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七嘴八舌聊“阴题” Gabble chat"Yin problem"


"Yin problem……The original and so on say……Now the children,You have worked hard the!"For cui teacher Yin problem video,Netizens said,Take this concept than by such means as the answers questions to let the students do a little harm the younger generation.But there are also net friend said,A similar cui teacher Yin problem just active classroom atmosphere using game just,"The creativity of the Chinese people can't,It is because want to question modeled/Dogma should,You don't see the teacher speak a little 2,But it is education child's good case".But reporters also found,for"Yin problem"View the positive and negative two ideas.


反对 阴题无法教孩子解题方法 Against the female topic can't teach children problem solving method


Nanjing road primary school in Lhasa ge teacher the truth,"Yin problem"No the meaning of teaching,She doesn't advocate the pupils to do too much such don't walk unusual way math problem.take"Diamond problem"For example,Gregory the teacher said this is a graphic problem,The correct problem solving method must be by a graphics transform into one or more graphics,Want to have graphics features inside,Can be called graphics problem.with"a"Solutions to,Not in training the so-called"Reverse thinking",But the topic has gone bad,Is a kind of concept than.Gregory teacher think,Often do"Yin problem"May cause students appear wonks situation."Normal teaching should teach students problem solving method,We often take two classes of time speak question,In order to tell the students method.Step by step,Differential treatment in education,Education is the basic rules.As each season have different scenery as,Each age has its own accept knowledge/Understand the problems and find the question ability.Especially creative thinking ability,Is need to advance the development,But still need to step by step/Accumulate over a long period,Cannot excessive development,Haste makes waste."Gregory teacher think,"Yin problem"Too abstract,Go against the cultivation of students' interest,Back easily according to.


And ms. Chen told reporters,Now she has put the son's Olympic math class stopped,"And let him do this problem all day,Read more books than".Ms. Chen think,Subject to consider the child's cognitive law of development,Must consider the children accept ability,Must be in order to stimulate learning interest and enthusiasm for the purpose."This topic,The child is difficult to solution it,In the long run,Hard to avoid can bruise the child's enthusiasm,Affect their thirst for knowledge,Even let kids think it's difficult to learn,Become school."Ms Chen said,Her son now everyday to read books at home,Because son think reading is very rewarding.


脑科专家:没听说靠“阴题”能提升智力 Brain specialist:Haven't heard by"Yin problem"Can improve intelligence


"After exercise may improve thinking activity.But thinking is not equal to intelligence,Intelligence includes many aspects ability,Thinking is just one of them.Haven't heard by doing some topic can improve intelligence."Nanjing brain hospital medical psychology department director lee said,There is no research to prove some methods can effectively improve human intelligence.The hospital doctor Yang is considered,Intelligence is more of a performance the ability to solve problems,"From this perspective,People still want to learn the methods to solve the problems,What is the answer is not the most important,The key is the answer for the process."Yang said the doctor.


赞成 适当训练可开发智力、发散思维 For proper training to the development of intelligence/Divergent thinking


"Subject itself is not much problem.This kind of problem if not will become a problem,Just to taste the topic and so on the form,In order to develop students' intelligence,But also have not cannot."Nanjing teacher training school teacher wang think,This kind of problem is to exercise students' divergent thinking,Just hope the students' brains do more thinking.The northeast normal university curriculum and teaching system, said professor li:"Yin problem to taste the topic and so on the form,In order to develop students' intelligence,But also have not cannot."


"We have a set of thinking,As long as the teacher a question,There must be a standard and measurable answer.But it is not necessarily,The teacher a question may be no."Teaching research in jiangsu province a education experts say,Yin problem can train the kid's thinking,Cultivate their ability of thinking/Innovation ability.Some of the topic content close to life,Give teachers and students' space is large,For good teachers and active thinking of the students is also a Gospel.


七嘴八舌聊“阴题” Gabble chat"Yin problem"


"Yin problem……The original and so on say……Now the children,You have worked hard the!"For cui teacher Yin problem video,Netizens said,Take this concept than by such means as the answers questions to let the students do a little harm the younger generation.But there are also net friend said,A similar cui teacher Yin problem just active classroom atmosphere using game just,"The creativity of the Chinese people can't,It is because want to question modeled/Dogma should,You don't see the teacher speak a little 2,But it is education child's good case".But reporters also found,for"Yin problem"View the positive and negative two ideas.


反对 阴题无法教孩子解题方法 Against the female topic can't teach children problem solving method


Nanjing road primary school in Lhasa ge teacher the truth,"Yin problem"No the meaning of teaching,She doesn't advocate the pupils to do too much such don't walk unusual way math problem.take"Diamond problem"For example,Gregory the teacher said this is a graphic problem,The correct problem solving method must be by a graphics transform into one or more graphics,Want to have graphics features inside,Can be called graphics problem.with"a"Solutions to,Not in training the so-called"Reverse thinking",But the topic has gone bad,Is a kind of concept than.Gregory teacher think,Often do"Yin problem"May cause students appear wonks situation."Normal teaching should teach students problem solving method,We often take two classes of time speak question,In order to tell the students method.Step by step,Differential treatment in education,Education is the basic rules.As each season have different scenery as,Each age has its own accept knowledge/Understand the problems and find the question ability.Especially creative thinking ability,Is need to advance the development,But still need to step by step/Accumulate over a long period,Cannot excessive development,Haste makes waste."Gregory teacher think,"Yin problem"Too abstract,Go against the cultivation of students' interest,Back easily according to.


