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富二代喝止咳水上瘾 父母深山建房圈禁逼其戒毒--亲稳网络舆情监测室

In the face of the temptation of cough mixture,24 years old LuoWei can not resist.Parents will throw him into the source of rural nine months of isolation,Let he gradually get rid of addiction's nightmare.Such self-help also attracted many shenzhen addict to follow family.Isolation is always shake-up,Go back to also won't drink?LuoWei also not sure.Body addiction easily quit,Heart addiction refractory.
被隔离的青年 Segregated youth
"Cutting grass/Feed the fish/Sweep the floor and water dish."In a word, his life in the mountains,Because very little contact with the outside world,LuoWei cell phone is broken are too lazy to go to repair.
24 years old LuoWei,Have let a lot of peer the envy of identity:Shenzhen indigenous/Rich the second generation.Rely on loans,In his family have spent a lifetime not over of wealth.
But LuoWei already in heyuan remote village house in the dangerous life for nine months.He was the parents in the circle,Live a cloistered life.Only one objective,Away from cough water.
LuoWei now life simple and boring.Eight in the morning,LuoWei day from cut a few jins fish grass began.after,He will spend a few hours,Give yourself the kind of green water,And then clean the uncle's room and corridor.If you have free time,He likes to nearby villagers' house,Drink drink chat.In the evening,He also occasionally watch TV,But often it is ten o 'clock at night will go to bed.
with"A golden key"LuoWei born,Never done such foul language."Cutting grass/Feed the fish/Sweep the floor and water dish."In a word, his life in the mountains,Because very little contact with the outside world,LuoWei cell phone is broken are too lazy to go to repair.
Some of his habit now the simple life,But to return to shenzhen is not far away,He still reveals the yearning.Without the permission of the parents,He stuck,Even to the nearest town,Also need more than two hours of mountain roads and more than an hour's drive,More important is,The village elders to his strict custody.
Shenzhen city LuoWei is the biggest benefit of reform and development"Deep second generation"and"Rich the second generation",Even in the student age,Every month he can get thousands of yuan of money.But unfortunately,LuoWei stained with the bad habit,Love on the cough water,In the most time to addiction,Every day he can drink ten bottles of cough out water.
Due to cough water contains the chemical composition,Can stimulate the central nervous,A large doses will produce the illusion,In shenzhen,Some young people binge drinking cough water, there has been a phenomenon.
According to LuoWei memories,He first contact cough mixture,Is in the shenzhen to read the technical secondary school,He will be infected with vice reasons attributable to their environment:"As we such bad schools,It's very flood,A class twenty students are all boys,Only 6/Seven people don't touch(Cough mixture).The teacher also no matter,Don't read every day,idle."That year he 14 years old,In the next ten years,Cough mixture have been beside him.The room selling cough water shop,In his school/The school on the road,He admitted that,Ten years his numerous attempts to quit"water",But their ability to resist temptation to the poor.
喝得最厉害的时候,罗伟一天就要喝掉10瓶咳嗽水,通常的剂量是一口半瓶。为了缓解喝止咳水之后的口渴,他每天还要喝掉5到6瓶1 .2升的可乐。由于水肿,身高1.6米的他,一度体重飙升到170斤。
Drank most of the time,LuoWei day will drink off ten bottles of water cough,Usually dose is a half bottle.In order to alleviate water drink cough after thirsty,Every day he will drink off 5 to 6 bottles of 1. 2 litres of coke.Due to the edema,Height 1.6 meters of him,Once soared to 170 jins weight.
Neighbors can't bear to see,"They will and LuoWei parents said‘Your son seems not very obedient’,This sentence has been illustrated with a lot of."LuoWei said,His physical condition,And the criticism of the neighborhood,To parents and great pressure,Feel in the community is a drug abuser.
This ain't going to feel the LuoWei and family,Start looking for new solution.
