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郑州大学男子3000米纪录52年不破 系1960年成绩--亲稳舆论引导监测室
据新华社电 近期频频传出的大学生长跑猝死消息,以及个别高校取消运动会长跑项目的做法,引起了公众对高校学子体质问题的关注。记者从郑州大学体育系获知,该校男子3000米长跑纪录已52年不破,仍由1960年田径运动会上一政治系学生以9分23秒的成绩保持。
According to xinhua recently came out of the college students frequently run sudden death news,And individual university cancel games run project practice,Cause the public to college students physical issues.Reporters learned from zhengzhou university department of physical education,The men's 3000 metres record has 52 years not broken,By 1960 still track and field sports meeting of a student to 9 minutes 23 seconds results keep.
郑州大学体育系相关负责人刘忠东在查阅该校普通学生参加比赛的赛会纪录时发现,1960年郑州大学第四届田径运动会上,政治系学生李连成创造的30 0 0米纪录9分23秒的成绩,52年来本校学生再无一人打破。而该校女子3000米的赛会纪录,由物理系学生王淑霞在1986年全国第二届大运会上创造,成绩为10分51秒2,同样保持至今。
Zhengzhou university department of physical education in the relevant person in charge of LiuZhongDong consult the general students to participate in the game that the record,In 1960, zhengzhou university fourth session of track and field sports meeting,Department of political science students LiLianCheng create 30 0 0 meters record 9 minutes 23 seconds grades,52 years students no man break.And the women's 3000 meters of the record,The department of physics WangShuXia students in 1986, the second national universiade to create,Results for 10 points and 2 seconds,Also keep so far.
According to introducing,Zhengzhou university every year, undertake to the student physique monitoring,Content including running/The standing long jump and quality test,taijiquan/basketball/Volleyball technology test,The theory and knowledge assessment.Data show that,College students' running level indeed been declining trend,In the big one big 2 students show more obvious.
but,LiuZhongDong does not support that according to students' physique generally decline."Not like the outside world could guess,Ten has eight all not line."In his view,Measure physical standard is not only a running,Some students don't think running dry,Like ball games/Swimming and other sports,Can also achieve the purpose of the exercise.Only individuals did not pay attention to exercise,Habits is not law,Lead to weak constitution.
"In fact most of the students have sports and health consciousness,The key to action,"LiuZhongDong said,"Many students are on the exam just a few days to practice running,But a good exercise habits is a permanent solution."
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