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富二代接班内心纠结:干好没功劳 干不好败家子--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  这是一群游走在自由跟家族责任之间的群体,渴望自我,但又活在上一辈强势的阴影下。他们物质上极度富足,但精神上却背负不能承受之重。他们被称为“接二代”。 This is a group of wandering in the freedom and family responsibility between the groups,Eager to self,But live in the shadow of the strong one generation.They material very rich,But mentally but bear can't bear the heavy.They are called"After the second generation".


Last week,Journalists from the group,Try to explore their heart.Most after the second generation low-key,Don't even willing to admit that.After the second generation xiang son told reporters:"If not friends,I'll probably went out of you."But after talking,He said:"I never have a chance to such careful combing."Even if the background of the same friends get together,They rarely talk about these.


Really facing their own heart,The group of 80"After the second generation"With self to/personality/Ravel the word contact.From family to/social/Inner pressure,Some compromise/Some choose path,Others choose compromise.


三名“接二代”三种不同抉择 three"After the second generation"Three different choices


为顺利接父亲的班决定跟过去来一个决裂 For smoothly after his father's class decided to the past to a rupture


"In a foreign country to stay longer,More silly,After returning home can't adapt to the situation."


"If I had to take over,I will not choose to go abroad.Now in order to carry on,If to do with the past break."Linxiao is a famous enterprise of Qingdao flavor"ShaoDongGu",To reporter card with her position"Deputy general manager",The friend beside quietly reminded reporters:"In fact she is a worthy of the name,Father has been handed to the right."Linxiao is a standard after 80,Two years ago from France to Qingdao,She convergence his little woman's side,Every body business attire,Long hair beam into spell able horsetail.The handbag is a common brand,Can take out wallet is famous brand,She is very low-key in hide themselves.


In a male-dominated wine field,Linxiao as the only one of the women,A seat will be the focus of all.In various mixed with please compliment in,Linxiao welcome to deal with the.Although in France for several years,She know a variety of wine brewing process and taste,But in the face of all the cup stretch to come over,She always keep a glass of red wine a little bit.


"Foreign friends are a clique,Circle circle and it is difficult to have intersection between.But back to the domestic,This kind of social way is different,Although also be circle,But the circle don't know how many times the complex."Linxiao to this kind of busy social field has begun to gradually adapt to.


You are curious about her study in eight years experience,Busy ask.She said simply:"You must also contact with other people go abroad to come back,Have found:Stay in a foreign country, the longer the more stupid,After returning home can't adapt to the situation."Linxiao told reporters,"Just returned at that time,Busy during the day in the company all kinds of affairs,The evening want to go to all kinds of entertainment,All walks of life all kinds of booze,I really is not adapted for."


Linxiao just over 30 years old this year,But still single.The table a lot of big brother to help her bring together:"You find object must be no problem,Want to find what kind of?I know a house after,And you must match each other,You become absolutely the power-and-power union."The big brother proposal was the table other people's identity.Linxiao smile didn't speak,Only said a sentence:"With the fate."

  “我现在就是感觉焦虑,出国八年多时间,好像把最好的时光给耽误了一样。现在需要挑起这个担子,压力很大。”接班的压力让她两颊的青春痘多了起来,“比一比那些跟自己差不多的,感觉人家都把企业做得很不错。”为了尽快融入中国式社交,她尽可能参与到酒场中。“这个企业是家老厂 ,2000年初改制,父亲一手把企业做起来。我从小在江苏长大,十多岁时跟着父亲来到青岛,虽然对本地人的生活习惯不是十分熟悉,但我们做这一行必须了解本地人的口味。在这些场合里,我可以多听取他们对产品看法。”

"I now is to feel anxiety,Go abroad for more than eight years,As the best time to delay the same.Now need to start this burden,Under a lot of pressure."To take over pressure let her two buccal whelk more up,"Those who compare with my much the same,Feel the somebody else all the enterprise is well done."As soon as possible in order to blend in Chinese social,She as far as possible to participate in the wine field."The company is home old factory ,Restructuring at the beginning of 2000,Father in the enterprise it.I grew up in jiangsu to grow up,More than ten years old followed his father came to Qingdao,Although to locals living habits are not very familiar with,But we do this line must know the taste of the locals.In these circumstances,I can listen to their views to the product."