家长的救赎行动 Parents redemption action
In the face of the son of improving step by step,Not bad money LuoQuan,And the upgrade version of the isolation plan:In the depths of the forest more to build a small bungalow,Specially used for isolation room to his son,Let the son in this year to be nursed back to health.
The money in his pocket,Medicine in a small shop,From the environment,Want to quit addiction is like.
2011 years of the Mid-Autumn festival,The limit of LuoQuan,Finally decided to use my own methods to save son:After a few days,LuoWei was sent to heyuan rural,A recent distance county also have more than one hour drive from + two hours of mountain village.
Here is a place LuoWei uncle contracting mountain forest,Winding mountain road stopped outside noise,Rare human development.Despite the rapid development of the pearl river delta,But this piece of forest is still in the appearance of decades ago.LuoWei live little bungalow,In the 1960 s educated youth or old built.The room is only a bed and a table.
LuoWei father LuoQuan told reporters,He was satisfied with the place:"He can't buy cough mixture."
The first time,LuoWei is not used to this kind of life:"The first three four months feel very does not adapt,Physical and psychological have.Time is always lost his temper."
During this period,A lonely LuoWei once back to shenzhen to live for three months,soon,Identity can't get rid of"Heart addiction"LuoWei of,In the half was forced to half voluntary situation once again return to the far away from the city of the mountains.
The mountains don't have much work things,LuoWei also do not need through the labor reform themselves,But uncle set the mandatory provisions,In LuoWei eyes,Uncle is a strong man.
"Compare lazy,Do nothing for,Scold ah,Don't scold not."YeWeiHua such evaluation his nephew:"Always said he,To speak to him in the life truth,In a word in this cannot give him the initiative."conversation,YeWeiHua avoid the cough mixture four word,to"it"Refer to,Don't think what good things.
After nine months of isolated life,Let LuoWei health a lot better,170 jins weight decreased 130 jins,The person's state of mind also gradually returned to normal.
One is the family for zeal,The other side is going to have an early run out of the heart."In the mountains and eight months,I'd like to go back to,Actually every day I want to go back to shenzhen."LuoWei didn't tell father mentioned the idea.
In the face of the son of improving step by step,Not bad money LuoQuan have upgrade version of the isolation plan:In the depths of the forest more to build a small bungalow,Specially used for isolation room to his son,Let the son in this year to be nursed back to health.
For LuoQuan plan,Close to the family of another family is also very interested,Has made it clear that want to participate,The family of a young man,The same deep cough mixture of addiction can't from pull out.
In heyuan city LianPingXian yuan good town in the mountains built a house,Let LuoWei in the mountains to stay at least one to two years,This house cost about 300000.It is LuoWei family,Money is not problem.According to reporter understanding,The family of shenzhen aboriginal,In the urban core has a large let,With LuoWei words,As long as don't he run,Parents saved savings,All the members of the family spent a lifetime don't finish.
October 30, morning,LuoQuan drove four hours to LianPingXian yuan good fairy pond forest town under,After lunch,Braved the rain,Standing on the mud into the selected building site."Don't build too good,But must fast,The best December can live on."
Eight is a lucky number,But on November 8 almanac shows"Unfavorable things",LuoQuan choose November 7 break ground to build a house.
Whether location midway up the house,Or future,LuoWei has no right to speak,He quietly told reporters,He didn't want to stay in the mountains.
LuoWei for cigarette,Squat down on one side looking at his father and YeWeiHua busily command workers.sand/Steel and cement are now ready,Plus local efficient teacher and unskilled Labour,At present this special house built for himself in the middle of December would be finished.
成瘾者家庭的希望 Addict to the family
Back to the wall of,Is Chen ling heard LuoWei isolation quit addiction small productive things,They have found a LuoQuan talks about the son also in the hills."Pay to build a house,Let him stay in a completely not cough mixture environment."
LuoWei in heyuan big mountains live a normal life,This thing in his life circle of baoan has spread,Nearby a few were also cough mixture hurt the family to visit,Consult the self-help method.
