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[Dissertation false behavior treatment method]On January 1, 2013 to begin formal implementation.This means that,Paper ZuoJiaZhe degree application will be cancelled,And for others to write/Sell theses and ZuoJiaZhe the guidance of teachers/The school will face punishment, etc.


This way is promulgated by the ministry of education first processing department rules and regulations of the academic misconduct.[Way to]Article sixteen,The dissertation fraud case/Degree awarding units and supervisor responsibilities as well as the relevant subject fraud made specific provision of punishment, etc.This way when faces the society for advice,Has been netizen called for false papers"In the history of the most severe punishment".

教育部:学位论文作假 3年内禁授学 The ministry of education:Dissertation false three years ban award? ?? ?[相关]学位论文作假 3年内禁.. |  教育部拟规定论文作假者.. [] related degree thesis ban false three years.. |  The ministry of education to provisions paper ZuoJiaZhe..


According to the[Dissertation false behavior treatment method],To the degree awarding units for Dr/A master's/Bachelor's degree submitted the Ph.D. Thesis/Master's degree and undergraduate graduation thesis,Including graduation design or other graduation practice, etc,In the dissertation.


In the following five kinds of situations,Will be deemed to be false degree paper,including:The purchase/Sell degree thesis or dissertation trading organization;Written by other generation/For others to write thesis or dissertation written organization;Plagiarism others works and academic achievements;Fake data;There are other serious degree thesis fraud.


For false degree applicants papers,[Way to]Clearly defined,Did not get a degree,"Degree awarding units can cancel the degree application".Has obtained the degree,"Degree awarding units can be revoked in accordance with the degree,And the cancellation of degree certificate".Cancel degree application or revocation of degree of the decision shall be announced to the public.And at least 3 years from the date of make a decision,The degree awarding units shall not accept its application for a degree.Not only that,Degree of applicants for college students,Will also face expulsion of disciplinary action,For on-the-job personnel,Degree awarding units except for disciplinary action,Will inform the unit to which they belong.


In addition to the degree dissertation false application personnel will be subject to punishment,To help ZuoJiaZhe,[Way to]Also made a serious punishment.Students to write for others/Sell theses or organization degree thesis/To write,The same will be expelled from the disciplinary action.School or degree awarding units of teachers and other staff involved in a false,Is facing fired or terminate the employment contract.For social intermediary organizations/Internet sites and individuals,Organization or participate in the dissertation/Generation of writing,Will be investigated and dealt with by the relevant competent authority according to law,And in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be investigated for legal responsibility.


The reporter understands,In accordance with the[Way to],teacher/Relevant departments and the relevant responsible persons not fulfill corresponding responsibilities,May be after.Such as,[Way to]Provisions of the:"Fails to perform academic morality and academic norm education/Thesis guidance and review the checks, etc,The guidance of the dissertation are false case,Degree awarding units can be given a warning/A demerit punishment;If the circumstances are serious,Can reduce post grades until to expel sanctions or terminate the employment contract."for"System is not sound/Management of chaos,Many times appear false degree thesis or dissertation false behavior influence"The degree awarding units,Will be"Suspend or revoke the corresponding subject degree conferred by a professional qualification/And subtract its recruitment program".


Relevant person in charge of management degree and postgraduate education section of ministry of education said,[Dissertation false behavior treatment method]Come on stage and,First define the degree thesis fraud and responsibility for all activities of punishment,To blow academic misconducts/In accordance with the standard management/Reshape science morality and academic environment is of great significance.Each college should be strictly enforced[Way to],To strengthen the education and supervision,Put an end to academic misconduct.


[Dissertation false behavior treatment method]The full text is as follows:

  第一条 为规范学位论文管理,推进建立良好学风,提高人才培养质量,严肃处理学位论文作假行为,根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》,制定本办法。

Article 1 in order to regulate the degree thesis management,Forward to establish good style of study,Improve the quality of personnel training,Serious processing degree thesis fraud,According to the[Degree regulations of the People's Republic of China]/[The higher education law of the People's Republic of China],Measures have been formulated.

  第二条 向学位授予单位申请博士、硕士、学士学位所提交的博士学位论文、硕士学位论文和本科学生毕业论文(毕业设计或其他毕业实践环节)(统称为学位论文),出现本办法所列作假情形的,依照本办法的规定处理。

Article 2 to the degree awarding units for Dr/A master's/Bachelor's degree submitted the Ph.D. Thesis/Master's degree and undergraduate graduation thesis(The graduation design or other graduation practice)(Collectively referred to as degree thesis),Listed in these measures, the false case,In accordance with the provisions of these measures.

  第三条 本办法所称学位论文作假行为包括下列情形:

Article 3 of these measures, the term "degree thesis fraud include the following:


(a)The purchase/Sell degree thesis or dissertation buying and selling of the organization;


(The second)Written by other generation/For others to write theses written dissertation or organization;


(three)Plagiarism works and academic achievements of others;


(four)Fake data;


(five)There are other serious false behavior of the dissertation.

  第四条 学位申请人员应当恪守学术道德和学术规范,在指导教师指导下独立完成学位论文。

Article 4 degree application personnel shall abide by the academic morality and academic norm,Independently under the guidance of the teacher degree thesis.

  第五条 指导教师应当对学位申请人员进行学术道德、学术规范教育,对其学位论文研究和撰写过程予以指导,对学位论文是否由其独立完成进行审查。

Article 5 of the teacher shall file an application for degree for personnel academic ethics/Academic standard education,The thesis research and writing process to guide,Examine whether degree thesis by its finish.

