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大学生沉迷网络4年不联系家人 3年泡在网吧(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

高中时便上网成瘾,复读后考上大学依旧痴迷网络,甚至连大年初一都泡在网吧里。 2009年大年初四早晨,连续在网吧熬了三天的湖北科技学院阳新籍大学生陈驰(化名)在与父亲的一场口角后离家出走,杳无音讯,从此人间蒸发。四年来,家人不断寻找却毫无下文。今年11月下旬,在黄石警方的配合下,查找到陈驰的上网记录:从2010年至今,陈驰在湖北科技学院西门附近三家网吧上网记录达1800余次。
High school when I get to the Internet addiction,Answer read after college still obsessed with the network,Even till the bubble in the Internet bar. 2009 annual 4 in the morning,In the net cafe for three consecutive days of yangxin county of hubei university of science and technology university students ChenChi(The allotted time periods specified by the)After a quarrel with his father away from home,No sign,From then on evaporation.In four years,Family looking for without below.Late November this year,In Yellowstone with the cooperation of the police,ChenChi to find the record on the Internet:Since 2010,Simon ChenChi in hubei university of science and technology three surf the Internet in a cyber bar near record more than 1800 times.
7,,In our reporter and Yellowstone[East chu evening]The reporter's joint and diligently,ChenChi father find ChenChi again...
年少聪慧,成为家人骄傲 Young intelligent,A family proud
The 65 - year - old retired teacher educator proud of ChenHongJia has 41 years,And there are two of the five son who has admitted to university,A man was admitted to technical secondary school.In poor rural areas,This is undoubtedly a matter to ChenHongJia proud of.However, in recent years,Routed by younger son ChenChi ChenHongJia retain the pride of many years.
After entering the -,As the study pressure,Has been ChenHongJia valued the youngest son of ChenChi performance began to decline.More worrying parents is,He has a crush on the Internet,Even often all night doesn't return,Stay in the Internet bar all night.The teacher in charge told ChenHongJia,ChenChi because of the influence of the Internet,Result greatly.
Because often surf the Internet,ChenChi expenses began to increase,Often with all sorts of names to their parents for tuition/Test fee,Costs are 7800 yuan per month,Instead of at the same time in the high school's brother living expenses but I yuan.
Into three,The students are in tension test,And of ChenChi still indulge in the network world.Late on the Internet,School dormitory have close the door,As time passes,ChenChi simply near the school to rent a house to live down.In 2006,,After a year,Slightly retrieving ChenChi admitted to the hubei university of science and technology of clinical medical professional,At this time,He just enough to admit fractional line.
离家出走,三年泡在网吧 Run away from home,Three years in Internet bar
After college,Plenty of spare time to ChenChi have more reasons to bubble in the Internet bar,Students rarely see him in the classroom.In 2009, the Spring Festival,ChenChi home New Year's day.Till the morning,ChenChi went out Internet bar"root",For a few days didn't go home to have a meal.4 in the morning,Drag exhaustion of the body,ChenChi only a gaunt face back to home from the bar.
Fury of ChenHongJia with chopper son walked into the bedroom,"Want to talk to son a good".ChenChi didn't say what,Copy a coat and ran,This time,Is the last time he appeared in the home.
ChenChi by studying the clinical medical professional eductional systme is five years,ChenChi should graduate in 2011,ChenHongJia has repeatedly come to xian ning,But the school teacher to ChenChi where is not clear.ChenChi several brother tried to contact him on the Internet,But ChenChi never reply.
Because in xian ning city unfamiliar terrain,ChenHongJia every time looking for, such as looking for a needle in a haystack.Every time looking one Internet search,But can only be disappointed,I hope more and more uncertain,ChenHongJia also nearly give up.In four years,The family has been unable to contact the ChenChi,Each person's heart is very afflictive,Traveled 反侧 ChenHongJia HeGuiXiang night often with his wife,sigh.
Mid November this year,Yangxin county police received ChenHongJia for help.Under the police intervention,ChenChi Internet records have been submitted,Even the police were surprised:Since 2010,ChenChi in hubei university of science and technology three surf the Internet in a cyber bar near total more than 1800 times.
父子初见,无奈无功而返 Regardless of the father and son,But have failed
Get the news that the younger,ChenHongJia immediately notify four sons.Four son work in hainan,Fly back,Looking for ChenChi accompany father to xian ning.
四哥到学校,得知陈驰挂了多科,连毕业证都没有领。经过2天地毯式的搜索寻找,他们终于在一家网吧里找到了陈驰。“他瘦了很多,精神状态也不好。 ”陈洪佳老泪纵横,可陈驰表情冷漠,连声“爸爸”都没叫。
Four elder brother go to school,Know ChenChi hanged many families,Doesn't even have a graduation certificate.After 2 days did a manual blanket search,They finally found the ChenChi in an Internet cafe."He lost a lot of,Mental state is bad also. "ChenHongJia without minding,Can be ChenChi expression indifferent,Bother to"dad"Don't call.
找到了儿子,陈洪佳的心里稍稍有点安慰。“也许是我的教育出了问题吧。 ”陈洪佳说,他对孩子要求很严。陈洪佳要求儿子先回家休养一段时间,陈驰答应今年春节回家。无奈之下,陈洪佳只得先行返回阳新。
Find a son,ChenHongJia slightly a little comfort in the heart."Maybe is my education out of the question. "ChenHongJia said,He's very strict to the child.ChenHongJia son asked first home for a period of time,ChenChi promised to go home this Spring Festival.But under,ChenHongJia had to advance back to yangxin county.
