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6名大学生帮抓小偷 遭多名男子持刀追砍(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室


On December 21, at about,Hainan university four students and two already graduate students in hainan university north gate to eat food taken late at night.Six o 'clock Fried powder just sit down soon,I heard someone Shouting"help,Catch the thief".immediately,6 people run past to help,The results have been WeiOu each other,The one in the school student head and left face cuts,Face the wound 1 cm deep,8 cm long,Seam a needle more than sixty.


On December 21, in the afternoon,The south China sea network reporter came to haikou city people's hospital department of stomatology,See lying on the bed of hainan university piano music performance senior students the lee,See the face, and received a long wound,The head also have the wound.The man looked pale,Very tired.


According to haikou city people's hospital department of stomatology Korean doctor introduction,21 at 2 o 'clock,Li mou was sent to the hospital for treatment,To face the wound is deep,bleeding,Also some coma.The wound about 1 cm deep,8 cm long,The inspection,No injury and nerve and the main blood vessels,Hence in suture.The wound about 7 days can take out stitches,Then do rest,But face more or less or would be a scar left behind.


听到女孩喊“救命” 出手相助被砍伤 Hear the girl cried out"help" Cuts to help out


"We are only students,Hear someone crying for help,We are to help out,Justice is,But the result let a person sad."LiYueYong faint voice tells the story of the process.


And in the evening,,Just have two senior to school play,Then meet after class and senior to hainan university north gate to eat food taken late at night,Ordered Fried after powder,Sitting in a small kiosk, etc,Fried powder are haven't,She heard in hainan university north door of the bridge has the girl cried out"help,Catch the thief."At that time,A classmate ran over to look at it,The students find,The woman with a man together,The woman and the man walked just ran to fry powder on the stand with a shovel,Then and two"The thief"fighting.The students gave out a yell,"fast,Come over and help."


then,Lee and the two other students and three senior drove past,See both sides still in the fight,So li the brainstorm,Cried the,"The police,I am a policeman!"Then two"The thief"He ran the,Lee and take the shovel man with together,two"The thief"He ran into the bridge a ChaDian opposite.


According to li described the,Two men just go in 1 minute,Is six or seven age in forty years old men with machetes and fruit knife rush out,Some people still follow behind,Two knife-wielding man to li more and to rescue people with a cut.


At that time in addition to the part of the street lamp,Road is black.Others stood in more open place,Run away,And li mou is forced to dark corner,Couldn't escape.At this time,Lee said the more quickly,"We are the students study,Together are students."Even so,Li mou was a haggle,Cut who also said,"Are you a student,Why say is the police."


Lee said the,Be cut to the face,Face blood dc,The wound is too deep have no feeling,Two men see this also stopped.Then li mou to stand up,But had not gone many steps before he fell.soon,There is a people come in,Some of them make a call 110 and emergency number 120,Police rushed to the scene.


伤者为在读大学生平日爱打抱不平 The college students' daily for reading love help victim of an injustice


The reporter understands,The 22-year-old lee the hainan university school of art next level piano music performance of a student.He and the students are very good relationship,daily,Li more love to help victim of an injustice,Try my best to help people around him,Also for two years as a monitor position.


Recall the bloody scene,Was there a few students are at the grief and indignation.But in the lee looks,Meet this kind of thing,Pure is unconscious instinct reaction.But said more a scar on his face,Li the eye flood tears,Because, after all, is to learn music show professional,He will be still on stage to eat,Now it faces senior going to graduate from graduate school,Young man emotional appears very low.


According to the lee of a few students is introduced,Lee is more reasonable,For fear of his father mother worry,Now also dare not tell the family,The present medical students in the class are also contributed to solve.But he this's heroic spirit,Is worth recommending.


The wounded girlfriend stone classmate told reporters,Morning a little more minutes,When she arrived at the scene,See the face flesh boyfriend has fuzzy,When scene confusion,Personnel is more miscellaneous,Heard of other scold her boyfriend"Are you a policeman?,Pack what the police."Stone classmate say,Her boyfriend is also in order to frighten the two"The thief"To deliberately said he is a policeman.


校方表示会持续关注此事帮助学生 Officials said will continue to pay attention to this matter to help students


Hainan university school of art science department director in the south China sea ChenZeRui accept and reporters:"Things happen after,The school first time went to the hospital to visit li more students,And sympathy.At present the school also hope to use the power of the society,The power of the media was calling for help two people can stand up,Let the police to solve crimes as soon as possible."


At the same time, the school also said will continue to pay attention to this event,And the more students to lee in the treatment of cost to help.


呼吁喊“救命”女生站出来 帮助警方抓砍人者 Calls for shout"help"The girl stand up to help the police to catch the man who cut


Reporter in the interview that,The name on the bridge crying for help woman and the woman went another man has not appeared,The man who cut and ran.No news,Let alone went to the hospital to see"Out aid"Li is the.Li the few students said,They don't expect??????,At least as rescued a party,As a key witness,They only want to men and women can be rescued appeared as soon as possible,For the injured lee the make a statement.


红岛边防派出所介入此事调查 Red island border police station in this survey


21 afternoon,Reporter in the red island border police station meet with the public security organs of the investigation of the matter ChaDian boss.He told reporters,the,He is not in the field,Then from the shop assistant mouth to know,About 21 minutes at 1 am,There are several ChaDian guest in tea,Suddenly two men ran into the room from the outside,Then this several tea guests also blunt go out.Behind the specific what happened,Is not very clear.


ChaDian boss said:"This a few guest occasionally to ChaDian tea,Age mostly in forties,Mostly business people.And the business ChaDian go high-end course,From the usual consumption to see,This several guests to steal a girl things possibility is not very big,But the actual situation,The public security organ to the results of the survey".


Why to guest in the tea shop to carry knives,ChaDian boss says not informed.

  目前红岛边防派出所已介入此案,警方正在积极侦破此案,争取早日抓获持刀伤人的嫌疑人。(南海网记者 陈丽娜)

At present the red island border police station has been involved in the case,The police are actively solve the case,As early as possible to capture the stabbing suspect.(The south China sea network reporter ChenLiNa)
