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In the heavy rain, the Chinese university of Hong Kong,Media for people and political science professor ZhouBaoSong rob to give priority to speaker imprison son open an umbrella Yin.Hundreds of an umbrella audience includes port at the principal ShenZuYao,This is a titled owners"The meaning of death"lecture.


One student said,She didn't think to stand in the top of drizzly misty rain to hear such a lecture about death,Especially in the fast pace of life/Material pursue strong Hong Kong.


Instead of death is not the opposite of life,And it is the elements of life.It is because"death"constraints,Life becomes limited,Everything in the life choices/Choice to become precious,Only in this way of life is worth to cherish,Has value only to the.


On Friday evening,Hong Kong was a heavy rain.The most rain,But there is a group of people in outdoor party in like the Colosseum in Rome, the Chinese university of Hong Kong new Asia college round square,Grey professor stood in the middle of the square,With a slightly be wet notes loud speech;Behind his back,Two middle-aged like naughty little boys,For him for a carries an umbrella.


The two middle-aged,Is a popular media for people,One is the Chinese university of Hong Kong political and administrative department ZhouBaoSong professor,And under the umbrella of the speaker is professor of philosophy at port Yin imprison son.In this"Towers will avoid 4 a"city,They are going to discuss the theme of the straight but the core of the meaning of death taboo.


"I hope,In this lecture,Let the young students will be able to death as a serious problem thinking seriously,At the same time provide a public space,Using the rational common to seriously discuss significant social and life."Is responsible for organizing the ZhouBaoSong lecture to the China youth daily reporter said:"Hope this way let people see university education there is a possibility,Is to make knowledge into the students' life."


Cuhk in Hong Kong,"Life and death education"Not only exist in the occasional lecture.Since the 1990 s,The university offers special general class[Death and immortality],To the students formal system to explain death problem.In recent twenty years every semester,This course will bring students"Reflection on death".


Wet weather in November 30,,The scene was hundreds of people and colorful umbrella packed with.Hong Kong university President ShenZuYao standing among them,later,He also specially to sponsor ZhouBaoSong hair message:"I came,Don't bother you."As with other students who arrive late,The headmaster stood in the square of the last row,While listening to the rain hit the crack on the umbrella voice,Listen to the about"The meaning of death"discussion.


如果我们不懂得死亡的意义,也就无法了解生命的意义 If we don't know the meaning of death,Cannot understand the meaning of life


Lecture haven't started,Four brace with transparent umbrella students went to the middle of the square stood in a row,Use English accapella a period[lullaby].This is ZhouBaoSong idea,"Birth and death are all important moment in life,Since today's lecture to talk about‘The end of life’,Let the from the lecture‘The beginning of the life of’Singing it".


Inclusion in the rain in the lullaby,Did not cause the audience too much attention,That several have been to the students can't remember the tune.But this piece of melody but touches the prepared speech imprison son Yin,The father was common German sing this song to young son to sleep,But 15 years ago,His son died due to illness.To hear this song,he"Almost cry".


"death"The heavy topic in a very long period of time bothering him,Don't release.Lose 15 year old son later,Daily was described as students"Easy lovely"Imprison son of Yin"Almost destroyed".The German philosophy had quite a philosopher once ran to develop computer software,The main research Kant's he also refuse to began to Kant's course,"Because the whole mind not contain a‘reason’word".[Death and immortality]Professor of the TaoGuoZhang had invited him to come to the speech,But imprison son Yin"Want to a night,Or refused",because"Too much".


In fact,Even teach for twenty years[Death and immortality],TaoGuoZhang also are still learning how to understand and how"death".Is less than ten years old,He is suffering from kidney disease,"For death is very sensitive",But although each semester course facing death theme,he"Will still have a kind of strangeness".


This also is to let the audience feel unfamiliar topics:Young students"Think that death is still very far away";In micro bo see forecast from shenzhen to middle age,Is eagerly hope to understand"How to overcome the fear of death";Some people are online inquiry,"How to explain the concept of child death".


