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莫言:文学远比政治美好 我的小说里有丰富政治--亲稳网络舆情监控室



 莫言演讲称文学要关心政治但大于政治 Mo yan speech said literature should care about politics but more than politics

  北京时间昨天晚上九点,在斯德哥尔摩大学Aula Magna楼演讲厅里举行了一场莫言作品朗诵兼讨论会。这是莫言继新闻发布会及演讲后,在斯德哥尔摩参加的第三场大型公开活动,也是首场对公众开放的公开活动。

Beijing time at 9 o 'clock yesterday evening,Aula Magna floor at Stockholm university lecture hall held a mo yan works reading and discussion.This is MoYanJi press conference and after the speech,In Stockholm in game 3 large public activity,The first is open to the public public activities.


Stockholm university can hold one thousand five hundred people lecture hall almost full,The audience from the Stockholm university teachers/students,As well as an ordinary citizen,Including many Chinese students in Sweden and in Sweden life of the Chinese people.Activities also attracted a large number of the news media.A total of mo yan read two works,The first article for short stories[The Wolf],Article 2 for[Fatigue life and death]And screening,Mo yan after reading it,There is a translation with Swedish read aloud.After reading,Sweden Sinologist ROM. Many Bi introduces mo yan's works,After work on mo yan quiz.


ROM. Many Bi said,Mo yan is a deeply rooted in traditional Chinese writer.We just listen to his recitation of the story is[The Wolf],It reminds me of the 4th century[immortals],Also reminds me of my hometown mo yan celebrity,write[strange]wrote.ROM. Many Bi said,Mo yan is special William Faulkner and [Garcia marquez, gabriel's influence,The two writers make him understand,A writer must have a piece of their own place.For he knew that the two writers is burning furnace,He was ice,If he doesn't leave them as soon as possible,He will face the risk of burning.


ROM. Many Bi said,Mo yan's works is full of fantasy,Has a nervous/Thrilling story,These stories are great may not have any symbolism,But many are full of meaning.


Read after the link,The audience to mo yan and ROM Bi more questions,Don't talk to literature and world view.


Beijing time today,Swedish king Carl xvi gustaf to mo yan, including laureates awards.


现场提问 On-the-spot questions


“多关心点文学少关心点政治” "Much concern point literature less concerned about political point"


ask:Why in your novel history is very important?


Mo yan:Because we live in in history,So the history is very important.And the so-called reality will soon become history,So any reality is the continuation of history,The history of all problems are inclusion modernity.so,My novel is the fusion of history and reality.


ask:Readers don't know you work in thought will be disappointed?


Mo yan:As a writer to all readers performance enough respect.Even those who misinterpret your people.Excellent works there are infinite was the possibility of distortion.The more outstanding works,The more easy to distort.Only the theme particularly clear/Very simple work won't be misunderstood.So I want to good writer will put his ideas deeply hidden in his works,He should work in shaping good character,Let people express their thoughts,So good works is full of contradictions and paradox.I hope to continue to work hard,Write as soon as possible so that full of contradictions and paradox works.


ask:I think that you work for the readers ask a lot.Because different cultures?Do you think Chinese readers easier to understand your work?


Mo yan:In fact I had just said,I do not have any request to readers.As long as read my book,Is my good friend.


ask(According to the lot Bi more):Mo yan's works good to read?The reader understand got?


ROM. Many Bi:First I think Mr. Mo yan is a story writer.The story is generally is easy to understand.So even if you don't have any understanding of Chinese culture,You can also enjoy,Understanding of the novel mo yan this story.If you do not have any understanding of Chinese culture,You come to our university years Chinese,Will read something deeper.So mo yan's novel can easy to understand,But they are rich,There are different levels.I found[Fatigue life and death]Is a very rich book.I have forty years of sinology,I think I read this book three times/Four times/Five times is worth.MAO zedong's words to read five times,Your novel to read at least four times.


ask:There have been a lot of recent about your political criticism.


Mo yan:I want to any reader can ask questions,Also can ask political issues.Some writers might be willing to answer political issues,Some writers don't want to answer the political problems.If I have a political award,I don't answer political issues,You can take the prize.Political need politicians to study,My answer is may not be correct,Is likely to mislead the reader,So I don't want to answer.But my novels have political,You will in my novel found very rich political.If you are a clever readers,You will find,Literature is far more than a political.Political fight you,Literature teach love.Many won't even see the novel will be in love.So I suggest that we care about a little more than you love of literature,A little less concerned about the political fight you.


