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女大学生为当公务员拒绝谈恋爱 5年考数十次--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Original title:"chin"test"bowl"Written on


Open the drawers of the desk,Kim h d take out a box,The reporter sees in brightly coloured:Day and night to go to gansu green skin car/More than four hours to nanjing high iron/Three hours run Qingdao car/1 hours to zibo dynamic car...These are her in recent years around their ticket


The rule of law 闫格 weekend trainee reporter


"In another country when test."


November 25th morning at 9 o 'clock,In the national 37 countries civil service examination test at the same time when the bell rang,Just his cousin GuWei into the exam room Kim h d take out a cellular phone,On QQ,Write down the feeling too.


Now she,In September this year just become in shandong province land and resources bureau official enrolled clerk.She told reporters,In fact since 2007 graduated from university,She has been on the run in the way of various civil service examination.Known as"Countries test"National civil service examination,Before this,She has participated in the five years.


Before the street agency for three years as village official of she,Now finally became"System in"people.To oneself constantly fighting experience she has been told many times,Don't just tell nearby of friend/colleagues,There are many know her,But will his side"Stable job seeker"sent"Learning experience"Relatives and friends.


because,In this test"bowl"circle,Kim h d model is.


Is because of the"Iron rice bowl",In talking about now lives,Kim h d says is very satisfactory.


体制内的理想生活 In the system of the ideal life


Forty points at 7 a.m.,Jumped out of the bus Kim h d strides,It's on the second floor to the office.Put down the bag,Collar off,She did not rub their hands red with cold,Trot to call after boiling water,Grabbed broom began sweeping the floor.


Cast in the eight o 'clock before going to work,Kim h d have office health clean well.then,She start a computer,Open your current responsible for electronic system.


By the end of march this year,Kim h d took part in the civil service exam in shandong province,April performance down,She found herself into the interview.And until June interview/Physical examination has already ended,Dust off the timing,XueLinCai dare to believe that she finally"System in"the.


Kim h d previously participated in five countries exam,In addition,There are not three or four times a year of provincial civil service examination/The career made up test, etc.this,Kim h d don't feel any excuse me."I am a modern version‘chin’,I really don't lack around this‘chin’."


When a reporter asked Kim h d into"System in"work,She is very calm,"Not very at leisure,Also do not have what benefits".


"Early is not a glass of water/A newspaper/One morning the s,Civil servants don't like online pass it."Kim h d said.A year earlier than Kim h d admitted to the county bureau of agriculture law enforcement groups of students DongQi,Often go to the countryside to check on a business trip.According to her understanding,Not only DongQi such as twenty or thirty years old couple to travel down town,And they unit of forty is retired veteran cadres and as on business not by accident.


"Station also with fingerprint punch machine,The eight o 'clock in the morning to play the card,Quick to eight o 'clock often can see,Many people YiLiuEr trot to office here yet."


Morning fast to 12 point,Kim h d finally have their best in a day"welfare""Free lunch".


Income is stable/Welfare is guaranteed/High social status has already become the most bright eye civil servants of the label.Asked about income,Kim h d told reporters,Although the salary now has not been sent to,But heard that can close to 2000 yuan.Although not as well as her as village official in high income,But more than XianShang enterprise workers take much.


"And I've heard that this year's salary can rise is controlled yuan."Mentioned income,Kim h d obviously very excited,Civil servants income now every year or.


When ask the welfare,Kim h d a motioning with his hand said,Not before the legend as good welfare,Time is"Impossible thing".Kim h d said,Now the government is GuShuLou cover,The price also with the outside commodity house almost.


"May customs/Tax these‘favourite’Can better."Kim h d wanted to think and to the reporter,Because she is a customs friends provident fund standard taller than she is more than doubled,Have bought a house.


"The most important thing is finally have the preparation."Kim h d and her parents are very satisfied,"Don't expect a girl at home to make money,As long as there is a stable job will do."


"I was the position of the final interview 6 people,There are 5 is a girl."Kim h d said.One does not wish to disclose the name of the government officials say,Now the girl has become the mainstream of the civil service exam army.


have"Iron rice bowl"Can have stable life.In fact,Not only Kim h d think so,This is a lot like with Kim h d,Is enter or has already entered a"System in"People idea.


But in the system is not so good in,"Iron rice bowl"Is not that easy to the end.Kim h d is lucky,however,There are millions of people to another,In the college entrance examination is to than even the fierce on bridge,For them,Only enter,Is way out.