  第六条 学位授予单位应当加强学术诚信建设,健全学位论文审查制度,明确责任、规范程序,审核学位论文的真实性、原创性。

Article 6 degree awarding units shall strengthen the construction of academic integrity,Improve the dissertation censorship,Clear responsibility/Standard procedure,Check the authenticity of the dissertation/original.

  第七条 学位申请人员的学位论文出现购买、由他人代写、剽窃或者伪造数据等作假情形的,学位授予单位可以取消其学位申请资格;已经获得学位的,学位授予单位可以依法撤销其学位,并注销学位证书。取消学位申请资格或者撤销学位的处理决定应当向社会公布。从做出处理决定之日起至少3年内,各学位授予单位不得再接受其学位申请。

Article 7 degree applicants' degree thesis in purchase/Written by other generation/Plagiarism or falsifying data such as false case,Degree awarding units can cancel the degree application;Have a degree,Degree awarding units can be revoked in accordance with the degree,And the cancellation of degree certificate.Cancel degree application or revocation of degree of the decision shall be announced to the public.From the date of treatment decision at least 3 years,The degree awarding units shall not accept its application for a degree.


The degree of applicants prescribed in the preceding paragraph for college students,The school or degree awarding units can be expelled from sanctions;For on-the-job personnel,Degree awarding units except for disciplinary action,Shall also be reported its place unit.

  第八条 为他人代写学位论文、出售学位论文或者组织学位论文买卖、代写的人员,属于在读学生的,其所在学校或者学位授予单位可以给予开除学籍处分;属于学校或者学位授予单位的教师和其他工作人员的,其所在学校或者学位授予单位可以给予开除处分或者解除聘任合同。

Article 8 for others to write theses/Sell degree thesis or dissertation business organization/Generation of personnel,Belongs to the students' reading,The school or degree awarding units can be expelled from sanctions;Belong to the school or degree awarding units of teachers and other staff,The school or degree awarding units can provide fire sanctions or terminate the employment contract.

  第九条 指导教师未履行学术道德和学术规范教育、论文指导和审查把关等职责,其指导的学位论文存在作假情形的,学位授予单位可以给予警告、记过处分;情节严重的,可以降低岗位等级直至给予开除处分或者解除聘任合同。

Article 9 of the guiding teacher fails to perform academic morality and academic norm education/Thesis guidance and review the checks, etc,The guidance of the dissertation are false case,Degree awarding units can be given a warning/A demerit punishment;If the circumstances are serious,Can reduce post grades until to expel sanctions or terminate the employment contract.

  第十条 学位授予单位应当将学位论文审查情况纳入对学院(系)等学生培养部门的年度考核内容。多次出现学位论文作假或者学位论文作假行为影响恶劣的,学位授予单位应当对该学院(系)等学生培养部门予以通报批评,并可以给予该学院(系)负责人相应的处分。

Article 10 degree awarding units shall incorporate dissertation review situation for college(Department of)Students department such as the content of the annual appraisal.Many times appear false degree thesis or dissertation false behavior influence of the bad,Degree awarding units shall, in the college(Department of)Such as students department shall be criticized,And can give to the college(Department of)Person in charge of the corresponding punishment.

  第十一条 学位授予单位制度不健全、管理混乱,多次出现学位论文作假或者学位论文作假行为影响恶劣的,国务院学位委员会或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府学位委员会可以暂停或者撤销其相应学科、专业授予学位的资格;国务院教育行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府教育行政部门可以核减其招生计划;并由有关主管部门按照国家有关规定对负有直接管理责任的学位授予单位负责人进行问责。

Article 11 degree conferring unit system is not sound/Management of chaos,Many times appear false degree thesis or dissertation false behavior influence of the bad,The degree committee of the state council or the province/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central people's government of the academic degrees committee may suspend or revoke the relevant discipline/Degree conferred by a professional qualification;The education administrative department under the state council or the province/Autonomous region/Municipalities directly under the central government education administrative department may and subtract its recruitment program;And by the relevant departments in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state of direct management responsibility degree conferring unit of accountability.

  第十二条 发现学位论文有作假嫌疑的,学位授予单位应当确定学术委员会或者其他负有相应职责的机构,必要时可以委托专家组成的专门机构,对其进行调查认定。

Article 12 suspected of theses are found to be false,Degree awarding units shall determine the academic committee or other the institutions responsible for the corresponding,If necessary can entrust experts of the specialized agencies,Carries on the investigation.

  第十三条 对学位申请人员、指导教师及其他有关人员做出处理决定前,应当告知并听取当事人的陈述和申辩。

Article 13 to degree application/Teacher and other relevant personnel before you make the decision,And listen to the statements and arguments of the parties shall be informed.


Party refuses to accept the decision,May appeal in accordance with the law/Apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit.

  第十四条 社会中介组织、互联网站和个人,组织或者参与学位论文买卖、代写的,由有关主管机关依法查处。

Article 14 the social intermediary organizations/Internet sites and individuals,Organize or participate in the dissertation/Generation of writing,Investigated and dealt with by the relevant competent authority according to law.


Dissertation false behavior in violation of the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations,In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

  第十五条 学位授予单位应当依据本办法,制定、完善本单位的相关管理规定。

Article 15 degree awarding units shall be based on these measures,formulated/Improve the relevant management regulations of the unit.

  第十六条 本办法自2013年1月1日起施行。

Article 16 these measures shall enter into force as of January 1, 2013.
