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昌平四所农村校坚持8年联合办学 市教委领导充分肯定—— Changping four rural school adhere to the eight years of joint ventures municipal education commission leadership fully sure --
On December 7, in the morning,Than in the city of Beijing,The temperature of changping district obviously on the low side,Cold let people trembling.
This day,The good school,Steps in a hurry,Beijing and more than 300 counties from junior high school principal/The teacher/Experts in,Visit learning includes the good school,"Intercollegiate alliance".
The good school/Changling school/Pavilion village school/Yang fang middle school is leading role.
The four common rural school,Adhere to the eight years of joint ventures,Do out of the characteristics.
Host city education base to teach one place and the municipal education learn to junior high school research branch,Platform to build,Let the grassroots autonomous/Moved by the story to education,As a typical Beijing to all junior high school school show.
It is reported,The good school window is aerobics,Aerobics classes and has won many Beijing first,Twice won the national title;Pavilion village middle school is proposed"Happiness education";Yang fang is the formation of middle school"Cultivate cultured students/Achievement elegant teacher/Elegant school"of"SanYa";Chang ling school is building"life/life/ecological"of"my"Efficient classroom.
The good school principal FanHaiBo is introduced,About the school aerobics,Can not fail to mention of a person is the physical education teacher Chen jia,She led her school aerobics team training,After school/Lunch break,The body chamber/In the field,The teachers and students often see their figure.
"Although is located in the rural,But the good school has many city schools are rare/Strong science and technology atmosphere.The school has a long corridor of science and technology/Machine studio/Robot studio/Science and technology innovation studio/Land model studio."FanHaiBo walking in the campus,You often see model aircraft flying through the air,Hear model car motor roar;Into the special place,The robot program control students prepare complete a task,After the car/drill/plane/Milling process such as a,Children with a small machine to make the precision of the workpiece.
■ 现场特写 S site feature
8年的实践是一种精神 Eight years of practice is a kind of spirit
4 league school adhere to the eight years of cooperation,From the initial"Joint marking"to"System construction"/"Joint research"/"In-depth cooperation",Each step is steadfast/powerful.See video/To attend a lecture/Characteristics of the classroom turned a turn/Reading materials,Deputy director of the Beijing municipal education commission LuoJie a little excited,The original does not intend to speak,Can speak a word for 25 minutes.
"I want to see while,They are writing a speech"/"Feeling too deep"/"ah,I feel too much"……25 minutes,LuoJie conceal himself to the four schools"Intercollegiate alliance"admiration,period,The scene broke into the waves of applause.obviously,4 league school to eight years,Let him move,To touch.
"Eight years of practice,Is a kind of spirit/A kind of practice/A platform/A kind of creation,Also is to the education law and the law of development of the school to follow.""Four school alliance connotation is made‘1 can't be little’to‘Every student learn’/‘Every school/Each student is wonderful’Education of.""I can feel,Four school alliance is not a utilitarian/Of short-term goals,But in the management/The system security.""This is‘The rural areas to encircle the cities’way,The rural school can get the award.""The four common progress,Drive a region of the education development,produce‘1 + 1 + 1 + 1>4’effect."
LuoJie put forward,"Intercollegiate alliance"To become the capital education brand.
读者来信 Letters from readers
双胞胎兄弟成功的秘诀 The twin brothers the secret of success
Last year we admitted to a school from the same common junior high school's twin brother,After the placement test,Brother to the experimental class,Brother went to the regular class.After the midterm,I should grade group leader asked for higher grade parents do high school research method instruction.In the process of ready to speak,Two brothers achievements attracted my attention:The graduated from the junior middle school's twin brother,Test scores six to one,My brother is very outstanding performance,In the top grade;Brother got very bad,Is almost bottom.For professional sensitive,I think it is quite necessary to find out the cause of the different results caused by them.
I first brother and chat.For in junior high school of time,The two brothers study result about,A learning method but also no different,According to his statement,The school is very heavy examination,Every learning task is to remember the teacher summed up the law or the so-called problem solving skills,So each test scores are little difference.In fact the two placement test scores also bad not too much,But brother played better,With the advantages of higher than younger brother part into the experimental class.
Brother's introduction to explore more inspired my interest,That is two intellectual level/Education background basic same children after a few months of learning,How can have such a gap?The next communication let I found the answer to the question.Brother said he really cherish the opportunity to learn in class,Also for brother can't be with their classes and feel sorry.Then after we go back every day and not immediately do my homework,But to put a day listening to summarize the content of the refining,Tell younger brother listen to.
Hear here I can't help interrupted brother's words,Gave him fully affirmation,Tell him this is the cause of his progress.Because in before he explain to knowledge are summarized,The process of interpretation becomes a extended process.I encouraged him must stick to it,It is good to his brother,More good to oneself.Because if the lack of the process,It is possible to not to pay attention to those who have made the right questions.In fact"Did the right thing"And really"learned",Be in to brother told those who you think is very easy questions also have don't know how to speak understand situation?Is in the process of topic will often find themselves on the study of the leak and the insufficiency ah?Brother repeatedly after nodded,Confused ground to ask me,Brother, what is the cause of the loss?I smiled and said,Brother's problems to solve by me,You must stick to it,do!
The second day,I seek to brother chat.Brother is also a motivated strong child,Before I ask,He threw a question - why every day I listen to brother topic,Copy the brother class notes,Achievement is not up to improve it?First I must listen carefully to his brother topic approach,At the same time points out that listen to brother topic can't take the place of classroom lecture,Copy the brother notes cannot replace their summary.If he can avoid the following five,Can and brother,Become the master of learning:One is not heavy conclusion light process,The second is the number can not be heavy light quality,Three is not heavy memorization light understanding,The fourth is the wrong topic can not be heavy to light problem,5 it is not to know the light temperature.
Listen to my words,Brother's confidence clearly enhance,I clap his shoulder to encourage him.Later, brother really change the learning methods,The elder brother also continue to help younger brother.Later in the final exam two people got out of the very satisfactory results.
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