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高校志愿服务藏“秘密” 累计时数可算学分--亲稳网络舆情监控室


On December 5, is the 27th international volunteers day,More and more people use when volunteers/Do volunteer service, and other ways to serve the society/Harvest happy,The nature is little not the form of college students.The reporter understands,Guangxi university will be part of the college students volunteer service in the credit evaluation system,From the school to the students' level of volunteer service activities for approval.But there are also related experts say,Volunteer spirit is asking anything in return,College students volunteer service can provide"earn"To credit,Seems against voluntary service purpose.


Volunteer service"Credit incentive"Among college students will produce what kind of response?School is out of what kind of considerations will into the credit evaluation system?"Against original intention"The problem really out?On December 4th and 5th,Reporters interviewed with these questions in our part of the universities and experts.


学生声音: Student voice:


志愿服务藏着小秘密 Volunteer service hide little secret


The volunteer service into the credit,It is meant to guide more students involved,But in the part of the students there,But formed another"reading".A Yong in junior college WangTongXue told reporters,At the beginning he was to participate in volunteer service activities,On the one hand, because see senior learn elder sister go to major activities as a volunteer,He thinks that it is an honor to have face.More important is because heard that volunteer more than 80 hours,Can also calculate two innovation practice credits,And he is going to go abroad after graduation,Foreign universities attach great importance to the social service experience,Volunteering can give him a bonus.


WangTongXue said,In fact this school there are a lot of students like him holding the utilitarian mentality,Join volunteer service activities.He used to have a learn elder sister,Now in the study of the university of Cambridge, UK,Senior year,In order to go abroad she even a lot of professional courses are not on the,But the school volunteer activities she will go to,Because these experiences help her to go abroad.


Guangxi university a responsible for youth volunteer association guidance teacher told reporters,Most of the students to participate in volunteer activities is to serve the society,But there are still a few students have their own selfish calculations.In china-asean expo volunteer activities in the process of guidance,She occasionally run into so of students,Participate in the activity will be eager to ask before"Can you into the meeting"/"Can deal with foreigners"?Have foreign language students such as assigned"Stood at the door of the"/"Move stool"Work is not happy,Others simply refuse to work,because"Not to apply the,Exercise oral".


"If a student to credits to voluntary service is not reasonable."Guangxi a Yong in college youth volunteer LiTongXue this attitude is very clear.She said the past students to participate in volunteer service activities,Mentality is very simple.When students know that graduate must have social practice points,And to participate in volunteer service activities can also calculate the credits,She obviously feel a lot of new to join the youth volunteer association of freshman students are utilitarian."Every time a volunteer service activities,Some students will ask clear,This activity can't seal,Can you calculate the social practice points.If you can seal,The students will be much more special,No selected students will also have emotions."LiTongXue said,Some students attended an activity,If not be issued with a certificate of approval for volunteer service activities,Also will be angry.


老师观点: The teacher view:


评学分有违志愿精神 Review credit against volunteerism


"Volunteer service activities are free/Does not strive for the repayment,But do volunteer service can get innovation practice the practice of credit,Let volunteering for the change."Guangxi university in Yong a volunteer activities for more than ten years of teacher expressed her worries.In the process of contact with students,The teacher obviously feel,Some students are in order to earn credits or bo qualifications and come.


A teacher in university according to his many years of observation analysis is introduced,College students to participate in volunteer activities,Especially such as service"lianghui"/High-end BBS and other great activities mainly has the following several mentality:


The first of the sense of social responsibility,Want to help others/Social services;The second is thought of the look,Volunteer service from the channel feel the atmosphere of the major activities;The third is contact some in their contact less than people,To improve their ability in a particular field or professional level;The fourth is around the students signed up,Anyway, his idle also nothing important matter,Better to join in the fun.


The teacher found,The first kind of students to participate in volunteer service,Full enthusiasm,Met an accident will be tried to solve;And behind a few class students in volunteer service,If meet the unpleasant situation,Prone to negative emotions is slack.She for example,One year students doing china-asean expo volunteers,And is responsible for the safety and order of college students,Someone in the mobile phone to chat in the play,And someone was responsible for the public to pour water,Help protect personnel"At the thief".


