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  12月4日,在甘肃省红十字会的组织下,兰州理工大学大学生志愿者引领盲童学生一起“看”电影。 史静静 摄

On December 4,,In gansu province Red Cross organization,Lanzhou university of technology, college students volunteer lead the blind child together with students"see"The movie. ShiJingJing perturbation

  中新网兰州12月4日电 (史静静)“同学们,影片开始了。主人公小花善良淳朴,父亲在黑煤窑工作,谁知在一场暴风雨中煤窑的塌方小花的父亲不幸遇难……”银幕前,一名“90后”大学生志愿者正在为兰州市盲聋哑学校盲童班的学生们娓娓讲述电影《暖春》中的画面。

Beijing on December 4, lanzhou (ShiJingJing)"The students,The film began.Hero floret kind simple,Father in the black coal pit work,But in a storm coal pit landslides floret father were killed……"Screen before,a"After 90"College students are MangLongYa school volunteers lanzhou blind child class students about an movie[Warm spring]picture.


4,In gansu province Red Cross organization,Lanzhou university of science and technology and many college students volunteer and blind child together with students"see"The movie.Volunteers in the reserved the movie dialogue at the same time,Through the match on straightaway commentary/Supplemented the narrator, etc,"lead"Audio-visual disabled students"See a movie".


With exquisite volunteers of commentary"lead",The blind students"see"Feeling is ten thousand,Follow the film plot twists and turns,The fate of a hero,Sometimes laugh,Sometimes whispered to discuss the plot,The students were all enjoying a movie bring fun.


Volunteers ChenNan said,In order to be familiar with every movie lines,Three days of time he put the movie saw and times,"Even the dream is all lines."This is the first time he for the blind spot"Speak film",See the film cause blind students welcome,"Think hard work was worth it".


"I this is the first time to see the movie,Very fresh feeling."15 years old this year,Congenital blind night ling wei said,Without lines,After the interpreter will scene reduction into after the narrator,Although can't see pictures,But can feel the fun of the movie brings.


The staff of the Red Cross society in gansu province is introduced,Blind can only through the"Listen to"/"touch"To perceive the world.A lot of blind man's inner world is closed,Through the public welfare activities,Hope them through"Listen to",Feelings in the movie multicoloured world,Then open your own heart,Arouse the enthusiasm of life.(finish)


(Source: China news network)
