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清华大学2013年自主选拔展开 突出特长学科考查--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网12月13日电12月12日,清华大学在其本科招生网上正式公布《2013年自主选拔录取招生简章》。2013年,清华大学将继续与上海交通大学、中国人民大学、中国科学技术大学、西安交通大学、南京大学、浙江大学等高校合作开展“高水平大学自主选拔学业能力测试”(简称“AAA测试”),并将其作为自主选拔的初试。 December 13, December 12,,Tsinghua university in its undergraduate enrollment online officially announced[2013 independent selection admission recruit students general rules].In 2013,,Tsinghua university will continue with Shanghai jiaotong university/People's university of China/University of science and technology of China/Xi 'an jiaotong university/Nanjing university/Zhejiang university and other universities to carry out cooperation"High level of university autonomy selection academic ability test"(Referred to as"AAA test"),And as a independent the selection of the first try.

  报考清华大学自主选拔考试的考生可以在2012年12月15 ~28日之间登录AAA测试报名网站(进行网上注册、报名并按照要求寄送相关申请材料,清华大学将组织专家进行独立评审。对于考生参试资格的初审工作预计在2013年1月12日前后结束,考生可以在AAA测试报名网站上查询到初审结果。

Enter oneself for an examination tsinghua university students independent selection test in December 2012, 15 - and between login AAA test registration website( registration/Registration in accordance with the requirements and sends the relevant application materials,Tsinghua university will organize experts independent review.The qualification of the tested for trial is expected to work in January 2013 after 12 has ended,Candidates may in AAA test registration website inquires the to trial results.


2013 years of AAA test protocol on March 2, morning in over 30 provinces(Autonomous region/Municipality directly under the)At the center and at the same time,The students in the examination site free choose any one take the exam.Striking is the AAA test subjects assigned a big change,No longer overall test students study in high school all the knowledge,But with focuses on the subject specialty and innovation potential test.Each candidates need only in 3 hours test 2 course,Test subjects including[Mathematical and logical]/[Physics inquiry]and[Reading and expression]3 door,the[Mathematical and logical]Is each of the study subjects,for[Physics inquiry]and[Reading and expression],Candidates need to according to the subject specialty and development ambition in the two test a can.At the same time,Tsinghua university will according to the subject specialty foundation to determine its own selection of professional recognition,Recruit students professional and choose the corresponding relation of test subjects have been published in the in the recruit students general rules.


Through the tsinghua university first trial and AAA test candidates can participate in tsinghua university autonomous selection retrial and overall performance according to achieve that autonomous enrolment,Retrial arrangement on March 30, 2013 in tsinghua university,All through the qualifying examination candidates are required to participate in tsinghua university of the organization's overall interview,And some in some disciplines/professional direction have outstanding potential candidates can also attending the course/professional interview,Another tsinghua university still will organize physical test,Candidates may voluntarily choose to participate in.


Retrial after two weeks,Tsinghua university in its undergraduate enrollment listed online final determination results,To be autonomous recognition of the students in the college entrance examination may have generally not more than sixty points total score preferential.For the subject specialty performance particular individual good candidates,Also can break through the margin of preference.


Compared with previous years,Tsinghua university in 2013 independent admissions policies in the evaluation system/The way of examination and etc all have some important changes.this,Tsinghua university dean of admissions YuHan said,More specific selection has the subject specialty and innovation potential students' selection positioning/Strengthen the candidates in the high school stage comprehensive performance evaluation process,Is this the focus of the autonomous enrolment for deepening reform.YuHan analysis,Independent colleges and universities in the selection of evaluation for the candidates should have"long/wide/high"Three dimension,The so-called"long",Is to put the candidates in the high school stage such a long process of comprehensive evaluation,avoid"As a lifelong";The so-called"wide",Is to comprehensive evaluation of candidates,Encourage students comprehensive development of virtue, wisdom, body, beauty;The so-called"high",It is best to pay attention to the students"Outstanding place",Encourage students to"Comprehensive and a personality development".In recent years the university autonomous enrolment in the work,Is the main concern of the candidates"wide"Even mainly is the academic level"wide",And ignore the candidates"long"and"high"attention,This is also the independent selection and the university entrance exam to choose the substantial distinction is not big,Even gradually become independent selection"Small college entrance examination"One of the internal cause.


