to get through.

  南方问政记者 汤凯锋 发自信宜 策划统筹 宋季华

The reporter asked the government ShangKaiFeng from XinYi planning as a whole SongJiHua