In this rainy square,The audience sat imprison son a wife and daughter.Imprison son Yin to"death"The inevitable topic public speaking.


"I teach several decades,Not tried in such a situation and lecture."The 61 - year - old professor grabbed his notes,Turning to paused,Then with trembling voice said:"But you kind,I will do my best."


That can make complex heavy philosophical topic speak interesting teacher came back,He is going to"Not only personal feeling to play around,But from the theory to analyze carefully all death".He has previously prepared thick notes,After the tragic printed with small clip clip up,With bright yellow fluorescent pen in key sentences labelling.


He took French writer beauvoir's story for example,Novel leading role for"Eternal life",BC lived through the twentieth century,But from death but he"Eyes without the god,Indifferent to all",because"Can't die,Life is become a curse,Did not seek the meaning of any impulse".


"Instead of death is not the opposite of life,And it is the elements of life."Imprison son Yin said,"It is because‘death’constraints,Life becomes limited,Everything in the life choices/Choice to become precious,Only in this way of life is worth to cherish,Has value only to the".


In the rain,The principal ShenZuYao stood in the last row,With an umbrella to listen to the speech.The principal office at before,He was a doctor.2003 Hong Kong encounter"SARS"when,His supervisor department accepts the first confirmed case of SARS patients.In the fight against the disease claimed countless life when,He experience many true death.


"If we don't know the meaning of death,Cannot understand the meaning of life."ShenZuYao to China youth daily reporter said:"As a doctor,This I also contains a more special meaning."


"The question of death no one can say is all in a few words of truth,Compared with,You for this problem is the pursuit of the spirit,Than any‘The answer’Are precious"


Rain wet imprison son Yin notes,Wet paper stick together,Turn the page are difficult.He difficulty to turn inside out prepared pictures,The picture of the oracle"death"written.He was lifted up,Trying to make the students can see clearly.


Such public life and death education in Hong Kong is not common.once,ZhouBaoSong niece inquiry learning philosophy uncle:"Man will die?"He hasn't started to answer the eight-year-old girl's question,Are parents stopped.In Hong Kong,digital"4"Like a kind of taboo,Discuss the death is a unlucky things.ZhouBaoSong wanted to invite the little niece to listen to the lecture,But her parents are rejected.


Even the professor[Death and immortality]Course for twenty years of TaoGuoZhang,Still often find,Face up to death topic is not easy.Although ZhouBaoSong says TaoGuoZhang is"The most popular professor on campus",But even if is such a professor,Still be talking about the death of the class get the cheese.


As part of the course,TaoGuoZhang suggested that students visit"One-stop service",Including cemetery/Funeral home/Clothes shop and so on.But he soon found,If you don't add rigid requirements,The whole class 80 students only 1/4 to visit.Can't,He had to give the visit set up a credit,To ensure the students to attend.


In more than a decade ago to one"despair"As the theme of the discussion sessions,TaoGuoZhang and students about the book[Diving bell and the butterfly]Because of paralysis/Can't open your mouth to speak/Only by blinking eyes of transfer information of leading role.They tried to imitate in the classroom that strong patient by blink to write,And test yourself in that"Say not to come out of despair"under,Will not want to commit suicide.


The results,Wearing a round glasses TaoGuoZhang spent half an hour to write the first word,But the eyes have been too tired to keep tears.At that time,Tortured by kidney disease decades of TaoGuoZhang with students discuss said,If you really encountered this kind of despair,Maybe it will choose euthanasia,Choose to give up.


But in the past ten years,TaoGuoZhang but now I choose to live,"Life's greatest despair are also still has its own way.slowly,This class also influence me,Although I'm from young when the body has a problem,But teaching let me put my own problem down,Try my best to do externalizing death".


