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江汉大学教授余元洲为挺李庄而辞职 称不后悔--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Original title:YuYuanZhou:A utopian realist


On November 15,,LiZhuang to the supreme people's procuratorate to accuse,Chongqing city public security bureau accused LiZhuang case/GongGang die case as the before-mentioned suspected crime,Requirements shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility.24,The highest inspection two prosecutors and the appointment LiZhuang attorney.And in more than two years ago,Chongqing YiZhongYuan final determination LiZhuang make forgery/Nuisance testimony sin,Jailed for a year and a half,The vibration.Little is known,To defend the dignity of the law,And LiZhuang have never met before YuYuanZhou FenErCiZhi law professor.He is now how?


"Myself am the jianghan university students,For senior tuition cannot capture can lead to register,That can't graduate,Want to borrow 5400,In January when you receive YuYuanZhou @."


Two weeks ago,Jianghan university law professor before YuYuanZhou micro bo on such a message,He didn't give the other party to usually letters tell,But forward and replies:


"my[New classic]Published in Beijing,Need to get 44830(Nearly 45000)yuan,Contract has been signed,Borrow and to whom??And I have henan xinyang 90 square meters house property card(Because there is no land to use card can't handle mortgage loan),Is willing to pay and bank loan of the same interest,Than you conditions are favorable ah!ok,No kidding.Can't help you busy,Cannot ShuiGuaiHua.if?Now I like primary school classmates said composition:Even a worm will turn!"


On the surface,His day is good,Spacious room is located in jianghan university near the high-grade village,Quit two years to spare,10 five thousand yuan a month salary still arrive account,Even three meals a day just carrying staff rice card,They can enjoy the school dining room of good quality and low price.just,The former law professor"sideline"Too burn,Last year the creation symphony suite[Righteousness to praise],Look for a person to instruments spent 130000,Since 70000 owing,With the publication of the book,The old debt outstanding and add new debt.


He sent the journalist in recent years show published ten books,From the legal to history,From philosophy to economy,Widely in,Even the English translation of[Moral the].A super economics and political monopoly competition system(Are the core content of his book),He had no doubt yourself found save China and even the world political and economic crisis in the silver bullet,At the same time with no bole.As for his known reason,The website is the interpretation of terms:For LiZhuang's resignation.


先辞了再说 To quit say


YuYuanZhou really begin to enter,Is in LiZhuang case"The first season"after.


He first in the blog ligatures in three pretty LiZhuang articles,Length is not long,Influence co., LTD.,.After the second instance court,LiZhuang pleaded guilty at court.The next day,See the,He published then click on the more than two hundred thousand times"Resign declaration":In order to perform to their three pretty LiZhuang behavior promise,Now announced his decision to resign as jianghan university as a law professor,To thank the world.


", said‘To thank the world’,It is my little cunning."After two years,He picked up the decision is still difficult to mask excited,"What's wrong with me?I support LiZhuang one hundred percent correct.LiZhuang case is ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign unique,I must show that attitude.How can this opportunity to let go?"


57 years old YuYuanZhou is wuhan university postdoctoral of international law,In 2003 is JiangDa institute of politics and law as a talent introduction,His wife small he 17 years old,With the relationship between teachers' families for the school library,There are two sister a younger brother.In his own words,No matter in small home or everyone can"Run amuck".


He is above about the process of resignation,said"Make a decision one night is enough",Family against,Don't tell them it is.Until the second year the Spring Festival,His wife from my colleagues just heard the news,Between two people who have this knot.The 79 - year - old mother,So far in the dark.


And family"Don't want to support against bad also"Than the cold treatment,More exciting he nerve is about online two sects of entirely different,"For my advised me back to the rostrum,Rant my wish I immediately to jump off a building."


The real trouble he is resigned to do.He thought about the possibilities,The worst one was JiangDa sweep the floor after back to the wall,Big deal back to henan xinyang junior middle school students,Sell vegetables have made life gai.In order to avoid"deal",He deeply open"GengDou garden",Because after out education qualifications and the disciple by spectrum and forget about it.Last summer,He in changping district in Beijing the old cow bay east of pan under a workshop,Against the economics master diploma,In spite of his wife against,Sea worked as a restaurant owner,"YuShi medicinal food noodle"Open for more than a month,Net loss 30000 yuan,The credit card losses to later all out also insufficient,In the newspaper had to stick out from hand to hand after the advertisement"Run away in".


The experience of a restaurant,He likes to use"if","If I was successful,Not only don't have to take JiangDa money,Both of us have face,But monthly must be higher than the most severe teacher earn more",say,A sigh.


他活在自己的世界里 He live in their own world


Before stepping down,YuYuanZhou in JiangDa law school is alternative.


