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据新华社电 我国航天事业的开拓者和奠基人之一,“两弹一星”功勋奖章获得者,著名导弹和火箭专家,中国科学院资深院士,国际宇航科学院院士,中国航天科技集团公司和中国航天科工集团公司高级技术顾问屠守锷同志,因病医治无效,于2012年12月15日在北京逝世,享年95岁。
According to xinhua news agency of the space industry in our country and founder of the Portland trail blazers,"LiangDan week"Meritorious service medal winner,Famous missile and rocket scientist,The Chinese academy of sciences senior academicians,International space academy of sciences,China aerospace science and technology corporation and China aerospace science and industry group company senior technology consultant TuShouE comrades,Due to illness heal is invalid,On December 15, 2012, died in Beijing,He was 95 years old.
Host to realize China's missile zero breakthrough
March 21, 1962,China's first medal developed on its own"dongfeng"2 after a failed missile,In the seven machine department the first vice President of the institute of TuShouE,Sacrifice was instructed to concurrently is called the general director of the institute of design,Host missile failure analysis.On June 29, 1964,After the change of design"dongfeng"2 missiles launched successfully,Realize China self-designed missile zero breakthrough.
In march of 1965,The central government decided to China as soon as possible the first nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile get out,And TuShouE appointed for the designer;But to his time tight and tight:Flight 1971,In 1973, finalize the design.The pieces of intercontinental ballistic missile,From 1.2 million parts.
Research was first nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile
Its first nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile research/Production difficulties and setbacks,No less 7-12"Buddhist paradise to take".Usually takes them kindly/Urbane slaughter total,In the work shows that he is the other side of the character.For the unqualified/Have a problem of parts,He asked all change.word:"Never take a problem to heaven!"
On September 10, 1971,China's first developed a long-range missile flight test for basic success.Throughout the 1970 s,This type of long-range rockets after ten times various special ballistic flight test,Check the correctness of the design,Confirmed the missile quality and reliability.TuShouE of missile design made ten big improvement and improve,For taking the intercontinental missile flight test created conditions.In May 1980, and day,China's first generation of intercontinental ballistic missile fly to the Pacific Ocean,In the reserve area accurately hit the target.
屠守锷 TuShouE
On dec. 5, 1917 was born,Zhejiang huzhou people.In December 1948 to participate in revolutionary work,In December 1948 to join the Chinese communist party.In 1940 the national cheng kung university graduated from tsinghua.In 1941, the Massachusetts institute of technology to study for a master's degree,In the United States after graduation for curtiss aircraft factory engineer.Returning to China in 1945,Successively as the southwest united university associate professor air system,An associate professor at tsinghua university institute of aviation/professor,Beijing aviation institute vice dean/dean/Dean assistant.1957 call defense fifth research work,After the seven machine department the first vice President of the institute,Seven machine department chief engineer/KeJiWei director,Aerospace industry KeJiWei, deputy director of the position, etc.Successively hold the post of a dongfeng ii and dongfeng 3 missile assistant chief designer/Intercontinental strategic missile general designer/The long march no.2 rocket general designer/The long march no.2 rocket from technology general counsel.The party central committee in 1999/The state council/The central military commission awarded"LiangDan a meritorious service medal".
(Original title:A 95 - year - old LiangDan goes TuShouE died)
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