  作为家里的长女,父亲对她期望很大。“父亲是个很传统的人,他常跟我说的一句话是,吃亏是福 。”林晓告诉记者,回到国内这两年,她已经把全部心思都扑在工作上。要跟各种各样的人打交道,跟过去的生活做一个决裂,现在她已经游刃有余在酒场的觥筹交错中。

As the home of the eldest daughter,Father to her great expectations."Father is a very traditional sort of person,He often told me that a word is,Is a blessing ."Linxiao told reporters,Back to home this two years,She has put all mind is robot at work.With all kinds of people,With past life to do a rupture,Now that she has a task with ease in the wine field in the toast each other.


努力摆脱父辈影子想从零开始却要付出更多 To get rid of the shadow to parents from scratch but will have to pay more

  “没有选择的自由,不接班就是不忠不孝。接班接好了 ,那是老爸传下来的。接不好,那就是败家子。”

"No freedom of choice,Don't carry on is disloyalty unfilial.Carry on through the ,That was handed down from father.Meet bad,That is the black sheep of his family."


"I need to prepare yourself,Come again a gorgeous appearance."


And old xiang son in Britain to read books for five years,Back to Qingdao after,Help father in a seaside villa reformation districts of the coffee shop take care of business.He pointed at the up and down four layers of coffee shop said:"This all is his father's,I don't have any relationship with.I am doing all my life,Tall son also pretty is not straight,More do panic,Don't know oneself how many ability."


Xiang son when 13 or 14,Dad didn't officially sea in business.After more than ten years up to par,Father's business doing great,The factory is open to foreign countries."Know oneself the home money,Is actually to twenty years old,Then will go to study in UK.Parents to pay large sums of the costs of an education,In the five years in the UK,Others go out to work to earn enough living expenses,And I will receive due parents send me big cost."Xiang son said,From the people around them in envy,He didn't know"Home really is very rich".


In the UK university of Birmingham reading,At the time of the business administration - fer,But he went to England to find:While studying in foreign countries,In the class and can be more than are Chinese.Went to a month later,He consult with their parents:Want to turn professional."I was thinking to integrate into local life,So according to choose the interest in automotive manufacturing professional."Five years later,Get the British university of Birmingham automobile manufacturing professional diploma,He returned to Qingdao.then,He took over his father's cafe,Made a heel oneself professional not take side of the work.


In his state of mind when deeply worried,He met his wife now store a waitress.When all the relatives and friends around Shouting"By spectrum"when,But he recognized his wife:"Her body has a rags-to-riches momentum,This deeply attracted me,And I was lack of it."Xiang son regardless of from the resistance of the relatives and friends,And a very self to make a choice.


In 2010,,The son was born,To the xiang son another"rebirth".


"Son's birth gave me a internal power,I started to really calm down to think about responsibility 2 words.Father from scratch in industry,Although can let me worry about food and clothing,But let me more and more panic.Later I with son said,Your father this is, in fact, is your grandpa left?"Xiang son have a sense of urgency,This sense of urgency as son grow up day by day more and more strong.He doesn't want to in his father's shadow,And want to rely on their own from scratch entrepreneurial success.


But when he mentioned these ideas with others,All the people first reaction was:"How could you start from scratch?Whether contacts or capital,You are not points minutes!"Xiang son think:"No matter how oneself do,Always have a father's shadow behind his back.In fact,From the bottom of my very envy those who truly self-made man,I think to get rid of these temptations."Xiang son so-called temptation is actually:To get rid of the father's resources and contacts."Once the temptation,I lost power,Inert will return."


This game with my heart of the process,Let xiang son still didn't find the right opportunity."I need to prepare yourself,Come again a gorgeous appearance."


先努力做自己再认真为父辈活着 First try to do his father alive for more seriously


Work for two years later,After 80 he was finally persuaded his father.After the Spring Festival in,He and lead her resignation."At that time,colleagues/Leading the first reaction was very surprised,Why do have to resign?"


