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国内艺考竞争激烈 海外艺校看重啥--亲稳舆论引导监测室
(1) the British museum can be seen everywhere.
(2) the department store display an artistic breath.
(3) the street can see students in the class,Understand the true meaning of art.
a,Guangdong education examination yuan announced[In 2013 the university entrance exam art skill exam outline]and[In 2013 the university entrance exam music skill exam outline],This marks the official start of the art of the note.The reporter understands,Students studying abroad in recent years more and more art students,The United States/British/French became the hot spot of art study.However, it should be,Art students admission principle both at home and abroad/The environment of training and the idea there is a huge difference,Overseas YiJiao pay more attention to students' knowledge and artistic talent.Foreign art test is not as a unified organization of the domestic arts exam,Only the school organizes school exam,Different school has different requirements,Students must fully understand the school application requirements,Works from sketch to the finished product every steps have to be carefully preserved.
Guangzhou kai tak education group company general manager think liuxiang,For the future are interested in art creation work of students,A lot of times need to be in the learning process,From the side culture absorb nutrition,Understanding the different culture.In a foreign country,Can see students in the class,Involved in all kinds of museum/Art gallery/hall/Studio or street,Direct to the masters of understanding the essence of art,At different times the evolution of art.And foreign class and no neat desk and chair and platform,Big the filled up with all sorts of study tools/Operation of materials and the experimental semi-finished products,Students can be directly watching each other/Discuss inspire,Relative independent and open.
In addition,Foreign environment also can give students bring a wide display platform,Such as British Cambridge visual and performing arts school will be held every year graduate works show art festival,London some creative company will be held for some special for Chinese students"alternative"association,For cultural and creative/Art design speciality students with a face to face with several related company butt opportunities.
学艺术语言要求相对低 Learn art language requirements relatively low
Many overseas colleges and universities value students' artistic ability,The language requirement of relatively low,Such as Germany to art class specialized student's German performance requirement is three points(Full mark is 5 points),Less than the average professional 1 minute.And as the French music college in admission student pay more attention to students' professional level,Rather than French level.If no ielts or toefl art students and language achievement,Can read language,Read professional course.
In addition,Special art college general tuition is more expensive,And comprehensive university affiliate art college tuition is relatively moderate.Such as the study of American public university art class specialized annual cost(Living + tuition)In less than 280000 yuan,In the United States private art schools in undergraduate course fee(Living + tuition)About 330000 to 380000 yuan RMB.Some countries have special policy,Cost is relatively lower.Like the read French/The German public university tuition fees can be free,Just to pay for each year 50000 ~ 70000 yuan can be living expenses.Enroll in Singapore public colleges and universities art professional,One year tuition is about 100000 yuan,Ielts to achieve 5 points of students,Have requirement for tuition 50% ~ 70% reduction of government grants.In addition,The United States to read part of the community college art professional,Tuition is about $5500 / year.
艺术天赋不高也有课程可学 Artistic talent is not high also have to learn the course
Liuxiang think,If parents because the child had no talent,Or temporary ability almost,Is worrying about the child future work,And interrupt children's art road,It is very regrettable thing."Children like art,May art talent is not high,But I can choose to learn culture and art management,Art auction/Art exhibition, etc."
海外读艺术部分推荐专业 Read part recommend overseas art professional
艺术史 推荐院校:英国萨塞克斯大学、英国曼彻斯特大学、英国爱丁堡大学、英国圣安德鲁斯大学等。
Art history recommend colleges and universities:British university of Sussex/At the university of Manchester, England/British university of Edinburgh/St Andrews university, etc.
音乐表演 推荐院校:英国威尔士皇家音乐戏剧学院、英国金斯顿大学、英国伦敦大学金斯密斯学院、英国利兹大学、英国谢菲尔德大学等。
Music show recommended colleges and universities:British royal welsh music drama academy/British Kingston university/The university of London goldsmiths/The university of Leeds UK/British Sheffield university, etc.
平面设计与插图 推荐院校:英国剑桥视觉及表演艺术学校等。
Graphic design and illustration recommended colleges and universities:Cambridge visual and performing arts school, etc.
数字媒体 推荐院校:加拿大西蒙菲沙大学。
Digital media recommend colleges and universities:Canada Simon fe sand university.
配饰设计 推荐院校:法国时尚IFM学院(配饰设计)等。
Deserve to act the role of design recommended colleges and universities:French fashion IFM college(Deserve to act the role of design)etc.
3D动漫设计 推荐院校:澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学、悉尼科技大学、皇家墨尔本理工大学等。
3 d animation design recommended colleges and universities:Queensland university of science and technology/Sydney university of science and technology/The royal Melbourne institute of university of science and technology etc.
音乐技术 推荐院校:澳大利亚格里菲斯大学。
Music technology recommended colleges and universities:Australia Griffith university.
留学故事 Study abroad story
美术复读生变身知名设计师 Art answer read happen body famous designer
Gerry grew up like painting,But my mother a"Art can't be eaten",Reassure him when the idea of art students,Main instead of literacy class.however,College entrance examination after miss,Mother to know the art of literacy class scores required for a little low,Insist that Gerry become a art answer read was born,Contact normal art training,Trying to be art undergraduate.the,From the art unified examination,Also there are only a few months time.Compared with the other students in the studio,Gerry strength is relatively weak,It makes him feel more pressure.After consulting his family,Gerry choose to apply for the nation united university in Virginia plane design professional undergraduate course.In the first year of reading,Gerry attended the university art foundation course,Learning cartography/Space research/Western art research/Human/art and other basic course,And with GPA2.8 grades,To successfully enter the plane design professional undergraduate course learning.Gerry said,Every school year end,Students' personal portfolio/Usually results/Individual course assessment will be as evaluation whether students continue to study factors.And the school education consultant regularly to communicate with students,Check the situation of students preparing for the final portfolio.
Gerry said:"In the United States this multicultural society,I often because come into contact with a lot of different culture,Stimulate creative ideas."And now,He has graduation and successfully in a domestic company as a designer,Also took part in the international plane design competition,Has successfully at.
留学故事 Study abroad story
当了五年设计师 毅然出国深造 After five years designer resolutely go abroad for further study
Mr Luo was south China university of science and technology industrial design graduates,Once at home do furniture stylist.But the work five years later,He suddenly found himself lost direction,So choose study Australia Queensland university of technology design(The research direction)Master course.Mr Luo think,He is more like Australia curriculum is simple,But learn deeply,Like Queensland university of technology industrial design of undergraduate course has seven stages of the industrial design course,At the end of each semester layer to help students learn industrial design,Also has the team cooperation design/With the artificial center of creative design/Design imagine thinking training course.And students can according to be fond of,Choice for industrial design and special open elective courses.Mr Luo said:"The school of creative industry institute,Opened the creative industry research and application center/Interaction design center and business center of creative industries,The concentration of digital media/Design enterprise,Teacher also encourage students to participate in the project practice,To help students develop their creative career,All these give me to create a good atmosphere of creation."(Text/diagram:Reporter with you)
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