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导读: introduction:又是一年走过,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向中国教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月举行。搜狐教育将与亿万网友一起,向中国教育发问,解答困惑,寻求变革。《孟子•尽心上》云:"观水有术,必观其澜。"朱熹在《四书集注》中对此句的注解为:"观水之澜,则知其源之有本矣。"正如古圣先贤所言,考察产业的要点,在于观其大势,知其本源,方能探知行业命脉,把握经营真谛!
Another year through,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"To the Chinese education question"Sohu education annual festival will be held in January 2013.Sohu education with hundreds of millions of users together,China's education to ask,Answer confused,Seek change.[mencius•On with]cloud:"View water art,Will view the billows."Zhu xi in[Contact four]This sentence for comment:"View the water ripples,It is down to have this yi."As the ancient scholars said,Study the main points of the industry,The general trend is to view,Know its origin,Can ascertain industry lifeline,Grasp business essence!
In the Chinese education the most promising in 2012,Education system in the continuous ice,Education industry in rapid development after the ebb tide.We call on education reform way beyond the group interest,We pursue the origin of education to the original ideal feelings,We have the chance to take China education better,And you in the meantime,unique,indispensable.We believe that,Whisper to each other will only make a few people benefit,Audible words chorus to energy amplification,Will power reunion!Billows and SuoYuan,Heart is the world view,Sohu education channel in 2012 will be held on December 27,"[quite]Vocational education industry annual inventory peak BBS",Collision thought,all,For China's education answer to reassure,In order to promote the reform questions discussed.
论坛时间: BBS time: 12月27日(周四)16:30 - 18:00
On December 27,(On Thursday)and:30 - and:at
论坛地点: BBS site:搜狐网络大厦12层•大演播室
Sohu network building and layer•Big studio
年度话题: Annual topic:
PART1 学职业教育是个“丢面子”的事?
PART1 Vocational education is to learn"Lose face"things?
PART2 羁绊 遇见机遇和挑战
Part2 Fetter meet the opportunities and challenges
PART3 向教育提问
PART3 Education question to
PART4 与搜狐教育旅行3分钟
part4 And sohu education travel 3 minutes
年度论坛重磅嘉宾: Annual BBS blockbuster guests:
黄 劲:安博教育集团总裁 Yellow strength:Ember education group President
嘉宾简介: Guest profile:
HuangJin Ph.D. 2at0 from the United States to silicon valley,Started ember education group.She insisted that"Learner-centered"The education service concept,Lead the ember education group is committed to provide through innovation/High quality software platform and high efficiency/Practical education service to promote the construction of the whole society lifelong education system construction and development.
Ember education has grown for Chinese education service industry pilot.Founded before ember,HuangJin doctor already is the silicon valley's top software design experts,In the integrated circuit computer aided design/Software engineering, etc have in-depth research and outstanding contribution.In HuangJin under the leadership of Dr,Ember every year invested heavily in the Internet and education technology and product development,In the effort to make information technology services in education,To help learners have a bright future.
作为一名教育服务行业的先行者和领导者,黄劲博士所取得的成绩也得到多方认可和表彰。黄劲博士曾被国务院侨办授予“首届华人华侨专业人士创业奖”, 被中关村科技园授予“中关村优秀留学人员”称号,被新华社、新浪、腾讯等权威媒体评为“改革开放30年中国民办教育30名人”、“中国教育行业十大风云人物”等荣誉,被中国国际软件和信息服务交易会组委会授予“中国软件和信息服务业领军人物”。
As an education service industry pioneer and leader,Dr. HuangJin achievements have been many recognized and recognition.HuangJin doctor has been awarded the overseas Chinese affairs office of the state council"The first Chinese and overseas Chinese professionals ChuangYeJiang", Zhongguancun science park was awarded"Zhongguancun outstanding students studying abroad"title,By xinhua news agency/sina/Tencent as other authoritative media"Reform and opening up 30 years of China's private education and celebrities"/"China's education industry ten celebrity"honorary,Is China international software and information service fair organizing committee awarded"China's software and information service industry leader".
张 明:新华教育集团副总裁 Zhang Ming:Xinhua education group vice President
杨 明:北大青鸟总裁 Yang Ming:Aptech President
嘉宾简介: Guest profile:
Yang Ming,Born in May 1965,Graduated from Beijing university in 1990,Radio electronics master,Beijing university is researchers,Aptech group vice President,Aptech IT education CEO,Responsible for APTECH IT education and APTECH APTECH strategic planning/Enterprise operation/Making important decisions, etc,For product development/financial/Brand management, etc.
In November 2at0,Yang Ming as APTECH APTECH company general manager.Under the leadership of the Yang Ming,APTECH APTECH in China for the first time IT vocational training field into the concession model,The company into the fast/Positive development orbit,And successfully develop new course replacement business model.
In 2at3,,Under the guidance of the Yang Ming,APTECH APTECH in the full implementation of the standardization in the system,Management efficiency improved significantly,Center operation quality further optimization,To realize the internationalization of the management/standardization/Vocational education field has increasingly become a remarkable star enterprise.
In 2at4,,Yang Ming in[programmers]magazine"Twenty people influence Chinese software industry".
In 2at6,,Yang Ming was again[The manager]magazine"Twenty people influence Chinese software industry".
In 2at7,,Yang Ming as aptech IT education CEO.
欧 蓬:尚德机构总裁 The board:Suntech agency President
嘉宾 guests介绍: introduce:
The board,Domestic education and training industry famous enterprise - suntech institution founder/President,In 2at0, graduated from renmin university of China marketing major,Founded in 2at3 suntech mechanism.
Mr. Peng Europe for domestic education training market has the original wise understanding and judgment,And advocate"rapid/introspection/bear"Enterprise culture.In the tent under the leadership of Mr,Suntech mechanism has grown to the largest vocational education training organisations,Currently has nearly one thousand employees,Training students ten more than people,Years of business income amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars,Throughout Beijing,/tianjin/nanjing/Shenzhen and other cities.Mr. Peng Europe to building and social demand of form a complete set of training system,Improve the employment group of professional skills and professional quality;At present,Suntech institutions training courses and wide in service,From the professional qualification authentication/Skills training/Enterprise internal,To professional related employment service,The standardized course system,Has become a professional training in the field of template.
强 帅:和君集团教育咨询师 Strong handsome:And king group education consultant
嘉宾介绍: Guests introduced:
And king group education consultation, deputy general manager of the senior consultant management bachelor's strong handsome.
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