Long-term focus on cough water problem of shenzhen little youth drug addiction care center,Also noticed LuoWei family isolation plan,In the centre of the scenes,Some addict family also began eagerly watching,To isolate the house built,And isolation effect is good,They will consider their children also gave in.
"Hospital treatment is invalid,Drug rehabilitation center don't accept,Even if accepted will keep a record,Recently sent to a mental hospital the dongguan,Don't expect to withdrawal,Hoped for better from the source."Is Chen ling is LuoQuan neighbor,By the end of September will drink cough mixture addiction son to a mental hospital.
Cough mixture with before,Is Chen ling son YuBaoAn in a key middle school.Senior high school, the teacher told the son in the classroom performance is not normal,Results also fell sharply.So is Chen ling son started tracking,That has always been good sensible son drink on the cough mixture.
"Addiction is completely after a changed man,Temper very irritable,Often BianZhaoFa son want money,Don't give money,He began to hit,Once had to choke up my neck,Terrible like as the devil."In order to help son withdrawal drug addiction,Is Chen ling for 5 years of struggle,But a bit does not see improvement,"A recent visit to the hospital is may last year,Treatment for two months,A few days back again after drink."
LuoQuan also think,Around the bad environment,Many children are addicted to drink water the root cause of the cough.His family lived village,More than 30 households ten to a child drinking cough mixture."All around was drinking cough mixture child,Sell medicine should like some fast food,Still can door-to-door delivery."
Back to the wall of,Is Chen ling heard LuoWei isolation quit addiction small productive things,They have found a LuoQuan talks about the son also in the hills."Pay to build a house,Let him stay in a completely not cough mixture environment."On November 7,,Is Chen ling also appears in the fairy pond forest on site,Son is in the dongguan's mental hospital stay.The decision for a son opinion?"Dare not tell him,If he knew the affirmation is not willing.A discharge is forced to come in."
无奈的自救之路 But the road to save his life
Heyuan mountain become their last hope.By the middle of December is LuoQuan they plan to bridal chamber of the time,LuoWei will have now stay in the mental hospital patients.
If is the conventional path,LuoQuanHe is Chen ling will send the child to the society,In the public or private hospital,In the government leading specialized institutions or private organizations,Rather than a mental hospital or drug rehabilitation center,The more didn't want to go a"Go to the mountainous and rural areas"Save of the road."When the outside world can provide solutions have failed,Only on their own,Really don't have any choice."LuoQuan on social project down.
"At present to cough mixture addiction treatment method is to use drug therapy is given priority to,Auxiliary rehabilitation therapy/psychotherapy/Behavioral therapy."In shenzhen,Peking University shenzhen hospital director of nuclear medicine JiaShaoWei is considered as the treatment of drug addiction,Including drink cough mixture addiction authority,When shenzhen parents to the child to hospital addiction treatment,Most choose to his own nuclear medicine.
"This is a comprehensive treatment process,In addition to medical actively outside,Need family/The school/Society's close cooperation,Not only will make cough mixture addict to stop abuse behavior,To get rid of the psychological dependence,Prevent compound drink".JiaShaoWei said.
JiaShaoWei in the department,Every day to drink cough mixture addictive patients attending the door,The reason is shenzhen drink cough mixture addictive people much more special.November 13 morning,In the doctor's office the diagnosis and treatment of a addiction after patients,JiaShaoWei accepted SMW interview.
When reporters asked about specific SMW treatment methods,He shunned,Has been emphasized by the brain CT scan images before and after treatment,Can prove that the method is effective.LuoQuanHe is Chen ling son will have to JiaShaoWei place treatment,The doctor is full of confidence,However, the patient did not recover.
For addict families,The failure of the hospital,Means that they can only to drug rehabilitation center for help,But the drug rehabilitation center don't drink cough mixture addiction of patients,The patients themselves is not willing to in drug rehabilitation center with a criminal record.
