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重庆女孩的国际空姐梦:探秘外航空乘培训机构 参加培训的准空姐。 本栏图片均由培训基地提供 To participate in training the stewardess. This pictures are provided by the training base


"I didn't know that,I can fly!"15 in the afternoon,The 23-year-old WangShu Joe passed Singapore airlines chongqing station interview,To become a flight attendant.Waiting for her will be high salary of $250000 a year,And travel around the world free of gao fuli.In fact,In half a,Haven't into the training base,She was a don't wear makeup/Don't wear high heels"her".


Including WangShu Joe,By the municipal key talent exchange service center of Shanghai fasco international flight attendant training base,For the united Arab emirates airlines/Qatar airways and provided more than 100 famous airlines flight attendant,In the industry.


Compared with domestic of foreign airlines flight attendant requirements,What is the difference between?What's the foreign flight attendant training?recently,Reporter walked into the domestic only has the official international background of the airlines flight attendant training institutions,see.


咬筷子 练习露齿笑 Bite chopsticks practice toothy smile


18, 30 points at three in the afternoon,Training base camp,In a small villa,19 girls are etiquette lesson.


They donned a stewardess,Foot 8 cm high heels,His hands crossed the put in the waist,Feet in BaZiBu combined stand straight,With a smile,To the great walls of glass,Constant practice in English to introduce myself."Your smile is too stiff,Look in the eyes is too misty.""You speak too fast!"……Form teacher through them,Every now and then comment on guidance.


It is understood,These girls have stood for nearly an hour."Learn to stand up,It is a required course for the student s.Shanghai fasco to greet send request is much higher than domestic airline."Relevant person in charge of the city talent center,"Many new students have fainted in the practice,But finally insist on down."


Reporter also noticed two details,Each of these girls are hold chopsticks in his hand.What is it used for?


"Is to let them fastened on the chopsticks,Can laugh more open."The original,In the aesthetic conceptions of the Chinese people,Like is a cherry small mouth,Smile don't toothy.But europeans like big mouth,Your teeth light out.Form teacher is introduced,At the same time,Bite the chopsticks,Can let your mouth more balance,avoid"Crooked mouth".


既要懂英语又要会化妆 Should not only know English and want to make up


还要能品酒和品咖啡 Also can taste wine and drink coffee


More than an hour the physique lesson,For these girls,just"Side dishes".


Reporter to browse their schedule.A week 5 days of full-time teaching,Both of English listening, speaking, reading and writing,Also includes the form/etiquette/Make up and wine tasting/Specialized product of coffee,At the same time also pay attention to for the girls to deliver the latest fashion information,Improve their grade,Thus better able to serve notice of the first class passengers.


"In a foreign country,No makeup woman is out the door.The so-called‘No ugly people,Only lazy woman’That is translated from abroad."International airlines flight attendant program manager with particular emphasis on the importance of foreign airlines flight attendant makeup skills."The flight attendant will take thick makeup,Such as everyone feel very exaggerated gold and green eye shadow,It is very suitable for them."


英语不看四六级文凭 Watch English band 4 and band 6 degree


身高1米60也可过关 Height 1 meter 60 also can pass


In you eyes,tall/Beauty such as flower of the woman,Ability is qualified as a flight attendant."In fact for foreign airlines,There are some changes."International airlines flight attendant program manager,Such as,Foreign stewardess just above 160 cm,On tiptoe touch high 212 cm,Less than the domestic airline request 5 cm.


English major"After 90"Girls XingWeiMing is one of the typical example.She once worked in starbucks,Although and professional is very wrong,But the income is not stable,She also had to go to the two famous domestic airline's interview,But because only 160 cm in height,Was eliminated in the first pass,That she almost gave up his dream of flight attendant.Fasco international flight attendant project after being selected,After four months of training,Eventually become a member of the united Arab emirates airline stewardess,$250000 a year.


In addition,Abroad to"Beauty such as flower"The same view with people not too.International airlines flight attendant project person in charge said: in addition to toothy smile,Big mouth/Big eyes/folds/Deep orbital girl,More foreign examiner.


At the same time,Airlines doesn't value band 4 and band 6 grades.In their eyes,Band 4 and band 6 is just a certificate,Can not be on behalf of the English level,So long as can communicate fluently in English.

  目前,已有17家外国航空公司在渝设立了常驻代表机构,空姐需求量估计接近千人。借力这样的培训平台,越来越多的重庆女孩,将圆上自己的国际空姐梦。记者 文晶 实习生 刘俊杨

At present,,Have 17 foreign airlines set up resident representative offices in chongqing,Stewardess demand estimates that nearly one thousand people.Borrows the training platform,More and more girls in chongqing,Will be round your international flight attendant on dream.Wenjing reporter intern LiuJunYang
