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两高中生食堂接吻被学校开除 家长认为处罚过重--亲稳网络舆情监控室


       source:东北网 Northeast network

  生活报12月5日讯 日前,大庆石油高级中学的一对男女学生因为在学校食堂内接吻,被校方开除。事情发生后,引起各方热议,学生称自己是在做游戏,家长认为开除的处罚过重,而校方则表示是按章办事。学校对于涉事学生的处罚是否过重,非义务教育阶段的未成年人能否被学校开除?4日,记者就此事对家长、校方和我省教育专家进行了采访。

ShengHuoBao December 5 dispatch a few days ago,Daqing petroleum senior middle school students for a couple in the school canteen kiss inside,Be expelled from the school.After things happen,Aroused hot discussion,Students said they were in the game,Parents think fire punishment is overweight,And the school, said is act in accordance with the regulations.School for students in things of punishment is overweight,Is not compulsory education stage of the minors can be kicked out of school?4,Reporters on the matter of parents/The school and our province education experts interviewed.

  事件回放:食堂接吻 男女生均被开除 Event playback:The dining room kiss all men and women be fired


In a telephone interview in things students clearly(alias)Father Mr. Gao,According to he introduced,When the son 15 years old this year,In daqing oil high school was read.At noon on November 27,,Clearly and several students in the school dining hall,One of the students just birthday,After dinner, including clearly seven men and women students gather together in a play the game.The game is similar to"Stone scissors cloth",but,Whoever loses has to obey the orders of the win,If let men and women living kiss,We must kiss.The game,A girl lost,So clearly and a kiss.however,It was the school dining room surveillance video filmed.In the afternoon,The school informs the child's grandmother will clearly brought home,Waiting process results.And the morning,They know that school to clearly and the girls made fire treatment.

  家长质疑:学校处罚过重应给改正机会 Parents question:School punishment overweight should give correct opportunity


"So the little child said fire is fired,As a teaching school why not give the child a reformed chance?"Mr. Gao said pain,Since November 27 after coming home,Clearly has been put yourself at home,Don't eat not to drink,recently,Clearly emotions become more depressed,Always ask when he can go to school."Such a small children don't learn can go up,Went to the society,Lifetime finished the."


Mr. Gao think,School for children for the overweight,"One size fits all"Practice make them hard to accept,"At least should give the child a the chance to correct them,If you make,Then fire is not late."Mr. Gao told reporters,After things happen,Clearly had cried knows he was wrong,Will be a good reading,Never make such a mistake.

  学校表态:按章办事建议转学 The school said:Act in accordance with the regulations suggest transfer


After the incident,Mr. Gao has repeatedly to school to find relevant leaders,Expressed their ideas.But school officials say,They are completely in accordance with the rules and regulations work.[Daqing petroleum high school management manual]specified,Students are not allowed to early love,Once found,Will be criticized education process,If the circumstances are serious will be dismissed.Clearly and the girls in the school canteen when kissing,In the dining room management ignored the warning,If the circumstances are serious,So fired two people according to the provisions.


According to the local media reports,Surveillance video reduction November 27 13 when XuDaQing oil high school canteen happen kiss scene -- a tall girl sat a boy on his thigh,Two people mutual cuddle/Stick a face/kiss,Time up to several minutes,The longest kiss time for about ten seconds.The school teacher said,The school would have found that clearly and the girls love existing problems.


4 and 30 points,Reporter telephone interviews with senior middle school of daqing oil smoke vice President,Those who vice President said,Protect students from the point of view of privacy and feelings,It is not convenient to discuss with reporters in a telephone call in the cause and effect,For fire is clearly school final processing results,The vice President of the room and did not give a definite answer.


According to Mr. Gao speak,After he and school repeated communication,Schools finally agreed to,Can keep students clearly,But the child not return to the school,Suggest transfer.

  专家说法:学生应讲公德 学校不应太武断 Experts said:Students should speak public schools should not be too arbitrary


Daqing petroleum high school for clearly, punishment is overweight,Is not compulsory education stage of the minors can be kicked out of school?The reporter interviewed the guangdong provincial foundation education two marshal LiJunMing.He said,Students in school management to this kind of phenomenon no specific provisions,so,The school in the handling of the incident,Mainly by their rules and decide.LiJunMing think,If clearly parents not to accept the decision of the school,Can to daqing city education bureau to appeal;If the daqing city education bureau reply is not satisfied with words,Can also further to guangdong provincial appeal.


Our province an education experts when accepting a reporter to interview think,Minors in the school public kissing really against morality,But the school therefore went down"looters"Fire students is too arbitrary.therefore,Education expert advice,The students in public places should have basic public spirit,Don't do anything harmful to the students' image,At the same time, in the face of the minors to early love when events such as,The school and parents both sides should be rational,Should schools and parents coordinate,In the premise of respecting the students guide education,Frequently closed or fire and curt practice probably can affect a child's life,daily,Parents should also pay more attention to the change of children,For children the right education and psychological counseling.