实录 memoir


莫言读《狼》 Mo yan read[The Wolf]


Mo yan in Stockholm university works at reading,Reading the novel[The Wolf]:


The Wolf pictured my the first photos of the pig.I know it will get you the photo studio to photo,Went there in advance,Hide behind the door waiting for.Our dog followed me,Squat down in my side.Ten o 'clock in the morning to the clock,Wolf has come.It turned into a white face of the middle age man,Wearing a wash hair white blue khaki cloth Chinese tunic suit,The sleeves with some chalk dust,Like a high school math teacher.I know it is a Wolf.It leaned over the counter,From her arms touch the film,Just want to shop assistant.My dog rushed up,At its bottom bite.It let out a yell and,Voice is biting.Its tail in the pants inside the expansion,But then remove the.Then I know it has deep way,Can in an instant steady mind.My dog loose open and ran off.I am a dashed up the film took over.The shop assistant help victim of an injustice to say:"You the man,How so arbitrariness?"I loudly say:"It is the Wolf!"It pretends to look miserable,Silently with a wry smile.Shop assistant shouted:"The film back to somebody else!"But it has turned to the door.Wait me back to the door,Over the streets empty,Even a figure no,Only a sparrow pecking at a stand hot horse manure.


反响 repercussions


陈文芬 瑞典知识界另眼看莫言 ChenWenFen Sweden intelligentsia see another mo yan

  新京报斯德哥尔摩讯 (特派记者吴永熹)诺奖评委、汉学家马悦然前天对国内媒体说,这两天他特别高兴。他说,之前瑞典的媒体报道对莫言一直不太友好。但汉学家夏谷最近撰文将先前媒体的指责一一反驳澄清了,“一下子把他们全打倒了,我好高兴。”

The Beijing news - Stockholm (Special correspondent WuYongXi)The Nobel judges/The day before yesterday MaYueRan Sinologist to domestic media said,This two days he especially happy.He said,Before the Swedish media coverage to mo yan has not been very friendly.But Sinologist summer crops articles recently who accused the media one refute clarified,"Suddenly put them all down,I'm so happy."


Yesterday in the morning,MaYueRan wife ChenWenFen in micro bo said,"Summer crops that article is the rock!"When it comes to the Swedish media on the attitude of the mo yan,ChenWenFen to Beijing news reporters:"Summer crops that article come out later,In Sweden, where top intellectuals situation the turn."


ChenWenFen and mentioned,The Nobel nomination group chairman pelle think public opinion in mo yan speech after a lot of change.He thought that as long as read novels or mo yan of prose,View is different,So he wants to MaYueRan immediately release his translation of a small part of the mo yan prose,Posted on the Internet.ChenWenFen said,She should soon to open a web site,Let the reader read like Sweden as soon as possible[My childhood]/[Sell cabbage]/[First love]This kind of mo yan's small articles.


A reporter asked summer crops that article wrote??????,ChenWenFen in micro blog wrote:"Translators Chen Wallace flat(Of all)Sir Seems to have entrusted this translation!But this two days we engaged in activity,I want to later he will be completed,Must notify dispatch!"


"He USES his own way to talk about Chinese history and problems"


Once worked as a teacher/It is a education consulting company boss Michael KaSong said:In his speech,He described as a"story-teller",A traditional/The Chinese story-teller.His speech is very strong/Very beautiful.But he did not when it comes to politics/No talking about China's problems.


KaSong said,He was watching the mo yan[Fatigue life and death],Has only one hundred pages."Simon the(Novel leading role)It is a dog."KaSong said,I really like his writing,I was reading[Fatigue life and death]Of course not a history book,But he's in his works in his own way of writing to China after the second world war history and problems.I think he is a very good writer.but,Writing and politics are two different things.


"Astronomers talk about politics is put the cart before the horse"


Stockholm university a administrative staff Eva · MaKeLun DE told reporters,She read in the newspaper, mo yan's speech,Feel very good.She didn't read the book mo yan,But see a movie[Red sorghum],Mo yan's works to very interested,So have to listen to in Stockholm university reading and works discussion.MaKeLun DE said,"I think every year after the Nobel Prize issued,Sweden will have a large number of writers about politics discussion,But last year's lang siteluomu he is Swedish,And a poet.The LveSa have a lot about his political stance discussion,But I think a writer won the Nobel Prize for literature,Because he is a very good writer.About political discussion is put the cart before the horse."


山东将推莫言纪念邮戳 Shandong will push mo yan cachet

  据新华社电 记者9日从山东省邮政公司获悉,为纪念莫言获颁2012年度诺贝尔文学奖的历史性时刻,莫言家乡高密市邮政局与济南市邮政局决定推出诺贝尔文学奖颁奖纪念邮戳和纪念封。

According to xinhua reporters 9 from shandong province postal company to learn,In honor of mo yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for 2012 historic moment,Mo yan home gaomi city post office and jinan post office decided to launch the Nobel Prize for literature award cachet and covers.


It is understood,This type of cachet the Nobel Prize for literature gold medal the pros and cons of design,Postmark edging the people love to see and hear country card stamps tooth hole pattern,Gold embedded the Nobel Prize for literature,And note to Chinese English bilingual"2012 the Nobel Prize for literature of awards""Stockholm, Sweden""2012 lantian, 12 · 10""Shandong density""jinan"Words such as.(WuYongXi)
