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媒体揭秘美枪击案凶手动机 为向母亲证明自己--亲稳网络舆情监控室


This is heartbreaking day,I hope everyone can with our hearts and prayers,This also includes the gunners family,While my daughter Emily must be killed first stand out and help the children,It's all because of her inherent nature.


Father killed girl Emily parker


Now I am struggling with nightmare,I and her mother/Brother and grandparents are so want to her,We are so need her,But she went to the heaven.I love you,My little baby.


Killed girl Anne margaux, Greene, father


According to the American media reported 16,Obama will be on the same day arrived in Connecticut helmut Newton,Participate in the wake of activities for 14 shooting victims,At the same time, Obama said to take appropriate measures to ban guns.


奥巴马可能适度推行禁枪 Obama may be appropriate implementation ban guns


Obama plans to evening at seven o 'clock local time in helmut Newton,Participate in the wake of activities for shooting victims,And spoke to the victim's family.According to the plan,After the arrival,Obama will be the first to meet in private talks with the victims' families.Then will be held in sandy hook primary mourn before to address public activities of the site.


This is on the fourth of his presidency for shooting and to have an accident.The American media think,In view of the fact that Mr Obama said it will take after the shooting"Meaningful action",Obama seems to be ready to the gun law launched offensive.But in the past few years,The public to"Ban gun"Most of the opposition.At the same time, the White House says,Although barack Obama supports the attitude of the gun,But not to force congress to respond.


15 th,Police released, Connecticut state sandy hook elementary school shooting victims.All the victims of the six adult are women,Twenty children included in the eight boys and twelve girls,Age of 6 to 7 years old.


After the shooting,Forensic team school set up temporary stopped dead,Determine the cause of death/The dead photographs and face photos.At last,The police only allow parents through facial photo identification was killed the child,Prevent them see remains after the horror of emotions out of control.

  家属深切怀念遇害儿童 Family members greatly missed murdered children


A girl died, margaux, green just 2 months ago from Canada with his family moved to the town of helmut Newton.Her father expressed grief mood on social networks.


"Miss Catherine let us fall in shock,We are praying for our beautiful daughter,"Killed girl Catherine, boulder's parents said:"We expect you for our daughter and also in the tragedy of lost loved ones in the rest of the family prayer."


Naughty little boy cut, card always like to play outside in champions league credentials,The most like to do is ride a bike in the back yard,Next door to Kevin Greg, boast that their future will get the champion of the triathlon."Can't find out than he is clever boy."Had said.

  六岁的杰西·里维斯早上最喜欢去隔壁餐馆吃三明治配热巧克力,而周五早上是他最后的早餐。餐馆老板表示:“杰西是一个很有活力的孩子,他总是滔滔不绝的。”杰西的家长说杰西是一个充满好奇心的孩子,对生活充满向往,很喜欢动物,家里正打算让他去学习骑马。 (韩旭阳)

Jessie LiWeiSi of six in the morning the most like to go next door to the restaurant to eat sandwiches with hot chocolate,And on Friday morning is his last breakfast.Restaurant owner said:"Jessie is a very energetic child,He is always talking."Jessie Jessie said parents of children is a full of curiosity,For life is full of yearning,Like animals,Home is going to let him to learn to ride a horse. (HanXuYang)


 【调查】 [survey]


Connecticut state police released 15 sandy hook elementary school shooting victims list as well as research progress.Have the details of the surface than the outside one day learn more before:Killed most students only 7 years old,By the gunners with semi-automatic rifle shot from close range,Of all were shot several times.Police said,Have to master"Very useful evidence",Expect to infer that the gunners assailant motives.


 1 受害者最多身中11枪 1 most victims in the gun


According to the previous survey,The gunners after entering the campus with a gun to shot the victim,Police also found a semi-automatic rifle.15 th is showed by the details published more cruel crime scene:The gunners to enter the school,Use often appear in the field of semi-automatic rifles,Close shot in first grade classroom teachers and children.


The coroner carver release the autopsy results with more passion,Said the victims were a gunshot wound"destructive",Almost all the victims of gunshot wounds"The same pike"Caused by,Everyone in the number of guns,One person in the gun.


Carver said,"I am doing(The autopsy)This line for decades,Rational degree may not be better than ordinary people,But this is probably the worst I have ever seen……I just check the seven bodies,The victims in each person 3 gun to gun."

  2 警方掌握重要目击证词 2 police important witness testimony


Connecticut police department supervisor Paul Vance said 15 days,The police have been collected"Some very useful evidence",To judge the gunners assailant motives.


"We are at the scene of the crime of the investigators……Get some very useful evidence in the survey,Hope to be able to take this reduction of the whole(crime)The picture."Vance said,But he refused to"evidence"Further interpretation.

  万斯说,枪手击中的受害人中,只有一名校方工作人员幸存,她的目击证词将“至关重要”。 一名不愿公开姓名的执法部门官员透露,调查人员没有在现场找到有凶手留言的纸条。另一名执法部门官员说,枪手兰扎与母亲生活在一起。 徐超(新华社特稿)

Vance said,The gunman shot the victim,Only one survived the school staff,She will witness testimony"Is very important". A not willing publicly to the name of the law enforcement officials said,Investigators have not found at the scene have the message of the note.Another law enforcement official said,The gunners lanza and mother life together. zhu(The xinhua news agency which)


 【爆料】 [A source]

  “枪手杀人是为了向妈妈证明自己” "Gunmen kill in order to prove to my mother"


According to the[The New York times]The report,The federal bureau of investigation and the local police are of Adam lanza crime motive for further investigation,But there is no clear progress,But according to lanza home of a friend,Lanza action of motivation may be want to prove his ability to his mother.


Lanza's friend Jimmy Leo is a musician,Nancy was often go to his house to talk to Nancy sit.He said Nancy is a kind and helpful person,And her son to the discipline is very strict.After the case happened,Leif refused to disclose more details to the media,But after the shooting,He said in a personal message on the site,"He made such a terrible thing,May is the ability to prove himself to his mother."But this has not been the police response.


According to the[The daily mail]The report,Compared with the son of bad words,Nancy can be a relatively complex woman,Outgoing sociable,But for his two sons,Especially young son Adam is carried out harsh education.Nancy also may be a"Gun lover",There are neighbors and friends confirmed she taught Adam how to use gun.[The New York times]Son comment said Nancy would never have thought he would die of muzzle.


In 2009, and her husband Peter lanza after divorce,Nancy put more energy in his son.Nancy has always been to son Adam poured a lot of expectations and attention.She hopes to smart Adam can be successful,So she spent a lot of time in my son.According to Adam's aunt was "lanza said:"After the divorce,Nancy always hope to accompany beside her son Adam,She once said to me,Hope can let Adam drop out from school,His home education Adam."


As a matter of fact,Nancy did to do so,Media reports that Adam in the 10 grade when accepted by mother home from school, family education.


And after media said,Nancy is a gun enthusiasts,Like to collect guns,Nancy has repeatedly guidance Adam how to use guns and shoot.

  另外,据《华盛顿邮报》报道,警方15日通报的案件调查进展较前一天有不少出入。比如,南希·兰扎并非先前报道的桑迪胡克小学教师,警方已确认她处于待业状态,不在学校正式员工名单上。 (韩旭阳)

In addition,According to the[The Washington post]The report,Police report on 15 cases investigation progress than before a lot of people.Such as,Nancy lanza not previously reported sandy hook elementary school teacher,Police have confirmed that she was in a state of unemployment,Not in the school staff list. (HanXuYang)