The teacher is introduced,Part of the students to participate in volunteer service activities was to have various"objective",Credit incentive is stimulated"Mentality complex"The part of the students.In the school just implement innovative practice credits that year,The school all kinds of volunteer activities in the number of applicants than usual for twenty to 30% increase.At present,The school through to strengthen the training of volunteers,Improve the students' understanding,Let some students truly understand the spirit of the volunteer activity connotation,Volunteer service is the original look.


学校回应: School response:


是认可不是回报 Recognition is not return


"Give credit is not the purpose,School students to participate in more value(Volunteer service)process."Guangxi medical university, secretary of the communist youth league QinXiong said.Because of the particularity of the medical profession,In the beginning of the school from the school,Volunteer service is a bud,Medical students free to the fields to see a doctor for farmers.decades,Volunteer service in internal and external vigorous development,Dozens of students in the school community,More than eighty percent is a volunteer service character of nonprofit organizations.


QinXiong think,Have a credit,Most of the students will go to do a volunteer;And credit evaluation is just a small part of the other to attract come in,Expand the voluntary service involved in face.According to introducing,In 2011,,The school according to the national related documents,made[The measures for the implementation of undergraduate social practice],Provisions of the 2012 students from the start,Will vacation social practice and volunteer service activities for setting"Required credits",The volunteer service activities of 0.6 credits.


Volunteer service activities can also calculate the credits of university and guangxi university.The school academic administration a teacher told reporters,Volunteer service is the student to participate in the science and technology innovation and a part of the social practice,Including scientific and technological inventions/Subject research/Paper presented/Subject contest/Style events/Holiday practice, and other projects,Starting from 2002,The school has innovation practice into the credit evaluation system,Just at that time for electives,Students may not get to declare.In 2011,,School third revised this credit evaluation system,Requirements from level 2008 graduates start,Innovation practice two learning into students' compulsory credits,Students from more than one content selection at a apply for credit(According to the project and HuoJiangXiang differ,The weight of credit is different also),Don't credits can graduate,the,Volunteer service activities"threshold"Service is at least 80 hours,And by receiving a service units to provide proof,Youth corps committee still need to verify that.


Guangxi university academic administration a teacher introduction,education/research/Social services/Cultural inheritance and innovation is our country college education the four big functions,Volunteer service could reflect the university education function aspects,Will into the credit evaluation system,Reflect is the guidance,Also on students' behavior and all kinds of achievement recognition,The recognition,Does not involve material or spiritual"reward",Does not belong to return.


The reporter understands,Will students volunteer service into the credit evaluation system in the outside the university has been implemented,In addition,Area of guangxi university for nationalities/Guangxi institute of finance and economics/Guangxi agricultural vocational and technical college and university,Also once had the teacher suggested that will incorporate it into the category of credit assessment,But because of all sorts of reasons,At present temporary not through.


探讨: discuss:


问题出在评价机制还是“志愿服务习惯”? The problem in the evaluation mechanism or"Volunteer service used to"?


Reporters learned from TuanOuWei,In recent years the guangxi volunteer team will continue to grow and develop,This year the latest statistics show,Our party and government departments/enterprise/Schools and folk volunteer organization and so on various system existing registered volunteer total reached more than 1.14 million people,All kinds of volunteer service organization 3095.


Nanning pku social work supervision/Autonomous region people's hospital psychological doctor to think,The volunteer service into the credit evaluation system of the original intention is good,But because our country volunteer service system is not perfect,Some students don't really set up public consciousness,Did not know to should make a contribution to society,The university,Suddenly will volunteer service concept"grafting"To children,To lead to some students with utilitarian heart to join volunteer service activities.But the question itself is not out in the evaluation system,Out in the volunteer service habits and traditions.She thinks,We should from the primary school/The junior middle school will establish a social practice this course,Parents should also pay attention to cultivate children's public consciousness,Let the child from the thought recognized the practice.


A long engaged in the student work of university teacher said,With the development of foreign mature area compared,In part of voluntary service participants thought is still in accumulation"Primary stage",College students' volunteers can feeling the true meaning of voluntary service, of course, is very good,Even without,In this area have been trying to/Understand and experience,Through this channel contact the society,At least for the students to open the voluntary service this door,To cultivate good habits voluntary service.A Yong in junior college WangTongXue concede first join the youth volunteer association"Purpose not pure",But in order to add credit,He is always take an active part in all kinds of volunteer activities,Gradually also like after school to participate in volunteer service life state,Now he volunteer service time already more than 80 hours,But he is still active in volunteer team.
