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小学老师兼职做性感车模 网友:想当她学生(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

小学老师兼职做性感车模 网友:想当她学生(图)  此前,台湾媒体报道过另一起类似的事件,高雄市一所小学的胡姓女老师遭投诉兼差当模特儿拍清凉写真照,且照片还被放上模特儿经纪公司官网,引来违法兼差、影响学生人格质疑。台湾“联合新闻网” after,Taiwan media reported with other similar events,A primary school in the kaohsiung dynasty female teacher was complaints part-time as a model shoot cool photo is illuminated,And the photos were put on model broker company's official website,Draws illegal part-time/Affect the students personality question.Taiwan"Joint news"


December 13, according to Taiwan TVBS news reports,Taiwan taoyuan have a primary school substitute the female teacher,In the presence of their spare time hot's show model,Wear cool and refreshing and stood in the next to everything,Put all kinds of sexy pose,Had the magazine cover,Not a few net friend saw the photos call,The teacher is good hot,Really want to be her students.


Chen now a primary school grade 6 of the substitute teacher,She was 25 years old,Education university graduate teaching in taoyuan,But their spare time to do part-time models.


Tai Po primary school principals XieJiRen said:"Because of her performance has been very good,So also the identity by parents,For the teacher in the outside part-time this part,Be lip asked her,Or is unfavorable to part-time."


As a model pictures after exposure,Chen low-key said,Just help a friend shooting,The future will still continue to when the teacher,And the school of education and county is considered,The teacher did not affect students' rights to education,Therefore outside part-time will not sanction,After all, the teacher can also have their own life,Does not affect the image and quality of teaching,Actually parents and students can be sure.
