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广州女教师猛摔4岁女童获刑6年 被质疑量刑轻--亲稳舆论引导监测室

广州女教师猛摔4岁女童获刑6年 被质疑量刑轻许某欢故意伤害领刑 XuMou huan deliberately hurt bring punishment


Original title:Guangzhou panyu child abuse case verdict violence female teachers sentenced to six and a half years


Hurt 4 years old girl's teacher was punishment six and a half years


Guangzhou panyu district son you children rehabilitation service center said after the haven't a child to sign up

  文/ 羊城晚报记者夏杨通讯员潘声崔杰锋

Wen/Yang cheng evening news reporter XiaYang correspondent PanSheng CuiJieFeng

  图/ 羊城晚报记者邓勃

Diagram/Yang cheng evening news reporter DengBo

  备受社会关注的康复中心老师摔伤4 岁幼童案(羊城晚报曾作系列报道) 昨天在广州番禺法院宣判, 今年27岁的涉事老师许某欢因故意伤害罪被判6 年6 个月。

The social concern rehabilitation center teacher hurt 4 years old children case(The yangcheng evening news has made a series of reports) Yesterday in guangzhou panyu court sentenced, This year 27 years old things in the teacher XuMou huan for intentional harm was sentenced to six years 6 months.


庭审现场 Trial site


“我不是故意伤害她的” "I didn't mean to hurt her"

  今年10 月10 日, 该案在番禺法院开审。番禺检察院向法院提起公诉,认为许某欢故意伤人致重伤,证据确凿、充分,应当以故意伤害罪追究其刑事责任。在法庭上,许某欢不时抽泣、抹眼泪,情绪不稳定。她对犯罪事实和罪名基本无异议。她说,自己因一时心急伤害到被害人, 对此感到很后悔,希望法官从轻处罚。许某欢还说,她平时对瑶瑶很好的, 也愿意赔偿对方的经济损失,但她本人没有经济收入。

October 10,, The court in panyu.Panyu procuratorate to court to Sue,Think XuMou huan intentionally hurt cause serious injury,Concrete evidence/fully,Should be deliberately harm shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility.In court,XuMou huan sobs from time to time/Wipe tears,Emotional instability.She to the criminal facts and basic have no objection to the charges.She said,He has hurt the victim a impatient, To feel regret,Hope that the judge lighter punishment.XuMou huan said,She usually to YaoYao very good, Is willing to compensate each other's economic losses,But she I no income.

  昨日该案宣判。许某欢被法警押进法庭时,表情比上次出庭淡然了许多。宣布完判决结果后, 法官问她对判决有何意见,她又重复了上次庭审中说过的话:“我不是有心伤害她的。”

Yesterday the sentence.XuMou huan be bailiff and into the court,Look a lot better than last time appear insignificant.Announced after the decision, The judge asked her decision to have what opinion,And she repeated the last trial said:"I am not to hurt her."

  走出法庭,受害者瑶瑶的父亲邱先生接受记者采访时认为判得太轻, “不原谅他们”,“我对送瑶瑶去那里接受康复训练后悔一辈子”。邱先生说,瑶瑶至今仍躺在医院里接受治疗,经过多次手术后情况有所好转,但右侧手臂对刺激没有反应。他表示,瑶瑶从广医二院转到顺德治疗后又产生了10 万多元的医疗费用, 他保留继续提出民事赔偿诉讼的权利。

Out of court,The victim YaoYao father Mr Khoo, when accepting a reporter to interview to think too light, "Don't forgive them","I go there to send YaoYao accept rehabilitation training for a lifetime regret".Said Mr. High,YaoYao still lying in hospital for treatment,After many surgery is a little better,But the right arm to stimulate no response.He said,YaoYao from GuangYi two school turned to shunde after treatment and produced 100000 multivariate medical costs, He kept continue to file a civil compensation litigation rights.


