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四六级首次“多题多卷” 一个考场6-8套试卷--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The examination yuan remind:Don't listen to"Network selling questions the answer",According to regulations to stick bar code is the key.


 试题 Test questions

  一个考场提供6- 8套试卷,均由国家统一命题,难度相当,考生并不能提前知道会做哪套试卷

An examination room to provide 6-8 sets of test paper,By the national unification proposition,Difficult to,Students don't know which set of papers to do ahead of time.

  规则 The rules


Paper type through the test of the barcode pasted the back of the book article,If not in accordance with the provisions of the paste bar code is regarded as illegal,Test scores is invalid.


To strengthen the measures of anti - cheated in the exam,On Saturday at the university English four in the country/In the six levels of tests,Will be implemented for the first time"Much more volume".Sichuan province will also be in various examination site full implementation of the new measures to put an end to cheating.


It is understood,The day after tomorrow in the band 4 and band 6 test,Into the same examination room of two students even,To the possibility of not only test questions different order,Even different questions.recently,Reporters visited two universities in our province,Found on campus, and there is still a pusher selling online.The examination yuan remind students,Don't fall for it.


 多题多卷题目和顺序都改变了 More questions more and order has changed


yesterday(19,,The same),Reporters from the sichuan province education understands the examination yuan,"Much more volume"In every examination room inside at the same time using many topics of different papers,Paper type through the test of the barcode pasted the back of the book article.During the test,The examinee in addition to fill in correctly(tu)The personal information,Must also be to stick bar code to the corresponding location on answer sheet 2,To ensure that the marking device which is able to identify the a test paper.


It is understood,In an examination room still arrange 30 candidates,Provide 6-8 sets of test paper.These papers are unified proposition by the state,Difficult to,The examinee does not know what you will do in advance of test paper.In the past,In the test is based on changing the order of the questions to put an end to cheating in the exam,Is known as"One more roll".but,This is much more,Title and order has changed,In order to more strongly"Selling papers".


Need to remind candidates is,In addition to stick bar code according to the requirements,Examinee also write clear in the book of questions your own number and id number.If not in accordance with the provisions of the paste bar code is regarded as illegal,Test scores is invalid.


不法商贩仍然在兜售试题答案 Pusher still touting questions the answer


Despite of the new system to strengthen the guard against cheating,But there are still many answers to sell business commitments:"Don't worry‘Much more volume’,We guarantee to give you the correct answer."


A classmate said,Every time back to the dormitory can be shrinking take three or four card,Above all with"Sales band 4 and band 6""Band 4 and band 6 test package"And so on.


Reporter to the examinee identity,On the QQ add a sell the answer in the name of the seller."After a much more volume,Each question only‘Fast reading’and‘Read carefully’Two parts are different,Other questions is the same,If back down can also take part."A seller is to more than one more answers more expensive on the grounds,To increase the charge.Different prices different of the answers,Before answer some as high as 1500 yuan,Exceeded other regions the answer in 300-900 yuan,If the answer to choose to buy exceeded other regions must also buy the corresponding cheating communication equipment,Each have 150 yuan of above.


And terms of payment is most direct use of bank CARDS remittance,Pay treasure to transfer.Buyers to money or bank transfer on the Internet,The process does not have any written commitment,Has any legal form of the receipt.The reporter asked the would really have the answer or with what to believe you,The seller said,"Want to buy buy,Don't buy it."


往届考生穿作弊背心差点着火 Caexpo cheating students wear vest almost caught fire


Relevant person in charge of the sichuan province the examination yuan remind:The candidates should be honest,Consciously abide by the discipline,Don't blindly listen to sell on the net of false information questions and answers,In order to avoid to be deceived.Now the four/Six levels of cheating is no longer simply copy the answer,Even cheat has formed group,Many illegal molecules to sell before answer to tempt the examinee,Provide the wrong answer to earn any money."Battle group"Income does not poor,Don't believe that.


yesterday,Chengdu west said a university student,In December last year,She wants to go to,Purchase equipment that is cheating a cheating with communication equipment in vest.Before the exam papers issued,Cheating in the in the mind of the receiver back suddenly spontaneous combustion,She scared"Again a little later will be on fire,Nervous at the same time,I also give up the exam".

  “实行‘多题多卷’后基本能杜绝这种作弊行为。”省教育考试院表示,“这次考试有那么多套题,考生得到的答案和自己拿到的试卷相吻合的概率太小了”。(李天雷 记者 肖笛)

"implement‘Much more volume’After basic can put an end to this kind of cheating."Provincial education the examination yuan said,"This test there are so many questions,Examinee get the answers and to fit into the examination paper of probability is too small".(LiTianLei XiaoDi journalist)
