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中新社济南12月5日电(记者 孔凡元)“八年后的我已学有所成,是一名优秀的对外汉语教师,为外国友人讲解中华民族的优秀文化,为汉语在世界上的传播尽一己之力。”这是一位名叫崔明珠的山东大学生在山东省高校微博体系上“大学生畅想未来”之“八年后的我”微博线上生动描绘未来8年后的自画像。
Jinan arriving on December 5,(Reporter KongFan yuan)"Eight years later I already have learned something,Is a good foreign language teachers,For foreign friends explain fine culture of the Chinese nation,For the spread of Chinese in the world the best of my ability."This is a man named CuiMingZhu shandong university students in shandong university micro bo system"College students think about the future"of"Eight years later I"Micro bo online vividly depict the future eight years self-portrait.
For the last few days,College students in shandong province university micro bo system active imagination"Eight years later I",series"Life is beautiful"The vivid images of in micro blog woven together.According to introducing,Such micro bo published more than 9000,More than 100 college students to participate in the discussion.
The activities of the organizers/The communist youth league committee of shandong XueJiaoBu WangYaWen 5 in accept China news agency reporter to interview said,The party's eighteen big for Chinese people to describe the comprehensive well-off society in 2020 completed the grand blueprint.This goal task and college students is closely related to the vital interests of,After eight years of college students will be comprehensive well-off society in the direct beneficiaries,Will also grow into the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the force.Based on this,We make full use of the cover has been established in 83 universities/38000 youth league branch of the communist youth league of the university organization micro bo matrix,Scheming the theme activities.
The reporter login the micro bo platform to see,There are a lot of students have above vividly depict the future self-portrait.Shandong women's college a students wrote:"Eight years later,I am a sign language teacher,Through the fingertip to deaf children to transfer the information of love,I use sign language as they build the bridge of communication,Let them know that,Because of love,Not alone.Let them experience the charm of sign language,Hand regards words,Let love at their fingertips,slowly,Will find themselves not just be the lover,Love is mediator."
Net friend @ JingWenXiu said:"Eight years later,In the distant Tibet,I became a teacher education,Every day and in the village of the innocent/Lovely children play/play!Listen to the classroom the loud children bright and clear,Enjoying the children sing to my song,The children around me,Listen to me to tell them the story of outside,Give children a heart full of fantasy."
There are many similar micro bo,They are all university students from the hand.
Shandong province political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Shandong construction university professor deng XiangChao think,"Eight years later I"Micro topic through the young students are comfortable"Small incision",To further clarify their goals in life and career planning,Which caused college students' wide resonance.After eight years of college students will witness fully built the great achievements of the well-off society.Through the"Think about the future"Series of activities,Can guide students to find personal ideal and the party and country is in need of combining site.
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