康复中心 Rehabilitation center


事后再没孩子来报名 Afterwards no children to sign up


In the trial XuMou huan has said she has no corresponding certificate,Just apply for center the nurse,But then was arranged to do a physical education teacher.The nurse how to become a teacher?

  对此疑问, 昨日记者再次赴番禺子惠儿童康复服务中心采访。

This question, Reporter yesterday again to panyu son you children rehabilitation service center interview.


The director of the center tan Yin added in an interview,XuMou huan a beginning is accompanied job classmates came to the center,"When we this short of hands,He asked her willing to stay".XuMou huan once played in ShouShiChang work,Fill out the identity of the material form of record of formal schooling is filled"Technical secondary school",Professional is"secretarial".As for the diploma,XuMou huan was said to take home,Is far from home,Want to live for a while.Then it has not.

  在办好健康证并接受培训后许某欢就上班了,“开始是做保育员, 负责带孩子上厕所、擦屁股”,观察了好多天,感觉许某欢有耐心和爱心,“很少有人愿意干这样的活的”。谭添尹称,作为该中心的老师,必须有中专以上学历,但体育老师的教学内容很简单,就是带孩子玩玩球、做做运动,所以对学历要求不高;虽然许某欢并没拿来能证明自己学历的证书,还是安排她做了体育老师。

Do good in health certificate and accept after training XuMou huan will work,"Began to do the nurse, Responsible for the children go to the toilet/bottoms",Observe a lot of day,Feel XuMou huan have patience and love,"Very few people were willing to do such a living".Tan add Yin said,As the center of the teacher,Must have technical secondary school degree or above,But sports teacher's teaching content is very simple,Is the child play with the ball/Do sport,So to education requirement is not high;Although XuMou huan and didn't bring that can prove his degree certificate,Or arranged for her to do a physical education teacher.

  许某欢为何会那么做? 谭添尹表示,当天她在医院时就问过许某欢,“她当时很害怕,就谎称是孩子自己摔的”,后来许某欢被拘留,谭添尹就再没机会问起。

XuMou huan why do that? Tan add Yin said,The day she was in hospital was asked XuMou huan,"She was very frightened,Is that your child is the fall",Then XuMou huan in custody,Tan Yin added have not chance to ask about.

  被问及该案对康复中心的影响,谭添尹说,以前这里有40 多个孩子,现在只有30 个,事情发生后再没有一个新报名的过来。

Asked about the case to the influence of the rehabilitation center,Tan add Yin said,Before there are forty more children,Now only 30,After things happen again without a new registration come over.


早前报道 Earlier reports


Guangzhou panyu a 4 years old children were hit to lift the teacher seriously


法官看法 The judge view


愿该案能起警醒作用 Let the case can watch the action

  法官麦雄杰在宣判结束后接受了羊城晚报记者的采访。他说,许某欢的行为已构成故意伤害罪, 依法应当在3 年以上10 年以下范围内量刑。

The judge sentenced MaiXiongJie in after accepted the yangcheng evening news reporter's interview.He said,XuMou huan action has constituted an intentional harm, According to law shall be in 3 to 10 years in the following range sentencing.

  麦雄杰说,身为残疾儿童训练机构的工作人员,许某欢非但没根据学员身体和需要施教,更缺乏照顾、看护特殊儿童的爱心和耐性, 在康复训练中体罚学员,将毫无防备的4 岁女童摔甩翻转,致人身心健康受到极大损害,必须严惩。而同时,许某欢事发后能积极配合送被害人到医院救治, 归案后能如实供述自己的罪行,依法可以从轻处罚;案发后许某欢家属也支付了一定治疗费,也可酌情从轻处罚。

MaiXiongJie said,As a disabled children training institutions staff,XuMou huan not only didn't according to the student body and need to teaching,More lack of care/Nursing special children's love and patience, In the rehabilitation training students corporal punishment,Will be defenseless 4 years old girl fell left turn,To the human body and mind health is great damage,Must be punished severely.At the same time,XuMou huan after the incident can actively cooperate with send the victim to the hospital, After Monday can truthfully confession his crime,Can be lighter punishment according to law;After the XuMou huan families also pay a certain treatment,Can also take into consideration the lighter punishment.

