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优秀高中生不幸身患骨癌 急盼社会救助重返课堂--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

肢手术后,陈顺琛保持乐观心态,他的父亲一直在病房中陪伴他。 Limb surgery,ChenShunChen keep optimistic state of mind,His father has been to accompany him in the ward.


17 years old,This should be belong to the best time in flower season young,Should be in capacious and bright big struggle in the college entrance examination in the classroom,To run in the playground.But now,A promising young only lie in the hospital and the god of death.


His name is ChenShunChen,Zhangzhou YunXiaoXian people,Studying in yuan light middle school.In a few days ago,Facing the choice of pain,His helpless choice the amputation.Went into his room,His mother ChenChunHua eyes flushed to the roots of can't help but tears,Strong couldn't help her,Silently towards the window.ChenShunChen lying on the bed said quietly,"Facing the choice is too painful".


This nearly a meter of seven young for several times,Weight has declined less than 100 catties.Thin and cold in the arm,Let a person can't imagine him a year ago,Will be a"A can eat four bowls of rice"The strong guy.Chemotherapy that he had a serious of anorexia,Now he can only rely on infusion of energy added.


A year ago,Just return to a year he suddenly felt a pain in my right leg is intolerable.after,But also seriously affected to walk.After the hospital inspection,He was diagnosed with bone cancer.The sudden blow to this family's budget is hard to accept,Now the family is in debt.


飞来横祸:花季少年身患骨癌 downright:Promising young suffering from bone cancer


In September 2011,ChenShunChen rose to second.Just try into science class in his exam,Obtained the excellent result of the second class.It makes his potential of science,For the university entrance exam is full of infinite power and hope.


In the eyes of my classmates,He always seems to be intelligent and outgoing.Have seen only one or two others playing chess,He learned to,"Also the level of good brother defeated".He loves to play table tennis,In the school is still a great sportsman.


However,,Downright but let him is unexpected.A class,He suddenly felt right leg pain is unbearable.In the same year in October,He was diagnosed with bone cancer in zhangzhou hospital.To accept a period of time after treatment,Was better.His right leg has been serious to bend,The more can't straight.


In December 2011,He with his parents to fujian medical university first affiliated hospital.In the end of December,Under the doctor's advice,He went on"Right femoral lesion biopsy"The operation,Intraoperative frozen pathological"Malignant tumor".


Early in January 2012,Because of considering the right femoral under section of osteosarcoma,ChenShunChen received chemotherapy for the first time,Results the smooth.then,He respectively in two/In march the two chemotherapy.Although a short inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells,But not only chemotherapy wrung dry all of the family income,Also make ChenShunChen produced serious anorexia,His weight had plummeted more than 20 jins.


By the end of July this year,ChenShunChen has smooth over six cycles of chemotherapy.During the period of chemotherapy,Every treatment in the hospital for a couple of weeks time,For ChenShunChen,"Too long and boring".At the end of each course,Back and forth in zhangzhou and fuzhou he was tossed about on the bus for hours.And let him even more uncomfortable,To return to the classroom because of body reason does not allow for the time being.


负债累累:家庭不堪重负 In debt:The family is overwhelmed


The real difficulty has just begun,The family and faced with difficult choices.


October this year,ChenShunChen right lower limbs in the surgical wound cracks/The symptoms of running water.But under,He had to choose to court review.Considering the artificial joint joint infection after surgery,Doctor to him for debridement and antibiotic bone cement implantation,After the infusion/Aid in the treatment of anti-inflammatory.However,,During joint infection has not seen the obvious.


In the middle of November,The doctors try to carry on"Debridement + tube drainage"The operation,After infusion of anti-inflammatory and joint flushing, etc.Is discouraging,Joint infection or failed to get effective control.


Before ChenShunChen has two options:One is take out joint for disinfection/Cold storage,Half a year after take out the installation,But for a long time/Great risk,The high cost of;2 it is directly amputation,The risk/Time is short,But the cost.


After a difficult choice,ChenShunChen chose the latter.On December 18,,He accepted the right thigh for amputation.Remember a week ago,He said:"Choice is too painful,But always be brave face."


