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On December 18, 2012 in the morning,Haidian district party committee of the Chinese communist party education steering committee/Haidian district education commission,Beijing eleven school undertakes"Found, dialogue - Beijing eleven school educators managerial practice"11 school in Beijing sixth floor of the international department students.Secretary of the communist party of haidian district education steering committee ZhangWeiGuang/Haidian district education commission director of his,Haidian district education/Commission of other leaders/Each department leader,And some primary and secondary school principal/Media representatives of more than 100 people attended.International conference on his presided over by the chairman of the haidian district education commission.


In the first place,Delegates to watch a video clip --[One of our day].Through the HuXi/ZhouZi its/LiuYu child three tall new ordinary day,The real learning in school life,From the side reflects the eleven school curriculum reform of the exploration and practice.


The following,The vice President of China education association/[Educators in the future]Magazine editor-in-chief LiuTangJiang presided over by the high-end interviews,Through the WangChunYi/LiXiGui/LiuYanPing/HeQianGong/ZhaoJiGong/QinJianYun/The dialogue WeiYongDeng six guests,From the construction of the course/Teaching organization form of change/The transformation of the teachers' positioning/The new relationship between teachers and students/Students' education, etc,Show eleven exploration and transformation of the teachers of the school/Confusion in entanglements, etc.


魏勇: wei:我自己够不上教育家的资格,我顶多也就是教育的一个行者,我今天觉得很激动,美好的青春遭遇了美好的教育,于是我产生了一个美好的想法,我要成为一切美好事物的走狗。过去老师的角色主要就是传道、授业、解惑,现在我感觉到传道、授业、解惑不能够诠释我们老师的角色,还得有一些别的角色,比如说守望者的角色。 Educators on my own is not enough,I might also is the education of a walker,I feel very excited today,Beautiful youth had good education,So I have a good idea,I want to become a tool of all good things.The teacher's role is mainly to preach in the past/Impart knowledge/To reassure,Now I feel to preach/Impart knowledge/Reassure can not interpret the role of our teacher,Also have some other roles,Such as the role of the watchers.


秦建云: QinJianYun:如果所有的老师都是守候着他那个学科的话,他就会遗忘了这个孩子,如果所有老师都把目光聚焦在这个孩子身上的时候,我们看到的更多的是希望。所以我个人认为,十一学校的所有的变革就核心而言,就是从关注学科、关注学校转化为关注一个又一个孩子的个体。 If all the teachers are awaiting his subject,He would be forgotten the child,If all the teacher all the attention focused on the child,We see the more of a hope.Personally, I think so,11 school all of the change in terms of the core,From the focus on subject/Attention attention into a school and a child's individual.


  王春易: WangChunYi:我们不仅仅是关注高考,我们还关注学生未来,甚至我们关注国家的未来,关注到我们这个民族,我们希望从我们学校走出的学生,不仅是取得高分数的学生,考入名牌学校的学生,不仅是一个状元,我希望我们还能培养出来科学家,培养出来银行家、发明家、变革者、领袖,我们想培养出来各行各业的领军人物,培养出来我们国家的栋梁、民族的脊梁。 We are not only focus on the college entrance examination,We also pay attention to students' future,Even we focus on the future of our country,Attention to our nation,We hope that from out of the students in our school,Is not only has high test scores,Students admitted to famous brand school,Is not only a scholar,I hope we can develop the scientists,Develop banker/inventors/Change in the/leader,We want to develop leaders in all walks of life,Develop the beams of our country/The backbone of the national.


then,Attending the meeting of the presidents in succession on the question you are interested in a deep communication with guests.


李希贵【北京十一学校校长】: LiXiGui[Beijing eleven school principal]:在每一位学生身上,他凸显的个性都让你没法把握,在每一个课堂里,他生存的东西既叫你惊喜也叫你沮丧,把握这样一场变化,不仅一个大脑,十个大脑,50个大脑也没法把握。所以我们只好选择了这样一种方式,当我们一大批老师在他们自己熟悉的领域,以教育家的情怀,教育家的心态、教育家的境界和教育家的教育艺术去影响学生发展的时候,我相信这个学校到处关爱学生。 On each student,He highlights personality all let you can't grasp,In every classroom,The survival of his things that surprise you and call you,Grasp such a change,Not only a brain,Ten of the brain,50 the brain can't hold.So we had to choose such a way,When we have a large number of teachers in their own familiar field,By the educators,Educators state of mind/The border of the educators and educator of art education to influence the development of the students,I believe that this school care for students everywhere.


At last,Secretary of the communist party of haidian district education steering committee ZhangWeiGuang do the summary of the important speech.He on 11 school educators recognition and encouragement to the practice at the same time,More hope I can have more other school teachers as educators of feelings/Educators state of mind/The border of the educators and educator of art education to accelerate the development of students,Promote the development of the school,True educators.