"After all, I try to do yourself."


In the face of carry on,Some people choose to run away,First, to realize his ideal career,To go back to pick up his father's class.Chen ling after graduation according to his first career planning to a media unit work.He was almost fell out with him,Reason is"Put must not take care of business,To give someone else what strength."Two years later,He reluctantly to quit a job,Home take care of business.


Reporter ChenLinShi contact,He is talking about the customer.Although he does not wish to reveal wealth,But the surrounding friends said,"Family do clothing business,House nearly."2009 years after graduation from the university,He through his hard work in the media,Two years,He worked very hard,Get colleagues and leadership recognition,He likes in the field of play to their specialty.During this period,Father constantly through the various ways to persuade him"Home take care of business",He also constantly with the father move,Cherish the time may be a little career.After all you choose professional,He did very attentively.

  工作两年后,他最终被父亲说服。在春节过后,他跟领导递交了辞呈。“当时,同事、领导第一反应就是很惊讶 ,做得好好为何辞职?”陈林说,自己当时不愿跟别人多解释,熟悉的人他就多说两句,不熟的人他也不愿多回应。回到家,他花了很短时间适应家里生意。毕竟,平时在家也帮着照料买卖。

Work for two years later,He was finally persuaded his father.After the Spring Festival in,He and lead her resignation."At that time,colleagues/Leading the first reaction was very surprised ,Why do have to resign?"Thomas said,He was not willing to explain with others,Familiar with the people he said two sentences,Don't know who he is not willing to respond more.Returned home,He spent a very short time to adapt to home business.After all,Usually at home to help take care of business.

  现在,陈林已经很坦然面对过去,职业生涯也锻炼了他的交际能力,凭着自己努力,他很快撑起了家族生意对外所有销售。“我感觉自己也没有太大的借鉴意义,不值得采访 。”陈林告诉记者,“我毕竟努力做过自己。”

now,Chen ling has been very calm in the face of the past,Career also exercise his communicative competence,With our own efforts to,He soon hold up the family business foreign all sales."I feel also does not have the too big significance,Not worth interview ."Chen ling told reporters,"After all, I try to do yourself."


纠结的“接二代” swirly"After the second generation"


来自家庭:不接班就是不忠不孝? From a family:Don't carry on is disloyalty unfilial?

  陈林知道自己不可能总跟家人对抗,最终他选择了回到聊城继承家族产业。在做选择前,他们内心也很纠结:游走在自由跟家族责任之间的群体 ,渴望自我,但又活在父辈强势阴影下。

Chen ling know oneself is not always possible against with my family,Finally he chose to return to liaocheng inherited the family business.Make a choice before,Their heart is also very entanglements:Wandering in the freedom and family responsibility between the groups ,Eager to self,But live in elder strong shadow.

  林晓是家里的长女,父亲从小对自己抱有厚望。她下面还有弟弟和妹妹,但看到父亲年纪渐大,亲人们总催着她回国 。她放弃了国外生活,回到国内继承家业。

Linxiao is home of the eldest daughter,From his father to have great expectations.Her brother and sister underneath,But see father older,Relatives are always push her home .She gave up her life abroad,Back to the domestic property inheritance.

  翔子虽然仍在找项目,但他觉得:“虽然父亲从小对我很宽容 ,宽容到我都不知道他的底限在哪儿?但作为家里的独子,我肯定也要承担责任。即使我自己创业,也跟父亲所从事的行业有关系。”

Xiang son, though still looking for the project,But he felt:"Although his father since childhood to me to be tolerant ,Tolerance to I don't know his bottom line where?But as an only child at home,I'm sure I will bear the responsibility.Even if I am starting my own business,Also with the father in the industry have relations."


Reporters came to Qingdao academy with researcher liu chang,He said:"From the reform and opening up to now,The first business of private entrepreneurs have accumulated great wealth,Assets also is very considerable.This batch of entrepreneurs are now gradually as I grew into my twilight years,His private enterprise to do who is really a problem.Most of the entrepreneurs consider above all must be children,Also have most of the children accept the parents of the baton."


