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河南22名学生被砍 如何给留守儿童安全校园?--亲稳网络舆情监测室(3)

并非偶发 Not fortuitous


一年三起学生伤亡案 A year since the three students casualties

  据记者调查,光山县“12·14”校园惨案已是当地一年多来的第三起校园学生伤亡事件:2011年,光山县一名17岁、父母外出打工的高二学生 刘鹏在学校被同学捅死,身上十几处刀伤;2012年11月29日,光山县一个18岁的高三学生程前被刺死在学校门口,正对面就是光山县教体局。

According to the reporter investigation,The guangshan county"12 · 14"Campus massacre is local for more than a year since the campus students casualties:In 2011,,The guangshan county a 17 years old/Parents go out to work LiuPengZai school students by school students tong death,More than a dozen knife wound on;On November 29, 2012,The guangshan county a and years of high school ChengQian was stabbed to death in the school gate,Is just across from the guangshan county bureau of combination.


Reporters were visited 22 injured the pupils guangshan county people's hospital/Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine chord city hospital,Only a few students parents accompany beside you,Most parents go out to work left-behind children.


At the age of 11 ZouCan after injury,With brother ran out of the campus,Because parents are working in shaanxi,Only grandma and dry daddy accompany beside you.although"Outer skull cracking",Lying on the bed of her grandmother also comfort,"I'm fine,Just a little headache".


From jiangxi hurry back to parents WeiJiCai regret,"Child as well,Now lie in severe ward."


The school staff said,The school when"There is a security",The last three floor or triumph in the downtown.But so far,No responsible person of related department whether there is the news of dereliction of duty.And the reporter guangshan county party committee in the seat of the government only to see,The office of the counties,Looked every inch a.


当地封锁消息冷应对 Local blockade news to cold


当地官网:先上稿再撤稿 Local website:The first draft to withdraw draft


14 nearly noon,The guangshan county propaganda department official the guangshan network first revealed the news,Saying 15 morning will hold a press conference.And 14 later,The guangshan county removed news,Unilateral told 15 press conference to cancel,And began to blockade news.By the late 15th in two days,The guangshan county county collective voice.


事发小学:领导去县城了 The elementary school:Leading to the county

  15日,记者赶到事发地小学采访,只有一名曹姓工作人员值班。透过窗户,一至三楼的教室内有明显的清洗痕迹,有的水渍未干,地上仍有斑斑血迹, 书本和桌凳散乱。三楼一间教室的门窗被打破、损坏,二楼的校长办公室内,监控录像一直开着,但值班人员说“领导去县城了,没有密码”,无法调出。而学校对 面的向家英老人家,屋内一摊殷红的鲜血还在。

15,Reporters rushed to the interview to primary school,Only a CaoXing staff on duty.Through the Windows,One to three floor of the classroom has obvious cleaning trace,Some water damage did not work,The earth is still have blood stains, Books and table and stool scattered.The third floor one room door is broken/damage,On the second floor of the principal office,Surveillance video open,But the attendant said"Leading to the county,No password",Cannot v.And the old school XiangGuYing,The pool of deep red blood is still in.


当地村干部:有私事不在家不知情 The local village cadres:A personal matter not at home not informed

  整个陈棚村街上冷冷清清。记者赶到村委会,只有一名自称“不是村干部、只是过来帮忙”的妇女在办公。记者电话联系村干部,一名周姓村干部竟称 “在外有点私事,不在家,也不知情”。记者随后赶到犯罪嫌疑人闵应军位于文殊乡邹鹏村的家,大门紧锁,“昨天还在”的父母和两个女儿已不知去向,几名民警 正在外围排查。

The whole Chen tent village street cold and cheerless.Reporter arrived at the village committee,Only a claim"Not village cadres/Just come over and help"The women in the office.Reporter telephone village cadres,A ZhouXing village cadres have said "Out a little personal,Not at home,Also don't know".Reporter then hurried to the criminal suspect MinYingJun manjusri is located in the township ZouPengCun home,Gate lock,"Yesterday is still in"Parents and two daughters have vanish into thin air,Several policemen are peripheral machines.


县教育局:副主任忙着玩游戏 County bureau of:Deputy director of the busy playing games

  随后,记者到县教育局、县委县政府采访,情况更是令人吃惊。县教育局一名自称“普通工作人员”,后被证实为办公室副主任的值班领导告诉记者, “领导都下乡检查去了”,而他自己竟然在玩电脑游戏!县政府的一名工作人员见到记者,说“领导不在”,后借故离开,一去不返,留下记者在办公楼内空等近2 个小时。

then,Reporter to the county education bureau/County party committee county government interview,Even more amazing.County bureau of a claim"Common staff",After confirmed by the deputy director of the office on duty leader told reporters, "Leadership to the countryside to check",And he was playing computer games!The county government employee see reporter,said"Leadership is not",Tried to leave after,permanently,Reporter in the left the office building, such as empty nearly two hours.


宣传部门:不愿讨论要先吃饭 Propaganda department:Not willing to talk to have dinner first


Net transfer"County party committee propaganda department news,The criminal suspect preliminary judge with psychosis".The county party committee propaganda department of the main person in charge of telephone verification,This person in charge said side"Whether sick will have time to identify",Side told reporters"To discuss this have what meaning,Have dinner first!"