进入“体制内”实属不易 into"System in"Is not easy


College XueLinXue administrative management,Also when the 4 years of student cadres.hold,Had originally planned to sink down to one's deceased father grind of Kim h d by parents choked.


"Is not to say that no degree,But after all one's deceased father grind or to find work."After a few years,Kim h d parents still think so."As for to go to graduate school,Can work after reading on-the-job graduate students,Agency unit also acknowledged that on-the-job graduate education."


Kim h d parents are XianShang of civil servants,Do civil servants for over twenty years,And only a daughter they feel,As long as can make a"Iron rice bowl",No matter test a few years,Home can afford.


Kim h d said,The parents of the children most colleagues has undergone many civil service examination,Test a few years is no lack of such people.In this circle of people admitted to civil servants to be proud of the team.


From the start of the senior that September,Kim h d will be on the first time"Countries test"road.Kim h d still clearly remember buying every book about civil service examination book,Although now her books and review the material was already was a home more than one metre long desk.


"Into the examination room with confidence."Remember the first time"Countries test"state,Kim h d answered without hesitation.Confidence is one hundred times,In addition to think you attentively outside review,In fact at that time she had two actual combat experience.


In march,,Kim h d use forged graduation information,"Bare test"Took part in a civil service exam in shandong province,The test results, a difference of less than a points can enter interview.


Is this a year of September,Kim h d to forge graduating student information,Sat for more than twenty hours of the train go to gansu,Took part in gansu province was civil service examination.Although this time she went to the interview,However, because itself is not fresh graduates,Does not accord with the condition,Kim h d give up.


When Kim h d think,Not only have practical,And once entered her interview,Must be higher than"Novice level"Fresh raw advantage more.so,In late January,When checked"Countries test"results,Kim h d the head buried in the bed,Cry for a whole night.


Kim h d cousin GuWei can say is Kim h d experience learned shine on you.Next year just stepped out of university graduates GuWei the students enter oneself for an examination the hangzhou customs,GuWei told reporters,This is his third time to attend"Countries test"the.


"Written application material audit is not strict."GuWei laughed,"So the very easily."At first, he just think should prepare early,After he found,Not only have the experience of actual combat cousin in advance,His class ready to test students familiar with the civil service has a barrel."80 yuan to buy a experience try hand,Doesn't kui."


"Later in the school of experience sharing conference held,Have entered the civil service of senior study form generously teach us this method."


On November 25, just past the exam,Is GuWei real first"Countries test".Hangzhou customs crowded in the number of applicants let he is in.But he also consolation,And years later provincial exams/XuanDiaoSheng test and career knitting test,Losing again with the same cousin,To test a village official a transition.


小村官终于熬出头 Small village official finally ordeal


however,Kim h d but think,When the village official 5 years,She is the most depressed time.Graduation that year 6 month,In all run continuously/In the process of test,Kim h d finally admitted to the hometown village official,Even if village official did not prepare.


When the village official 5 years,She almost no invitation arrangement,Did not take part in a classmate party,For the occasional overtime she will also depressingly complain,After work is her review[essay]and[Administrative aptitude test]time.In fact each page she is very familiar with,The two this added up to no more than 800 pages of civil service examination review material,She live in the intensive reading for five years.


Surf the Internet to see[News 1 + 1]And people's comment,Magazine only buy[半月谈],Only in a TV at home at seven o 'clock news will open.The only reason for the QQ login every day,Is to from ten several common test QQ group download the subject practice.The reporter understands,In order to facilitate the Kim h d become a problem,Kim h d parents also specifically for she bought a printer.


The reporter sees,Kim h d desk has not only the common test training institutions to write coach book,More is her own print each province line measuring world and the central meeting documents.Each set of papers are useful red and black handwriting did mark,Papers on the first page GongGongZhengZheng Kim h d mark with the test error rates and estimate the score.


The reason for five years"chin",In addition to bad luck,Can explain Kim h d for five years"Countries test"Defeat reason,Only competition degree of rising year by year.


According to the rule of law weekend reporter understanding,In 2013,"Countries test"Applicants to refresh record:Toll to 1.5 million,Is the fifth time since 2009 more than one million;The age of the students in the largest,35 years old,This is also the age limit to enter oneself for an examination;KaoLu than average about 53:1,The most competitive position,Ratio is reached unprecedented 9567:1,A single position to competition"".