"Other alternative options is a traditional Chinese,No matter from birth speak,In terms of economic interests or from,The parents of the sweat all agglutination in the enterprise,Children carry on is conform to the traditional.Most entrepreneurs in the cultivation of the successor process,A business will be to educate them,Or to send their children to study abroad and growth."


"Now many yuan society,Also to have the very big variable.Even if the children choose not to carry on,Also cannot too criticism.Everyone's ambition should be respected,Children can according to their own strengths,Choose the most promising industry,Also does not have to give up personal ambition choice father had engaged in the industry."


来自内心:自我纠结中做出选择 From the heart:In the realm of self choice


"Carry on through the,That was handed down from father.Meet bad,That is the black sheep of his family."From outsider's point of view,these"After the second generation"Has a unique advantage,How many people hold the dream is hard to find opportunities.But they have to overcome is the inside of the heart"Little thought"."No matter how oneself do,Always have a father's shadow behind his back,In fact,From the bottom of my very envy those who truly self-made man,I think to get rid of these"temptation"."Xiang son called"temptation"It is:To get rid of the father's resources and contacts."Once the temptation,I lost power,Inert will return."

  为了实现自己的创业梦想 ,他想过通过向别人“哭穷”寻找创业资金。

In order to realize his dream of entrepreneurship ,He thought to others"Cry poor"Looking for venture capital.

  “现在很多行业都存在资金紧张情况,寻找创业资金时 ,我免不了要去哭穷。放在别人身上 ,在一穷二白情况下,拿着项目去求人,可能会有机会得到投资。可放在我自己身上,拿着项目去哭穷,人家指定会说:你来找我哭穷,我找谁去哭啊?”翔子想到了这些结果,所以,他直接没去做。真正有了孩子后,他想得更多了:“父亲一直跟我讲,经营家庭跟经营企业是两码事。企业经营有进有出,可家庭经营却只出不进。有了孩子后,各项支出加大,我虽然有车有房,但生活甚至有些拮据。”翔子指着自己经营的咖啡馆介绍,“这只是个壳子,盈利甚微。我现在虽然不存在人脉、资金问题,但我缺少沉淀,我要想清楚了再行动。”

"Now there are a lot of industry capital tense situation,When looking for venture capital ,I avoid going to cry poor.On others ,In poverty and blankness cases,With a project to ask for help,May have the chance to get investment.Can put in my own body,With a project to cry poor,The somebody else will say specified:You come to see me cry poor,I'm looking for who to cry?"Xiang son thought of these results,so,He didn't do directly.Really having children,He wants to get more:"My father always told me,The family business to business enterprise are two different things.Enterprise management have into a out,But the family business but only out not to advance.Having a child,Spending increase the,Although I have a car has the room,But life even some embarrassment."Xiang son pointed to operate their own cafe is introduced,"This is just a joke,Little profit.I now although there is no contacts/funds,But I lack of precipitation,I want to know the action again."


In the family with freedom and responsibility in the choice,these"After the second generation"Inner ravel pang lack of pouring channel.Time a long,They would rather buried deep in the bottom of the heart.In the interview,Reporter to interview again and again that intention,To many times to make an interview to continue."Even if the background of the same friends get together,We rarely talk about these."Linxiao told reporters.


来自社会:并不比同龄人优秀 From the social:Not good than their peers

  刚结婚那一年,父亲为了锻炼翔子,让他跟着一个专家团队去了缅甸和印度,8个月的时间内,翔子作为经理助理,辅助整个团队在当地建立工厂。“就是一个打杂的,啥也干,帮着翻译,也帮着干其他活。”翔子坦言,“整个团队都是公司内的精英,领头的是业内的专家,团队其他成员也都是在国内做得十分优秀的员工。整个团队十分成熟,合作也很融洽 。”在这样一个团队中,翔子从同龄优秀员工身上学到了很多 ,“结实这些从底层干上来的优秀员工,是这次出去的最大收获。”

Just got married that year,Father to exercise xiang son,Let him follow an expert team went to Burma and India,Eight months time,Xiang son as an assistant manager,Assisted the whole team in local build a plant."Is a handyman,What did,Help translation,Also help to do other live."Xiang son said,"The whole team is in the company of the elite,The expert inside course of study is in the lead,Other team members also are in the domestic do very good staff.The whole team is very mature,Cooperation is also very well ."In such a team,Xiang son from their peers on outstanding staff learned a lot ,"Strong these from bottom dry up outstanding staff,Is this out of the biggest harvest."

