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A primary school grade five girl's sudden departure,She was once the desk still put her books,Life was like in small's call.

Blackboard newspaper the chalk painting"The care of life"Is Yang x wave before work,Speaking of that's the apparent underdog.

No. 7 in the evening,Yang x wave father stood at the school gate,This time also can't always on the daughter came back,His daughter away from an accident just a day and a night.
On October 5,,Is the double ninth festival day,Guangdong pearl river town Dong DianBaiXian view a tragedy happened in the village committee,Located in the south of the village road primary school three pupils doubt meet for pesticide suicide,One of the five grade students died,The other two students called close brother and sister are still in the hospital.A SOB,The deceased is a good monitor,Her father is south road primary school a teacher.
Relevant for in"My maoming"Such as local BBS mad.
死者是品学兼优的班长 The dead is a good monitor
7, in the afternoon,Reporters came to the view of white pearl town south road primary school,Because still in holiday,Campus is very quiet.
When reporters to ask pupils about suicide,A surname is wu of male classmate say there are so one thing,The dead and another drink of pesticides in the name of the female classmate and his class,Another drink of pesticides in the name of the male classmate read grade 6.Wu classmate say,The dead Yang,That big(The allotted time periods specified by the),Study result is very good,three/Grade four are all his monitor,Now five grade though haven't elected our monitor,But in the eyes of my classmates,The only person are focused is their monitor.Wu classmate say,He heard the bad news after feeling very afflictive,Always can't believe this is true.
学校“安全园地”插图为死者生前所画 The school"Security field"Painted illustrations for the deceased
The reporter sees in south road primary school grade five of the classroom,Big desk placed neatly and textbooks,But the owners don't come back anymore.Wu classmate say,By the time class,The classmates all don't know how to face.
then,Reporters saw at the gate of the south road primary school focused's father,He is the south road primary school a teacher.Yang teacher looked sorrowfully told reporters the blackboard in the pointing at the school gate,The above"Security field"Only pictures on the blackboard newspaper is his daughter,Text is written by him.Reporters saw their father two collaboration on the blackboard newspaper,There are a lot of about the content of the treasure life,Now my daughter no more,Really make people deplore.
父亲想不明白女儿为什么要喝农药 Father pesticide daughter don't understand why want to drink
Yang said the teacher,He has been to now all don't understand why his daughter to drink pesticides,He even think daughter drink pesticide suicide is an illusion,May be other what reason let her die,Because daughter before there has been no abnormal phenomenon.
Yang said the teacher,At ordinary times the family are living in school,On October 5, at noon is the double ninth festival,Family to kill chicken happily eat lunch,At this time did not see anything unusual about my daughter.Said after big eat a meal to find the neighberhood xiao li(The allotted time periods specified by the)To play.But in the evening at 7 or so no big home for supper,Miss Yang to small beautiful home.Xiao li's grandfather said xiao li and elder brother has just to go home,They come home when the whole body wet through,Was taking a shower.Such as small beautiful after shower,Yang teacher asked her if she and focused,But she has been denied,Later said big games and other small bashan together.But miss Yang to get small bashan,Little sandy said she didn't seen the big day.
Miss Yang to small beautiful home again,Under the long grilled at home,Xiao li said she and her brother and focused on the mountain and drink something,After the big drink won't move.
"I hurried to the mountain side,My daughter there don't move,Like fell asleep,Her clothes are also very clean,A pesticide is a illusion?Well how is gone?"here,Miss Yang was never say not bottom go to.
警方初步判定为自杀 The police initially determined for suicide
In addition,According to people familiar with the matter said,When drinking pesticides at that time,Small beautiful sister said pesticide is too bitter,Has confirmed the water to drink,So didn't immediately,Later two brother and sister were sent to view bead health hospital after he turned to maoming city people's hospital,There is no life.
Introduce to the reporter according to the concept of bead police station police,After a preliminary investigation,Big is died from drinking pesticide suicide.
In addition,Reporters on the Internet allegedly is a DianBaiXian public security bureau of relevant personnel post said,On October 5, 20, 30 points made,DianBaiXian public security bureau 110 command center received report to the police:View pearl river town Dong village was found three young pesticides suicide,One of them die,Two people is still in the rescue.Initial investigations by the public security authority,In the afternoon,The dead Yang......(female,12 years old,In view of pearl river town Dong village committee show Dong village)Came to the village committee GaoPoCun ling......(male,11 years old)Home to play,Ling x x and sister ling x x(female,9 years old)Said their parents working away for a long time,Seldom come back,Don't think their parents love them.Yang inter said its mother often scolded her,Do not love her.Three people commit suicide idea for this.In the evening,Three people in ling home take a bottle of pesticide,Then came to the went a piece of sweet potato,Drink a bottle of pesticide over together.Two families found,Yang inter have died,Ling... brother and sister has been sent to hospital,For life-threatening.
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