When the village official 5 years,Kim h d always like in the top"Countries test"/Shandong provincial exams/The career made up test and the various provinces of civil service examination.


Open the drawers of the desk,Kim h d take out a box,The reporter sees in brightly coloured:Day and night to go to gansu green skin car/More than four hours to nanjing high iron/Three hours run Qingdao car/1 hours to zibo dynamic car...These are her in recent years around their ticket.


In this province before the test,She took the initiative to street leadership for more than a month off,Hope to be able to concentrate on review the civil service examination.This is Kim h d parents suggested.


Into after the interview,She is the first time for the civil service training institutions interview training class,Training a week,Cost 10000 yuan.In order to more authority,Kim h d also flew to the provincial capital jinan to attend training,Because she thinks,Jinan's teacher is the best.


"At the end of the training to jinan,The whole class left contact,Contact address is must be admitted to the unit."Training after come back,Kim h d parents don't trust,And to her hometown for the training,Teaching is a retired school teacher.Kim h d parents think,Party school teacher more can understand the interviewer psychological.


time,A day,In the evening after the table facing parents and a camera to do simulation test:The first point is what,The second point is what,The third point is what,And what is actual contact,Like like commentators.


To prepare the interview time,Kim h d almost didn't sleep a HuLunJiao.In the more than twenty days,Powerful thought pressure let her lost nearly 10 jins.


interview,Kim h d learn,Almost every candidates have attended an interview training class.It costs less thousands of yuan,The more than twenty thousand yuan.


我为“国考”狂的背后 I"Countries test"Crazy behind


"Must like chin has the courage to cross the rubicon,Kung fu to the,A test is much to miss a few times."Kim h d told reporters in the cause of the test many times.


According to some web site survey,Just finished the"Countries test"in,The first time to join the number of people account for 56% of the total number,Three times and three times more in proportion reached 30% or so,And more than six times the candidate in the exam also accounted for 9%.


The same,In addition to stable/Welfare good outside,Is being constantly refresh the number of civil servants to enter oneself for an examination of high and low rate of admission also seem to have in common civil servants of group is happy.A in the first half of this year,The central state organs worker mental health consultation center of the issue[Organ culture construction and worker mental health research report],Also from the side explain this kind of"chin"Type Iraq endogenous power,The report pointed out that,According to the statistics,74.1% of the(The central state organs)Civil servants feel very happy.


February,"the‘lianghui’Minsheng series survey"Also shows,59.3% of the people think that civil servants happiness get higher.At the same time,In 2011"lianghui"In the investigation,There have been 40.4% of the respondents said"If the partner's professional requirements,I hope he is a civil servant".


maybe,It is for this reason,In the home town,Already to 27 years older Kim h d in the past five years has not talked about her boyfriend.


"At that time I am village official,No preparation,Affection also pay attention to be matched for marriage."Kim h d this interpretation.the,has"System in"The Kim h d doesn't worry.In her heart,As the parents had said that,As long as the holding"Iron rice bowl",Nothing to say.


Kim h d hope that their partner's career is also civil servants.


admittedly,In many people's eyes,The work of our civil service stability/decent/Welfare good even at leisure,called"A golden bowl".But in this year"Countries test"Position on the table,There are many positions in the remarks clearly written"Need to work overtime"/"Long-term business"and"Hard conditions"For details.called"In the history of the most bitter a golden bowl".


however,In the eyes of Kim h d is not business,Drought or waterlogging is the most important.


now,Kim h d classmate party will pull join her,With former friends/Students together,She has a"Looked up feeling".Today's"System in",And she was finally able to a few years about Iraq downturn.Kim h d think,This is the embodiment of the civil service high status.


The CPC central committee organization department/Human resources and social security/National civil service bureau released[The central organs and institutions directly under the 2013 annual examinations civil service announcement]Clearly pointed out that,"Probation of civil servants and reference civil servant law management authority(unit)Workers can't enter oneself for an examination 2013 civil service examination".so,XueLinCai no registration of this year"Countries test".


At the press and Kim h d in the process of conversation,Kim h d QQ music has been put a song,called[On the way].Kim h d told reporters,Even if now hold on"A golden bowl",She still feel still on the road.


Kim h d said:"Before the age of 35,I still will go to all kinds of civil service examination,Hope to get to that as the customs‘favourite’to."


(Shall require,The per capita interviewed for the alias)