In the past twenty years,TaoGuoZhang for[Death and immortality]Class design many different teaching syllabus.Just when begin to teach,He also like a rigorous as researchers,The death categorization,Into sudden death/Chronic disease/suicide,By the book to explain death.


But now,He will tell me about the love story of male leading died,Invite buddhist mage to class about religious perspective of life and death,Would organize workshop experience,With students simulation facing death feeling.


"When people talk about death,Tend to regard it as‘The death of others’,And ignore the meaning of the self.In fact,Death is the existing human soul-searching,We should put it into the feelings of life,Also the promotion of life,So it may change your view on the world."TaoGuoZhang said,"I teach this course for twenty years,Hope can through my research and experience,To those who to death topic sensitive students more reference".


But the teachers also think,For death topic discussion,The answer may not meaningful process itself.In imprison son seems to Yin,"The question of death no one can say is all in a few words of truth,Compared with,You for this problem is the pursuit of the spirit,Than any‘The answer’Are precious".


在这个不爱思考的年代,能够讲一讲认真的话题 In this love thinking s,Can say serious topic


The lecture from rainy evening has been in the dark.The way of the street light,Square near the new Asia water tower and light up the lamp.Is located in the top of the mountain fog shrouded in the circle,Orange light irradiation in the hold up an umbrella,"Like a delicate landscape painting".


In the end of the lecture,The host ZhouBaoSong Suggestions,Close all the lights,You two minutes in silence,Just think about the death of the dialogue.


"I hope in this people don't too truer,Don't pay attention to thought s,This place in the university,Can still have a group of people are willing to get together,Common thinking and face‘death’The unavoidable big."ZhouBaoSong says seriously.


And such a discussion,Every week in TaoGuoZhang class expansion.He didn't go to the square of the lectures,Because he will be busy in preparation for the upcoming semester last lesson"Dialogue between life and death".


in[Death and immortality]class,The last class per semester by he and a doctor host.This issue of the theme and fixed called"Unknown death,Know how life".A little sick philosophy professor,One is in the clinical experience of many deaths doctor,They sat together with students discuss about this term"death"experience.


In it was drizzling Friday evening,YiZhanZhan lights out,With the rain put up on the steps of the lighted candles,To attend the lectures students bowed his head,Silence down.


"I am blunt come for,But it wasn't able to stand in the top of drizzly misty rain to hear such a lecture about death,Especially in the fast pace of life/Material pursue strong Hong Kong."The department of music in cuhk read a graduate student ZhengSi said.


And cuhk business management professional students CaiHanQing until after the lecture went to a restaurant for dinner when the content of aftertaste,She also cheerfully and met senior said,He has just had to listen to a field"Very romantic"lecture.


Can have begun to practice for students in this lecture not interested in,"Is not with you around the garden yao"?He also persuade the lower classwoman,"These courses are not practical,Tomorrow you will face looking for a job/These things stay in Hong Kong,All those trivial life issues,Will let you haven't the strength to think about these problems".


She also received a"Helpful hints",In everyone want to get high scores on campus,The door[Death and immortality]Give points is not to force,Your score"Or death,Or immortal".


These remind let the junior girl like a ball gas drainage.She stared at his dinner,Hair a micro bo,"In this rain,Think about the death of one of life's problems,Is a kind of romance,Just after the wost,Or to face after about the reality of daily necessities".


Even so,In the face before life trivial,She was involved in the lecture and other people together,Get a quiet moment.The rain in Hong Kong,One should have busy dating/Busy cast the final assignment/Busy on a Friday night,The hundreds of people with an umbrella gathered in the square silence for two minutes,Thought their heart"The meaning of death".


Shrouded in mist in the university,All the lights are out,Only the candle in the light rain in the flash of light.When everyone is low head in,A young man in silence blowing clarinet,In the busy city of the top corner,Quiet can hear his music is playing the song"Moral origin of life"of[lullaby].


(Original title:The night,Us face to face with death)