  “虽然"接二代"接班并无悬念,但"接二代"的平均能力,还是要低于他们同龄的优秀经理人。这不难理解 ,既有成长环境的区别,也因为后者是脱颖而出的佼佼者。”青岛社科院研究员刘同昌介绍说。

"although"After the second generation"Carry on and no suspense,but"After the second generation"Average ability,Or is lower than their counterparts good managers.It is not difficult to understand ,The difference between both the growth environment,Also because the latter is the outstanding stand out."Qingdao academy with researcher liu chang said.

  “社会现在面临着很大变革,企业经营模式也从传统向现代化转折。民营企业发展也面临很大突破 ,能否把优秀经理人真正引入,将是决定未来20年民营企业成败的关键。”刘同昌说。

"Society is now faced with great change,Enterprise management mode from the traditional to the modern transition.The development of private enterprise is facing great breakthrough ,The outstanding managers can really into,Will determine the future twenty years private enterprise key to success."Liu chang said with.

  “此外,随着社会发展,私营化发展也随着有很大突破 。我们现在正在搞分配方式改革,这些民营企业家们拥有了一定财产后,是否也考虑捐赠出一部分回馈社会。社会多元化发展,民营企业家也并不是把所有财产都传给孩子。美国比尔·盖茨就宣布把所有财产捐给社会,不给子女留财产,中国民营企业家也应该考虑回馈社会。”

"In addition,With the development of society,With the development of privatization has a great breakthrough .We are now make distribution system reform,These private entrepreneurs have certain after property,Is also considered a part of social donation feedback.Social diversified development,Private entrepreneurs are not possessions to their children.The Bill Gates announced all property to society,Don't give their children leave property,Chinese private entrepreneurs should also consider giving something back to the community."


记者手记 Reporter notes


打破富不过三代魔咒 Break rich only three generations spell

  在社会对“富二代”整个群体的批判中,很多人觉得“富不过三代”、“君子之泽,五世而斩”的魔咒很难打破。所以 ,这个群体的很多努力者选择了低调行事。

In the society to"Rich the second generation"The group of criticism,Many people think"Rich only three generations"/"A gentleman's jersey,V and cut"It is difficult to break the spell.so ,This group of a lot of effort is chose low-key act.

  对于纨绔子弟 ,有的民企曾酝酿过成立“败家子基金”,让不合适的第二代不必加入企业就衣食无忧,不失为高招。

To buck ,Some corporation has established a brewing"Black sheep fund",Let not the right second generation don't have to worry about food and clothing enterprise,Can yet be regarded as silver bullet.


For those who carry on interest don't really high second generation,Actually don't force,Because enterprise innumerable trials and hardships,Requires a great deal of inner power,Cannot be forced.Huiyuan juice ZhuXinLi,No immediate requirement of the son of veterans in business,The more not planning to take over,Because of its more willing to pursue enterprise outside of the business.It is rational.


For lack of ability of the second generation,Founder can't are expected to turn one's head.Areas of Yin mingshan sober,When the son see a heineken operation when the factory in the clouds,Another hire director advising him,Then sent him to the business of football,Play its director.

  无论社会怎么发展,时代如何更迭。人最本性的东西不会变,顺应本性,量力而行。(应采访者要求,文中人物皆为化名)记者 李敏

No matter how social development,Age how to change.Most of the nature of things won't change,Conform to the nature,Does what one can.(Requirements should be the interviewer,The characters are alias)Reporter David

  作者:应采访者要求 文中人物皆为化名

The author:Should the interviewer for the characters are alias
