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河南22名学生被砍 如何给留守儿童安全校园?--亲稳网络舆情监测室

河南22名学生被砍 如何给留守儿童安全校园?                    12月14日,受伤学生张萌的家人在展示张萌当时所穿的衣服。 新华社发                     On December 14,,The students ZhangMeng family in showing the clothes of ZhangMeng at that time. The xinhua news agency hair

  河南光山县14日发生的小学生校园被砍伤事件中,22名小学生被砍伤,1名老人生命危在旦夕。在发出这一消息后,光山县当地封锁消息,官方集体 失声,甚至有当地干部在办私事、玩游戏,称“探讨没意义”。更令人痛心的是,光山县“12·14”校园惨案已是当地一年多来的第三起校园学生伤亡事件!面 对在外地打工匆匆赶回的死伤学生的家长,人们追问:

Henan the guangshan county 14 happen pupils campus cuts in the event,22 pupils cuts,An old man's life is at stake.In the news out,The guangshan county local blockade news,The official collective voice,Even in the local cadres for personal affairs/Play games,says"No meaning to explore".The more harrowing is,The guangshan county"12 · 14"Campus massacre is local for more than a year since the campus students casualties!Surface in the field work in a hurry back to death and students' parents,People ask:如何给留守儿童一个安全校园? How to give left-behind children a safe campus?


“惨不忍睹”爷爷认不出孙子 "horrible"Grandpa did not recognize grandson


14 morning,Guangshan county in henan province manjusri township old man wei yue root just the grandson to two kilometers outside of the Chen tent village complete primary school back home,And in a hurry on electric vehicle drive to school - for 6 years old this year,Just the son of grade one WeiXiang was cut hurt!


"His blood,The street there are many children,Crying a piece of.If it weren't for holding the head grandson called me,I didn't recognize him!"Wei yue root old man tremble with fear.


14, more than 7,Guangshan county in henan province manjusri township Chen tent village complete primary school massacre:A more than 30 year old man hand kitchen knife into the campus,Wield the sword to are cleaning up and get ready for class of primary school children,Killing 22 students are injured,A 84 - year - old man seriously.

  众多亲历者向记者还原了当日情景。14日早上7点多,36岁的犯罪嫌疑人闵应军闯入距完全小学仅数米之遥的独居老人向家英家,殴打向家英,并抢 了一把菜刀,将反抗的老人砍成重伤。随后,闵又冲入完全小学,追逐砍杀校园内正在打扫卫生的学生。他冲进教学楼,从一楼一直砍到三楼。后被赶来的学校教 师、村民和民警用橡胶棒、铁锹和扫帚等将其在校门外制服。

Many to the reporter shi yafeng describes some reduction on the scene.14 at 7 o 'clock,At the age of 36 MinYingJun suspects from complete primary school in only a few meters away XiangGuYing home old people who live alone,XiangGuYing beating,And robbed of a kitchen knife,The old man will resist cut into a serious injury.then,And downtown into complete primary school,Chase stabbed on the campus is cleaning the health of students.He rushed into the building,From the first floor have been cut to the third floor.After the school teacher came/The villagers and police use rubber bar/A spade, and a broom and the uniform outside the school gate.


According to the local hospital doctor introduction,The wounded in the face and head injuries,Some serious injuries of students skull cracking/Debris into the brain.According to incomplete statistics,As of Wednesday night,22 the wounded has 7 name for seriously has been transferred to the wuhan city and the hospital treatment.


A student mother cried:"Many children grandma and grandpa are urgent fainted,Scene too horrible to look!"
