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患尘肺病母亲对摄像机托孤 希望幼子被收养(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室


一对母子的绝境与希望 A pair of mother and child's despair and hope


重病妈妈对着摄像机“托孤” Sick mother to the camera"Entrust an orphan to"


Three years ago,Her husband died because of pneumoconiosis,Leave two children and brain has a problem of the old mother


A year ago,Tragedy again come to this family,The children's mother also infected with pneumoconiosis


Please a good family can adopt them,Don't need the family how rich,Only need to give my son a little father mother love,Let them can continue to read,Can read in how long how long."


33 Yang can Finn is guizhou bosom kernel city MaoTaiZhen people,Earlier this year,Her sudden onset,After being diagnosed with tuberculosis/pneumoconiosis.Through 3 years ago because her husband death pneumoconiosis,Yang can Finn was very clear,The rest of the day was not.


Young son,Mother is seriously ill the biggest heart.At noon yesterday,Hold after the son,Yang can Finn to our reporter/Volunteers and camera left two paragraphs:a"Entrust an orphan to",Hope to have good intention to adopt two young sons,Let them to continue to read;A words for two sons,Let them know how to Thanksgiving.


“谢谢你一直照顾我,拜托帮我把两个娃娃带大,一定要让他们继续读书” "Thank you for always take care of me,Please help me put the two dolls with a big,Must let them to continue to read"


正月里,临终前的父亲最放不下两个儿子 The inside of the,Before his death, the father of two sons the most can not let go


During 1997-2004,Yang can HuJiKai Finn and her husband at a local company work teams,When the wind driller.January 2010,Her husband for pneumoconiosis three period not died,Before his death,HuJiKai that two young sons kneeling in front of Yang can Finn:"Thank you for always take care of me,Please help me put the two dolls with a big,Must let them to continue to read!"Look at his wife consent,HuJiKai just in Yang can Finn bosom suddenly pass away.


Her husband died,Not only left a young son,There are nearly 100000 yuan debt and a 72 - year - old/The brain is a bit of good.Sell homestead/Sell potatoes,Yang can Finn very not easy to pay off the debt.More difficult days,She insisted on two sons reading,now,The first son has read there,The younger son also start to grade 4.


“我心疼这两个孩子,如果我就这么走了,以后他们回家连个依靠的人都没有” "I love the two children,If I so go on,After that, they go home even depend on people have no"


两年后,尘肺病的魔魇再度降临这个家庭 Two years later,Pneumoconiosis's Yan again come to this family


Took it for granted that the family can have no worry about their lives,but,Earlier this year,Yang can the Finn suddenly,Cough more than,pain.Borrow money to zunyi/Chongqing two hospital inspection,Are diagnosed with:tuberculosis/pneumoconiosis."When I hear of pneumoconiosis,We know that we have to bad."No money in the hospital to continue treatment,Yang can Finn took some medicine back to home.


Into October,The weather is cold,Yang can Finn condition also suddenly increase.All the pain to bedridden,No matter where,By 14 years old son back back down,Every day is cooking,Only the first night after school and home.The 72 - year - old granny because the brain problems,Often ran out to do not know to go home,The son after school,Still have to around to find the old man."I love the two children,If I so go on,After that, they go home even depend on people have no,And I also promised to their father to bring them big."With a commitment to her husband,Yang can Finn and up around borrowed 10000 yuan,Let your friends put her little son hu and gallium hao to west China is the fourth hospital.From now on,The brothers separate on both sides,Great care of grandma,Small to take care of my mother.


“养你们和生你们一样难,你们要像对我一样孝顺收养你们的人,要懂得感恩” "Keep you and life is as difficult as you,You like to me filial piety to adopt you,Want to know how to Thanksgiving"


重病中,母亲托孤希望儿子们能继续读书 In intensive,Mother entrust an orphan to hope children can continue to read


Experienced death husband Yang can Finn to his condition is very clear.Yesterday afternoon,Yang hao hao Finn can hold after,To the tianfu morning paper reporter/Volunteers and camera left two paragraphs.A paragraph entrust an orphan to,Hope the two son was adopted;A words for two young sons:"Keep you and life is as difficult as you,You like to me filial piety to adopt you,Want to know how to Thanksgiving!"


Yang can Finn husband home only a brain has a problem of granny,His parents home early death,Have two sisters and one brother,"But they all live mud house,Just can eat a meal,I want to let the son to continue reading desire for them to finish."


Primary school didn't finished reading can Yang Finn why would let two sons reading?She said,His and her husband without culture,So can only do coolie,"Do the coolie all don't know how to protect themselves,Hope my son to read some books,Can protect themselves and relatives."


To the camera,Yang can Finn SOB way:"The son to independent,Let them reading is my biggest dream,Originally it was up to me to finish,But now I couldn't finish,Please a good family can adopt them,Don't need the family how rich,Only need to give my son a little father mother love,Let them can continue to read,Can read in how long how long."She tried to"selling"His two sons:"My son is very filial piety,Really very filial piety!"


一种牵挂>>> A kind of care>>>


电话那头大儿子的生活 Telephone the head son life


As long as the condition a little easier,Yang can Finn will and son on the phone.Let her pleasure,The first son has learned to take care of yourself and grandma:"Every Saturday and weekend,Morning at seven o 'clock,The first son and his uncle will go out back steel pipe,Back to 8 PM,One day to be able to make fifty yuan,Is he and grandma a week's cost of living."


But there are also let Yang can finger when due,Often called,The first son said:"Grandma and ran,Don't know go,I first go to grandma."Whenever this time,Yang can Finn heart seized tight,Until the first call again,Said grandma have found.


Yang can Finn always told her two sons:"Must be good for grandma,She is only your father a son,We are not her good, no good to her!"Yang said the Finn can,She is now the most afraid to hear is the first son said by telephone:"mother,For a long time, you come back?Grandma and ran!"


记者手记>>> Reporter notes>>>


孩子恐惧的背后有一份关爱 Children fear behind have a love


Yesterday at the end of the tape,Yang said the Finn can,"I want to thank chengdu good people,Your love let I insist to today,Although I know I don't have much time,But because you,For the first time, I felt the warmth of be care."


On December 1,,Chengdu shude middle school senior grade two and BanBan director with a few students can come to see Yang Finn mother and child,The elder brother elder sister gave hao hao a remote control car,That is his ten years played the best toys,Hao hao fondle admiringly.


At noon yesterday,Hao hao to give mom bought rice,We have seen with mom,With remote control car to go to play on the corridor.suddenly,Yang Finn to drinking water has been choked,To suppress eyes turn white,Reporters rushed to the door that to nurse,The nurse to Yang can finger when making,Hao hao holding his remote control car quietly came in,Put down the car,Pass on paper for mom to wipe the dirt vomit.At that moment,Reporter in hao hao eyes first saw nervous/concerns,And fear.


In the fourth, west China hospital poisoning under the help of the family,On November 15,,Great love clear dust rescue fund make an exception and emergency aid,Will Yang can finger into the rescue plan.


On November 22,The famous actor 20000 donation chitinolytic arrived in chengdu.Never went to the cinema hao hao the weekend volunteers to take him to the cinema,He wants to see save mom's uncle chitinolytic,but,The sessions without chitinolytic film.