For the first time QuanFan ChenChi failure,ChenHongJia after go back to sleep,Always want to come to xian ning again do ChenChi of ideological work,For can take ChenChi home at an early date.
7, at 11 am,ChenHongJia under the assistance of the Yellowstone media reporters,Get to xian ning ploy sounds again,And at the appointed place and contact our reporter.
父子又见,陋室潦倒栖身 Father and son saw,Humble room was shelter
In the Internet cafe near residential areas,Mention ChenChi,A few enthusiastic fast great grandmother said of the intestine"Had all seen the child,I heard in the Internet bar every day".
Under our newspaper reporter to lead the way,ChenHongJia traveled for a number of rent,After more than an hour,Finally leads to ChenChi often"蹲点"The Internet bar in the top floor of the building for rent the house.
陈洪佳气喘吁吁爬上这栋七层楼的楼顶,几名女租客在阳台上洗衣。来不及多询问,陈洪佳几乎是一户户地去敲门,急迫地推开门仔细查看,在第三次推开一个单间简陋的房门后,陈洪佳露出了苦涩的笑容:“孩子在这里。 ”
ChenHongJia panting climbed up the seven floors of the roof,A few female tenant to wash clothes on the balcony.Too much to ask,ChenHongJia is almost YiHuHu to knock at the door,Urgent to push open the door to check carefully,The third open the door of a single pallet,ChenHongJia revealed the bitter smile:"Children here. "
Room 10 square meters,Only a single bed.The house was messy,In front of mixed and disorderly throwing a few bag,A rice cooker,Is full of water,Beside a eat a bowl of instant noodles,Haven't wash,A pile of books in the bed.
单人床上,铺着陈驰从学校带出来的被褥。被褥很薄,他将外套铺在被子上,整个身子都缩进了被窝。发黄的牛仔裤和袜子,就丢在床尾,屋内的空气很浑浊。“跟我回去吧,你妈很想你。”陈洪佳搬个凳子,坐在儿子床边。陈驰用被子捂住头,缩进被子里,任凭父亲在旁边唠叨。“我昨晚通宵(上网)了,想多睡一会儿。 ”这是陈驰唯一的一句话。
The single bed,Spreading ChenChi brought out from the school of the sheets.Bedding is very thin,He will coat the shop on the quilt,The whole body is indented the bed.Yellow jeans and socks,You lost at the end of the bed,The air in the house very turbid."Go with me,Your mother is very miss you."ChenHongJia move a stool,Son sitting on the bed.ChenChi with quilt cover your head,Indent the quilt,Let father beside nagging."I all night last night(Get to the Internet)the,Want to sleep a little longer. "This is ChenChi only a word.
Is next door to wash the clothes of the rent for ms li,The rent here as long as 110 yuan a month,Utilities provide for oneself.he(Refers to the ChenChi)Has lived here for nearly 2 years,He sleep in the daytime,Go out at night.Never say "hello" with people.
返回阳新,力求戒掉网瘾 Return to yangxin county,To quit addiction
After ChenHongJia with two reporters for nearly an hour of persuasion,ChenChi finally exhausted from the quilt,Sitting on the bed for long.
Or be moved by the sincerity of his father,ChenChi started to wear clothes out,And air basks in bedding will be moved to the balcony.
ChenChi said,In 2011,,To graduate from time,But he hung up the many families,And have no money to participate in school organization of the qing dynasty.He can't get the graduation certificate.He had no mobile phone,So has been didn't contact with home.
No diploma,He didn't dare to look for better job.His first job in life,Is to give the Internet cafe when network management,800 yuan a month,Andy lives.
半年后,陈驰就辞职了。因为他发现,玩游戏挣钱,比当网管挣得多。“我没有网瘾! ”陈驰矢口否认自己沉迷网络游戏,他说他玩游戏能带给他每月1000元左右的收入。这几年,他就靠着玩游戏挣钱养活自己。
After half a year,ChenChi will quit the job.Because he found,Play games to earn money,Than when network earn more."I don't have the net addiction! "ChenChi denied his addict network game,He said that he play games can bring his monthly income of 1000 yuan.Over the past few years,He by playing games to earn money to support himself.
吃过午饭,陈驰又说要到春节才回家。 12月,正是他所玩那款网游最关键的时候,“能挣一千多元,我不想失去机会”。
After lunch,ChenChi said won't go home until the Spring Festival. On dec.,Is he playing the online most key of time,"Can earn one thousand yuan,I don't want to lose the opportunity".
In hainan work four elder brother of the call,He was very angry.He said he to ChenChi fill do graduation card,Spent nearly two years of savings,The younger brother still don't repent.
7, in the afternoon,Under everybody's take turns to persuade,ChenChi packed pallet rental room of luggage,The first time in four years on the back of yangxin county home.
ChenHongJia repeatedly to our reporter,And said back in yangxin county must have a good communication with the son,To let the son to free the world from the network,Live a life of reassuring.
本报记者对陈洪佳顺利劝返儿子表示祝福,并希望陈驰能在家人帮助下,拥有新的生活。(记者程昌宗 东楚晚报记者高喜明)
Bless our newspaper reporter to ChenHongJia smoothly QuanFan son,And hope ChenChi can help in the family,Have a new life.(Reporter ChengChangZong east chu GaoXiMing evening news reporters)
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