And ms. Chen told reporters,Now she has put the son's Olympic math class stopped,"And let him do this problem all day,Read more books than".Ms. Chen think,Subject to consider the child's cognitive law of development,Must consider the children accept ability,Must be in order to stimulate learning interest and enthusiasm for the purpose."This topic,The child is difficult to solution it,In the long run,Hard to avoid can bruise the child's enthusiasm,Affect their thirst for knowledge,Even let kids think it's difficult to learn,Become school."Ms Chen said,Her son now everyday to read books at home,Because son think reading is very rewarding.


脑科专家:没听说靠“阴题”能提升智力 Brain specialist:Haven't heard by"Yin problem"Can improve intelligence


"After exercise may improve thinking activity.But thinking is not equal to intelligence,Intelligence includes many aspects ability,Thinking is just one of them.Haven't heard by doing some topic can improve intelligence."Nanjing brain hospital medical psychology department director lee said,There is no research to prove some methods can effectively improve human intelligence.The hospital doctor Yang is considered,Intelligence is more of a performance the ability to solve problems,"From this perspective,People still want to learn the methods to solve the problems,What is the answer is not the most important,The key is the answer for the process."Yang said the doctor.


赞成 适当训练可开发智力、发散思维 For proper training to the development of intelligence/Divergent thinking


"Subject itself is not much problem.This kind of problem if not will become a problem,Just to taste the topic and so on the form,In order to develop students' intelligence,But also have not cannot."Nanjing teacher training school teacher wang think,This kind of problem is to exercise students' divergent thinking,Just hope the students' brains do more thinking.The northeast normal university curriculum and teaching system, said professor li:"Yin problem to taste the topic and so on the form,In order to develop students' intelligence,But also have not cannot."


"We have a set of thinking,As long as the teacher a question,There must be a standard and measurable answer.But it is not necessarily,The teacher a question may be no."Teaching research in jiangsu province a education experts say,Yin problem can train the kid's thinking,Cultivate their ability of thinking/Innovation ability.Some of the topic content close to life,Give teachers and students' space is large,For good teachers and active thinking of the students is also a Gospel.


小学校长:“阴题”中的学科交叉 可以引起孩子兴趣 Primary school principals:"Yin problem"Of course cross can cause child interest


Nanjing tianzheng primary school vice President ZhangGaoJie think from mathematics for category,Yin problem against children learn the correct problem solving method,"Yin problem"As tests or college entrance examination and selected the test question clearly not appropriate,But if when entertainment,This kind of topic actually to primary and middle school students have a profit."Appear in the subject course cross,Will be very easy to cause the child's interest.And the questions were very easy to leave the child‘Incidental memory’,The memory effect is the best,Such as‘a’The problem,Believe do children more than ten years have won't forget,At least I heard then deep impression."


小学怪题集锦 Primary school strange question highlights

  1 用蓝笔画5个圆圈,打一个成语。答:无孔不入(五个孔,蓝色的英文是blue,连起来读是“无孔bule”)。

1 with blue stroke 5 a circle,Play an idiom.a:Seize any opportunity(Five hole,Blue English is blue,Even get up to read is"Non-porous bule").

  2 一头牛带着青蛙去超市买东西,它们买了啥?答案:“木瓜”。牛只会叫“哞……”青蛙只会叫“呱”,连起来是“木瓜”。

2 a cow with a frog go to the supermarket to buy things,They bought what?The answer:"papaya".Cattle will call"moo……"The frogs will only call"gung",Even it is"papaya".

  3 阿拉丁的哥哥有几个?答:3个(阿拉甲、阿拉乙、阿拉丙)。

3 Aladdin's brother has a few?a:three(Allah a/Allah b/We c).

  4 一人有3个,二人有4个,三人有5个,四人有7个,五人反而有6个,问这是什么东西啊? 答:笔画数。

4 a person has three,Men have four,Three people have five,Four people have seven,Five people but there are six,Ask what is this stuff? a:Stroke number.

  5 崔气球家里养着一群牛,有一天栅栏坏了,小牛们跑了出来,该怎么办?(打一歌手名字!) 答案:王力宏(往里轰)!

5 cui balloon home keep a herd of cattle,One day the fence is broken,The mavericks ran out,do?(A singer name!) The answer:wang(To boom)!

  6 小明钓鱼回来,小玲问他钓了几条鱼,小明答:“钓得真不少啊!6条没头,9条没尾,8条只有半个身躯。”你知道小明到底钓了几条鱼?答:23条或0条鱼。

6 xiao Ming fishing back,Xiao ling asked he caught several fish,Xiao Ming a:"Fishing is really a lot of ah!Article 6 no head,Article 9 no tail,Article eight only half of the body."Do you know what xiao Ming caught several fish?a:Article 23 or 0 fish.
