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   导读: introduction:又是一年走过,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向中国教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典将于2013年1月举行。搜狐教育将与亿万网友一起,向中国教育发问,解答困惑,寻求变革。《孟子•尽心上》云:"观水有术,必观其澜。"朱熹在《四书集注》中对此句的注解为:"观水之澜,则知其源之有本矣。"正如古圣先贤所言,考察产业的要点,在于观其大势,知其本源,方能探知行业命脉,把握经营真谛! Another year through,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"To the Chinese education question"Sohu education annual festival will be held in January 2013.Sohu education with hundreds of millions of users together,China's education to ask,Answer confused,Seek change.[mencius•On with]cloud:"View water art,Will view the billows."Zhu xi in[Contact four]This sentence for comment:"View the water ripples,It is down to have this yi."As the ancient scholars said,Study the main points of the industry,The general trend is to view,Know its origin,Can ascertain industry lifeline,Grasp business essence!

  在中国教育最有希望的2012年,教育体制在不断破冰,教育行业在大浪淘沙之后蓬勃发展。我们呼吁教育的改革之路超越集团利益,我们追寻教育的本源坚守最初的理想情怀,我们有机会把中国教育变得更好,而您在其间,独一无二,不可或缺。我们相信,彼此耳语只能让少数人受益,朗声合唱才能将能量放大,将力量团聚!观澜而索源,观心而知天下,搜狐教育频道将于2012年12月21日举办“《高朋满座》国际教育行业年度盘点高峰论坛”,碰撞思想,追本溯源,为中国教育答疑解惑,为推动变革探讨发问。 In the Chinese education the most promising in 2012,Education system in the continuous ice,Education industry in rapid development after the ebb tide.We call on education reform way beyond the group interest,We pursue the origin of education to the original ideal feelings,We have the chance to take China education better,And you in the meantime,unique,indispensable.We believe that,Whisper to each other will only make a few people benefit,Audible words chorus to energy amplification,Will power reunion!Billows and SuoYuan,Heart is the world view,Sohu education channel in 2012 will be held on December 21,"[quite]International education industry annual inventory peak BBS",Collision thought,all,For China's education answer to reassure,In order to promote the reform questions discussed.


论坛时间: BBS time:2012年12月21日(星期五) 10:00 — 11:30

On December 21, 2012(Friday) ten:In - 11:30


论坛地点: BBS site:搜狐网络大厦12层•大演播室

Sohu network building and layer•Big studio


年度话题: Annual topic:

  PART1 走出去的国际步伐

PART1 go out international pace

  PART2 创新服务能否致胜未来

PART2 service innovation can be winning the future

  PART3 被"竞价排名"绑架的营销时代

PART3 is"Competitive ranking"Kidnapping marketing era

  PART4 向教育提问

PART4 to education question

  PART5 与搜狐教育旅行3分钟

PART5 and sohu education travel 3 minutes