“如果民间有什么人或组织敢收治这些成瘾的孩子,有关部门马上就会找上门,因为这确实是触犯现行法规的。”周丽辉说。周是中国首家止咳药水成瘾治疗公益机构 深圳市点点青少年药物成瘾关爱中心的创办者。至于违反具体什么法规,周丽辉不知道,但经常跟公安、戒毒所等部门打交道的她知道这事不能碰。“无奈的家长最后把小孩送到精神病院,因为精神病院承诺不留档作强制戒断,但事实表明那地方治不了,还会给患者带来其他不利影响。”
"If folk have what person or organization can treated the addiction children,The relevant departments will find immediately,Because this is really beyond the current regulations."ZhouLiHui said.Week is China's first cough mixture addiction treatment public welfare institutions shenzhen little youth drug addiction care center founder.As for violation of specific what regulations,ZhouLiHui don't know,But often with public security/Drug rehabilitation center and other departments deal with her know it can't touch."But parents finally put the children to a mental hospital,Because mental hospital commitment not file for compulsory withdrawal,But in fact the place not the cure,Will give patients brought other adverse effects."
Heyuan mountain become their last hope.By the middle of December is LuoQuan they plan to bridal chamber of the time,LuoWei will have now stay in the mental hospital patients.At least in the mountains for two years is the consensus of the parents,As for the children their own ideas,As well as many children stay together what will happen chemical reaction,Now to the.
LuoWei always want to go back,But the lure of the urban environment,Let him and his family flinch,LuoQuan think at least let him stay here for a year:"Very not easy to give up,Back to shenzhen and began to drink?"Have to get rid of the dependence on body principle,But in the heart of the devil may also run out.
This question,LuoWei also can't say for certain:"If you ask me back also won't drink.I can tell you that,About seventy percent grasp don't drink."
难以克服的“心瘾” Difficult to overcome"Heart addiction"
"Selling point is in front of my house,Go out every day is to pass,Can endure three months of good.If I can in the far away from the place where water cough to a year,I will have the courage to go home.In fact,We these people are here have a problem."Li dong position to the heart.
Isolated are only stopgap,Go back to also won't drink?LuoWei also not sure.Body addiction easily quit,Heart addiction refractory.
For their own future,LuoWei self-induction a dark,Degree is not high,Can't find a good job,The previous work experience,Are introduced at home."For people like us,Home does not need the money,No responsibility,Nothing to do every day,Don't know what is the aim of life,I think the biggest problem is mental."
LuoQuan hope son to return to shenzhen and then continued his work,Then marry a daughter-in-law.
This is LuoWei want to life?LuoWei tell SMW reporter,He doesn't want to go back to the original work:"By the family give money,Think like a woman,It means nothing.Here although no wage take,But it's also work.Or a little something to do better."
Specific what to do LuoWei haven't plan,Some inner idea seems to be buried in his heart,He said he never and parents about their ideal,He self-induction communication is neglected in the family life side.
26 year old li dong is shenzhen cough mixture addict,At present in guangzhou a comprehensive institution to cure addiction treatment.He to the environment of the isolation method to cure addiction also hold agree with attitude."Selling point is in front of my house,Go out every day is to pass,Can endure three months of good.If I can in the far away from the place where water cough to a year,I will have the courage to go home.In fact,We these people are here have a problem."Li dong position to the heart.
Li dong said,Want to quit cough water,The important thing is to clear the heart‘I come back to do’?24 hours a day how distribution?This few days he was slowly want to,Before he is playing football,Played also not bad,Why don't you play football?Is there a football field next to her aunt's home,After work every day can play it.
"This several days to,said,laugh,In the past year than I have more time."In addition to more healthy way of life,Li dong the most pressing idea is to do a good job in their own family,"From the age of nine up,I have no family group life,After go out first to responsible for the family,The hands-down things well."
(The patients and their relatives and friends are alias)
声音 voice
Why to drink cough water?
As we such bad schools,It's very flood,A class twenty students are all boys,Only 6/Seven people don't touch(Cough mixture).The teacher also no matter,Don't read every day,idle.