Law school dean LiWeiDong and he understood well,Two people have interdisciplinary background,Force can build on words.Say barely,Because in LiWeiDong looks,Their thinking is not a plane,"Sometimes we joked,You talk over with the law,He told you about history,You talk to him about history,He told you about the economy,You talk to him about the economy,He talk to you law."


Such a jump,Pure law was born to the vice President ZhaoLiXin also disagree,"The school said introduce a postdoctoral,We are all looking forward to,I later found out that teacher wrote more than most of the book,like[Lao tze new]/[Spring and autumn pass sequence]Don't get on with law completely,He law book I watched some front,Don't look down,Probably because his interest is too broad,Don't see professional depth."


ZhaoLiXin remember,Once on the bus,YuYuanZhou sighed his economic thought no one understand,He sent to jiang zemin[Super economics]book,Haven't received a reply yet.Zhao light send greenspan,More will be said of revealing state secrets."At the time I think if this is a farmer,Or teenage children said,Can also understand,But from a has received the higher education professor tongue,strange."


In LiWeiDong seems,Jianghan university is inclusive YuYuanZhou gave birth to such a teacher,This tolerance in resignation event to highlight."I don't understand him,Also don't agree with him,But I respect him."


For YuYuanZhou LiZhuang is the voice,The law also his own opinion,"Everyone has their own position and role.The cynical freely say also express a point of view,The teacher is both scholars,And preachers,All his voice must be based on the rigorous academic basis.This is the difference between the cynical and experts."


ZhaoLiXin also feel YuYuanZhou professor in LiZhuang case of behavior"Give a person feel more like a cynical","He is a persistent combustion of scholars.The enthusiasm is a kind of cute,But do not have constructive.He is living in their own state of mind in,This is a kind of we hard to attain happiness."


我不后悔 I don't regret


人物周刊:为什么辞职? Character weekly:Why to resign?


YuYuanZhou:As a citizen,Must respect the judicial,I am a law professor,More should do this.What call respect justice?On the one hand is a must for all trample on judicial/Destruction of the teaching behavior to speak up,In the case LiZhuang respect justice on the other hand and it directly conflict respect justice,The court's decision to don't respect?Even in cases also have to take,Have to admit the legal effect of judgment.This conflict let my heart is very painful,Don't know how to face a student.All the Chinese law teacher could not because this case there are no classes,But at least one don't go to class.It can't go to do,But someone must do.All the best of the ability and intention.I quit,In essence and YangJinZhu flying to chongqing/ChenYouXi in academic online speech no different.If it is two years ago,I definitely would resign.


人物周刊:作出辞职决定的同时期待它会对李庄案的结局产生影响吗? Character weekly:Make decision to resign at the same time looking forward to it LiZhuang case to the end of the impact?


YuYuanZhou:I quit,LiZhuang case will translate,How is that possible?I do LiZhuang case to have the effect/Have how old effect didn't know that,But I did was comfortable,Don't do it nest.The professor of the whole country are resignation is nonsense,But no one resignation may not be normal.This is the sign of the social progress will not be any one about the process of it,If history according to one person/The design of a group walk,It is very dangerous.Engels put forward parallelogram theory,Is to make the statement that history is by countless power together,Become a force results.Writing articles/Resign even jump,Can't decide the result of the case,More can't decide the rule of law process.


人物周刊:李庄案的负面影响是什么? Character weekly:The negative effects of LiZhuang case is???????


YuYuanZhou:LiZhuang case one hundred percent cases case.From the legal perspective LiZhuang innocence,From the political point of view is very dangerous,From the ethical perspective is very absurd.I put the LiZhuang crime basis[Criminal law]Article 306 take out,Divided into eight points,Do not meet.that,No matter from the Angle of the applicable law,Or the fact that point of view,LiZhuang perjury,Are not established.Even if the layman can see that problem,And I know how much the law some.political,If the party secretary/Public security bureau damage legal system,It is very dangerous,They should take the lead in observing the laws enacted by the National People's Congress,Maintain its seriousness.ethical,Others give you defense,But you never bite,The so-called"There will be YongFu under four questions,Under the looters will yield",But even if passively bite his own counsel,Also easy to cause the social overall moral landslide.


人物周刊:你对李庄案的前景怎么看? Character weekly:You LiZhuang case to the prospect of how to see?


YuYuanZhou:I used to think that LiZhuang appeal the possibility of winning is 49%,In fact is the basic no may,Now up to 50%,Don't like LiZhuang confident,Think that 99% will win.Right a wrong will cause domino effect,A lot of cases to start all over again,GongGang die to commute,FanJi hangzhou this lives to lose money,Related prosecutors/The police must be based on the misjudged case look into system by sanctions.The whole process may be long,But do it on national stability greatly,Because you can set up the maintenance of teaching/The image of the rectification will be wrong.Visionary words will right a wrong,A vision is not afraid of suffering and trouble.