In the independent selection admission pilot the second decade beginning,Tsinghua university in the independent recruitment of students some considerable guidance and demonstration significance of exploration.


First of all,Independent selection will further promote the scientific selection of talent pattern exploration.For many years,Tsinghua university has been committed to establish and improve its own recruit students comprehensive evaluation system,In the earlier this year began"The new one hundred leaders plan"Selection that have started to work for a new comprehensive evaluation method,Clearly the candidates in the high school stage of the integrated performance of the integrated into the final evaluation,Pays attention to process evaluation,Break new"As a lifelong";At the same time,in[2013 independent selection admission recruit students general rules]Also has further defined for the candidates that way,namely"We will first try achievement according to the candidates/Second-round exam achievement,And the high school stage of the integrated performance,Comprehensive evaluation contest mobility."


secondly,Tsinghua university more explicit independent selection focuses on recruit has the subject specialty and innovation potential outstanding high school students orientation.accordingly,This year's independent selection written content is also a major reform,No longer the candidates for high school learning subjects to conduct a comprehensive knowledge test,But to highlight the importance for students in special academic thinking ability and scientific research ability of the full test,This can encourage more"Learn with director"Talent into high level university for further study,Also for higher quality of top-notch innovative talents and create conditions emerge.In the stage,Tsinghua university in comprehensive outside the interview,Will pay more attention to the role of subject/professional interview,The subject of the top experts/Professor to the candidates for interview selection,In the past few years of practical experience shows that,This way can realize the potential candidates subject accurate testing,The future of professional development direction was also realized"precision".


The third,Independent selection will continue to promote the healthy development of the students for direction.[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]Pointed out that,On high school students education should promote them"Comprehensive and a personality development",But in the present education system,The development of students have been be too demanding"comprehensive"and"personality"Obvious shortage of state.so,Tsinghua university this year independent selection work more clearly highlight on students' subject specialty and innovation potential test,No longer for the candidates high school for the large and complete test,And to reduce the burden of the candidates for reference.YuHan specifically,Recently the big/High school students in the physical quality is the social attention,Tsinghua university has been to"Education first,Both body and personality"As an important educational concept,Pays great attention to students' sports culture,Urge students to strengthen physical exercise,"For our country to health work fifty years"The goal of the inspired a generation of tsinghua people.Two years ago,Tsinghua university has the independence the selection of the retrial joined the physical test,By the candidates welcome and social praise,Other universities are also actively learn from the practice of tsinghua university.It has been revealed in last year to accept the 80% basis,This year for all students to carry out comprehensive physical test.


The fourth,Independent selection will continue to uphold the principle of maintaining social justice.YuHan said,Tsinghua university autonomous enrollment work always adhere to the fair justice as the basic principle of the public,Must make great efforts to promote the education opportunity fair,And to ensure selection procedure justice.2013 years of autonomous enrollment plan will further to the Midwest/Rural area middle school students apply for tilt,And continue to joint nanjing university/Xi 'an jiaotong university and university of science and technology of China in four school together"Self-improvement plan"The selection of that work,For this batch of long-term learning/Live in rural areas/Outlying and poverty-stricken areas and ethnic minority areas of outstanding student individual designated by fractional line written.At the same time,All the participants in the tsinghua university autonomous enrolment family economic difficulties candidates can apply for to take an examination cost subsidy.On the other hand, tsinghua university will be fully open independent recruitment selection process,Access to specific qualifications and admission conditions,Establish a perfect supervision mechanism,Open the channels,realize"Sunshine admission".
