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中年男子称“认识你爸”将9岁女孩骗出学校猥亵中年男子骑车带走芳芳 A middle-aged man ride away fangfang中年男子称“认识你爸”将9岁女孩骗出学校猥亵学校西墙曾经的豁口 School west wall once yawns中年男子称“认识你爸”将9岁女孩骗出学校猥亵西墙已被焊接,但仍有豁口 West wall has been welding,But there are still yawns


"Give you piece of chocolate,I know your father,I brought you find him to ah?"Shenyang a nine year old girl,So is a middle-aged man from campus cheated,Riding a bicycle to the park near obscene.After the,The police investigation of efforts in full swing,And find the surveillance video.


November, and,The girl's father want to shenyang evening of human flesh search sex maniac:"Who know him?Fast alarm!"


时间:11月28日上午 time:On the morning of November and


地点:芳芳家 site:Fangfang home


受伤女孩一个多月没上学“常被噩梦惊醒” Injured girl more than a month didn't go to school"Is often nightmare wake up with a start"


On the morning of November and,Shenyang evening news reporters came to scenes of meritorious service and great achievement three road nearby fangfang(alias)home.Is sitting on the bed to watch cartoons fangfang see reporters,Smile the initiative to say hello:"Uncle good!"The bed desk is placed fangfang textbooks and homework,The notebook to write neatly with his name and grade,But the inside of the paper but he didn't write a word.


The accident more than a month,Fangfang has been hiding in the home,Didn't go to school.Although every day she impatient for back to school early,Back to the classmates side,Can a month ago happened in her body"business"Bring her hurt,Cannot let her again with the usual back to school a quiet life.


for"That's",Naive fangfang impression is not very clear,Just in the evening sleep is often nightmare wake up with a start.Looking at young children experience the pain,Fangfang grandmother all lacrimosa,"This lets the child later can zha over?"Fangfang father every day spent in pain and suffering,A day of rice,Only in the morning with children drink a bowl of gruel.In the evening,Should drink a few cups of wine to sleep for two or three hours.


时间:10月18日15时45分 time:October and day and 45 points


地点:学校西墙豁口 site:School west wall yawns


孩子“丢了”三个多小时“裤子上有血迹” children"lost"More than three hours"Had blood on his trousers"


In October 2012 and day.Fangfang father received the school the teacher's phone:Your children lost!


Fangfang father said,The school is usually 13 when class ten points,We received the teacher in charge teacher's phone is 13 when 30 points,She said children disappeared.Fangfang father launched all the relatives are looking for,Can never find.


And 45 points,Fangfang head teacher telephoned again,Say children found,Their children from school into the west wall chippings to.Fangfang father arrived at the school,Children are the principal's office to accept the investigation of teachers,"The teacher will tell me,The child was away."Fangfang father saw children no matter,They also didn't want to think more,"Nothing back is good."When fangfang returned home,The family will discover the child some wrong,The child trousers be infected with a lot of fresh blood.16 and points,Fangfang father took the children to TieXi immediately to the public security sub-bureau 12 road police station alarm.


时间:10月18日12时30分 time:October 12 and 30 points


地点:劳动公园东侧湖边 site:The labor park lake


被从学校带到公园遭猥亵 From the school to the park was obscene


“被一陌生男子叫走” "By a strange man call away"


The child missing more than three hours,What's happened?

  在铁西公安分局接受刑事案件回执单上详细地记录了那天发生的一切: “2012年10月18日12时30分许,芳芳在沈阳某小学的蘑菇亭玩,被一陌生男子叫走。该男子骑自行车将芳芳带至铁西区劳动公园东侧湖边的山上,趁四周无人,将芳芳的裤子脱下,并用手抠摸芳芳的阴部,下体出血。经公安医院检查,芳芳会阴处可见0.5厘米裂口,可见出血点,处女膜不连续且周围出血。”

In the public security sub-bureau TieXi in criminal cases on receipt detail recorded what happened that day: "In October 2012 and 12 30 points make,Fangfang in a primary school in shenyang mushrooms pavilion to play,By a strange man call away.The man riding a bicycle will fangfang belt to scenes of the labor park lake mountain,While no one around,Will fangfang pants off,Dig with the hand touch fangfang pussy,Nakedness bleeding.The public security hospital inspection,Fangfang perineum place visible 0.5 cm cleft,Visible petechiae,Cherry discontinuous and bleeding around."


时间:案发后 time:After the


地点:公园附近一超市 site:The park near the supermarket


女孩父亲发现可疑男子 Her father found suspicious man


“秃顶,上唇有痣” "bald,Upper lip nevus"


A variety of evidence,12 when 30 points,Fangfang was alone in the school playground to play in the mushrooms pavilion.Mushrooms pavilion next to the west wall is a lack of steel bars.Strange man shout fangfang,And to the campus threw a piece of chocolate.Fangfang came to pick up food,Strange man said he knew fangfang father,And let fangfang go with him.so,Fangfang was from the west wall the climb out of school,Take on the strange man's bicycle.


Thanks to the fangfang was when infringement,Someone near by,Strange man to stop the hands of evil,A child is from suffer more damage.After the,TieXi public security sub-bureau transfer cops team and 12 road station of police launched investigation efforts.The police obtained a surveillance video along the way,Find a strange man walk path and some physical characteristics.Fangfang memories,The name of the strange man forty or fifty years old,Some of the bald,Upper lip has a special obvious nevus.


Fangfang father told reporters,After the,He was in the labor park near the supermarket in a suspicious man."The man and I head through,I saw his the nevus,Think he wear clothes and that person too.I take phone pictured a photo,Take it home to my girl to see,I'm the girl said is the man!I've put the photos to the police,Traffic police are."


If you recognize a sex maniac,Please report to the public security organ to provide clues.