Before he was ill,Parents just odd jobs around to make a living,The income of the family has no fixed.Brother is in the sky train ticket to xiamen,Monthly income only enough to support himself.Originally economy vulnerable families,From chemotherapy treatment to the third cycle,Have spent 200000 yuan.


Six phase of chemotherapy,Not only had spent all the family savings,Also make them $150000 debt.Father said ChenYaRu:"The government medical insurance reimbursement of a serious illness by 40%,School donation of more than 40000 yuan has been paid.Treatment costs were borrowed from relatives and friends.If meet debt collection,Also can only be robbing Peter to pay Paul."here,Depression of the eye socket,Eyes full of capillaries ChenYaRu appears very helpless."Now the biggest difficulty is the economic pressure.Head all dizzy all day,Pressure is too big."


And his mother ChenChunHua,When reporters asked about the biggest difficulties now,She couldn't help over visiting students shoulder to cry.A year off,His parents also is very frail.


"On October 21, from the hospital today,Has spent more than 80000,It does not include the cost of the install artificial limb."His father said.The next,ChenShunChen again want to face a big pressure:Prosthetic installation.


At present,,Cooperate with hospital prosthetic installation there are three manufacturers,In zhangzhou and fuzhou have distribution,Provides little pieces/More then 10 tens of thousands of different price of prosthetic installation options.


Although already in debt,But ChenYaRu or hope,"After get back to zhangzhou,Give children the installation medium price of artificial limbs."And that means,The next treatment still need at least 780 thousand expenses.For the family,The astronomical has been that they could not afford,And install artificial limb is top priority.


Let a person is very sad,Nearly a year of treatment,ChenShunChen parents don't have to give up short-term fixed chore,The family lost economic source directly.The more than two months of hospital treatment,In order to save money,The parents can rely on in a temporary spell on the bed to spend each day and night.On the day of interview,Eye socket in the ChenChunHua in seven octaves of the cold,Still only wearing slippers,Silently accompany son in the side;And ChenYaRu face a beard has no mind to do,Is the eye of god write full of haggard.


爱心传递:加油视频传递正能量 Pass love:Come on video transmission positive energy


"You know what??You are our angel,Teach us optimistic,The church we are brave,Teach us strong.Do you want to come on,We are all in.We have to face with you,To beat the disease bravely!Shun 琛 refueling,We are waiting for you,Wait till you get back to school,Admitted to the ideal university.We are together,To help more people!"


A week ago,YunXiaoXian home students youth corps committee spontaneous took it"Love traveling,hearts"In the video,The college students from different universities RongCheng,Cheer together for the patients with multiple myeloma high school students,On the positive energy.


Roller of the students also use after school time take turns to go to the hospital to see him,Bring some inspirational books and video.They know their power alone,Hope to be able to use social forces,Help the strong bone cancer young tide over the difficulties.


After watching the video of ChenShunChen said,"I'll come on!"Who wouldn't think of,Just learned that he is not willing to accept the reality of illness,Silence all day,Is no spark.He said,"A few times almost want to give up treatment,You think about go home right now.Now there are so many people care about me,I'll stick to it."


"High school life like now,Because it's full.But I know,After coming home to face a lot of difficulties.My parents they are all too hard too tired,I am very sad."He out of his own heart,"Home too much debt,He was falling too much."


ChenShunChen doctor doctors say,For it is a malignant tumor,Still have a lot of potential danger.So even if ChenShunChen return to class,He still need to review once every three months.

  “看完《love life》,觉得我比她们幸福多了。现在回想自己的一天,像是写日志。这个过程让我成熟很多,也更懂得知足。”陈顺琛表达了目前最大的愿望:“希望社会能够帮助我走回课堂。很希望自己尽快出院,重返学校好好学习,争取把落下的课程补上!”他还微笑着说,“努力把第一名拿下!”(通讯员 冯发)

"Watching the[Love unlocks the],Think I'm much more than their happiness.Now think about their own one day,Like a log.This process makes me mature a lot,Also more understand content."ChenShunChen expressed a desire to the largest:"Hope that society can help me go back to the classroom.Very want to hospital as soon as possible,To return to school to study hard,Try to drop the course!"He also said with a smile,"Efforts to win the first place!"(Correspondent FengFa)