  “惩罚犯罪也是为了预防犯罪。”麦雄杰同时表示,通过本案,希望能警醒社会公众尤其是教育机构的工作人员, 应加强对儿童的关心和爱护, 避免类似的悲剧再次发生。

"In order to prevent crime and punishment."MaiXiongJie also said,Through the case,Hope to be able to watch the social public especially education institutions staff, Should strengthen to children's care and love, Avoid a similar tragedy happening again.


对话瑶父 Dialogue yao father


“判决结果偏轻了” "Decision by light"


New express:How to see the verdict?


QiuChangCheng:The decision by light!


Procuratorate suggest sentencing for 6 years, 6 months to eight years and eight months,But the court decision chose minimums.I think at least to sentenced to seven years,It is eight years and eight months too much!If we consider for the damage,she(XuLiHuan)Sentenced to how many years we simply isn't worth mentioning!


New express:Does this mean that you will not be understanding to the defendant?


QiuChangCheng:This how call I go to understanding?This is related to my child matter for a lifetime,In relation to the rest of my things!After the,she(XuLiHuan)And family for us to do what the compensation?Man is the feeling.


早前报道 Earlier reports


Guangzhou panyu a 4 years old children were hit to lift the teacher seriously


律师建议 The lawyer recommended


“虐童罪”立法即“有法可依” "Child abuse sin"Legislation that is"work"


Guangdong guangdong general law firm's lawyers LiJinHong said,XuLiHuan is child abuse case and nearly period of child abuse event,Have to cause national legislative thinking.


YaoYao because the injury is serious injury,XuLiHuan to heavy sentenced.Zhejiang wen and child abuse case leading to YanYanGong only"Administrative detention 15 days"punishment.Investigate its reason,According to the principle of legality,The public security organ can such treatment,This is our country legislation defects.


Lee lawyer advised,Our country should be established as soon as possible"Child abuse sin",In order to solve such though not cause bodily harm,But young children caused great damage spirit could not be in accordance with the awkward situation.(New express)


案情回放 Case playback

  广州市番禺区子惠儿童康复服务中心为民办非企业单位,业务范围为训练残疾儿童自闭症(孤独症)、多动症、语言障碍、学习障碍,提升残疾儿童的学习能力。番禺当地人许某欢今年27 岁, 事发前一个月到该中心工作,担任保育员兼体育老师。

Guangzhou panyu district son you children rehabilitation service center for people-run non-enterprise units,The business scope for training the disabled children autism(autism)/hyperactivity/The language barrier/Learning disabilities,Improve disabled children's learning ability.Panyu locals XuMou huan this year 27 years old, One month before the incident to the center work,As a nurse and PE teacher.

  4 岁的瑶瑶(化名,2007 年出生),因患有语言障碍, 于今年6 月被送到该中心接受训练。今年7 月2 日上午10 时许, 许某欢在该中心二楼体育室上课期间,因瑶瑶不配合做运动,被许某欢拉起双手凌空吊起, 并快速向后甩,致瑶瑶头部着地;接着许某欢又拉起瑶瑶的双脚原地做360°翻转, 后发现瑶瑶已昏迷不醒。经法医鉴定,瑶瑶的损伤程度为重伤。

4 years old YaoYao(alias,Born in 2007),Because with the language barrier, In June of this year was sent to the center training.July 2, at about ten in the morning, XuMou huan in the center on the second floor of the sports room during class,For YaoYao don't fit to do sports,Be XuMou huan pull up hands lift volley, And quickly left back,The YaoYao head down;Then XuMou huan and pull up YaoYao feet situ 360 ° flip, YaoYao found already unconscious.The forensic identification,The damage degree of YaoYao for serious injury.