Addiction is completely after a changed man,Temper very irritable,Often BianZhaoFa son want money,Don't give money,He began to hit,Once had to choke up my neck,Terrible like as the devil.
Is Chen ling
How to withdrawal"Addiction to drugs"
Hospital treatment is invalid,Drug rehabilitation center don't accept,Even if accepted will keep a record,Recently sent to a mental hospital the dongguan,Don't expect to withdrawal,Hoped for better from the source(The mountains).
Is Chen ling
话你知 Words you know
止咳水有多毒? Cough water how poison?
Cough mixture,Medical prescription drugs,Because of its contain codeine phosphate/Ephedrine hydrochloride with drugs of the same composition,Easy to make too much addicted to users.The drug has been listed by the state drug abuse in a,Some people even call it"Soft drugs".
Cough mixture addiction can lead to oral mucosa/Pathological changes of the teeth,Intestines and stomach function damage,liver/Intestines and stomach/Cardiovascular damage.Long-term abuse will also cause damage to the brain,Lead to mental decline and personality change.
[In 2007 the national drug abuse monitoring report]display,At the beginning of the pearl river delta region to eight/High school and vocational high school of 874 middle school students were investigated,The results show,abuse"Cough water"Who account for 11.2% of the total number(The medical purpose abuse).
At present,Abuse of cough mixture brand from the beginning mainly for federal cough dew,To make the pavilion/Can not/Mrs Pelosi of various brands.Because the main brand name,Cough mixture addicts have a referred to call"Bond friends",This paper LuoWei etc"Bond friends"Can buy cough mixture mainly have a kind of illegal production and operation of counterfeit cough mixture,It's not but in pharmacy and/Beef offal shop sales,Codeine phosphate is no longer the main component,Direct added heroin or K powder, etc.Drug control work say,Teenagers in the hands of cough mixture is quasi drugs,Are more likely to addiction,Harder to withdrawal,The price also from twenty - 30 yuan soared to 120 yuan/bottle.
新闻链接 News link
向网吧歌舞厅售止咳水 Song and dance hall to Internet cafe sale cough water
获利逾5000万判监12年 Profit more than 50 million sentenced to 12 years in prison
June 14th morning,The first Pope to illegal sales cough water convicted case in the district people's court sentenced the public,Song and dance hall to Internet cafes selling cough mixture made a profit of 57.6 million yuan,Shenzhen new world in pharmaceutical CaiYiJian was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment,Fined 200000 yuan.
On August 9, 2010,Shenzhen, shenzhen, the administration's assault check meiyuan a warehouse,Found that the warehouse illegal storage cough water 4000 cases,Value of 700 yuan,The new world company cannot explain the cough water to sales.
4000 cases of cough hydration 48000 bottles,When the normal channels of guangdong province the use of cough mixture only 50000 bottles,This batch of cough mixture a few can satisfy the patients a year.
The case caused by shenzhen municipal party committee/The municipal government attach great importance,Established in October 2010 by the city JinDuBan lead,also/Public security/Duty of departments and so on"As new",Be sure to shenzhen pharmaceutical field three dozen two built work must be detected and the investigation of major cases.
According to the survey as,Since 2006,New world company to use its[Drug business license],Respectively from the hebei/sichuan/zhejiang/In four provinces of jiangsu several drug dealer place purchase cough more than 460000 bottles of water,The value of 57.656 million yuan.Buy cough after water,New world not according to stipulations in the acceptance,But the secret hidden in the temporary rental warehouse,Then will cough water through the illegal channel sales to no drug business/Use the qualification units or individuals,Make cough water from underground channel flow into the society,Harm the masses and the physical and mental health of teenagers.
New world company was investigated,Pounding the shenzhen cough mixture sales underground network,The underground market cough mixture once broken goods.
采写:南都记者 项男 黄丹
selects:SMW reporter item male yellow lead
摄影:南都记者 黄丹
photography:SMW reporter yellow lead
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