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武汉中小学生体育课:初三学生200米“跑不动”记者向洁 杨静雅 杨佳峰 The reporter to clean YangJingYa YangJiaFeng


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recently,Students' problem is media attention very much.recently,wuhan/Xi 'an/Nanjing and other colleges and universities sports meeting cancelled the women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project;Shenzhen city two levels of primary and middle school students' track and field games this year also cancelled long project,The longest distance of 1500 meters.The relevant departments and schools,Cancel the run is helpless,Is mainly concerned about students' injury accident.Chinese students' physical decline again trigger social hot debate,How important is it to sports for children also once again become a hot topic.


Physical education in wuhan?Wuhan of primary and middle school students' physical quality?In this question,Morning three road reporter to center city more than ten students of middle schools and primary schools/Hundreds of parents and teachers on the visit.Many sports teachers said,Today's children is better than the constitution is a session,Due to the restriction of many factors,School physical education to carry out the situation is not ideal.


镜头一 Once the lens


三年级能踢3个毽子是“高手” Third grade 3 can kick the shuttlecock is"ace"


"a/The second,Don't shout!Give you a chance,Try to play three."On November 30, in the morning,Kicked off primary school on the playground,"After 80"PE teacher LiuWenYue to three(6)The students of class test play the shuttlecock.A lesson down,LiuWenYue measuring the half,The result is not very ideal,"Play two is pass,Played three boys have six,The girl is only one."


"Not the students' ability of motor coordination,Mainly is the usual practice,Lack of exercise is a common problem."LiuWenYue said,Now the children out of the campus and in the pew class,Even it is difficult to have fun outdoors over the weekend,Indoor activity and outdoor activity time serious imbalance,Playing time has been learning time greatly diverted,Only with a few PE lessons to improve the physical health of the child.


镜头二 Lens two


一半初三学生200米“跑不动” Half of the third day student 200 meters"run"


In wuhan third ShiErZhong learned on the playground,Just run 200 meters XiaoLing panting,Want to sit on the ground to have a rest.The PE lessons is male/Girl's 200 - meter dash.After the first round of testing,The reporter sees the,Half of all students in the class or squat or sitting on the side of the runway,Exhausted by.


"In time to the student make a mark,Allows them to run,From the point of test results,They basically all standard."Third day grade PE teacher YaoGong said,When the big break in the morning,To integrate with the tests,The boy ran 1200 meters,The girl ran 1000 meters.Students are generally more afraid of endurance running,So the PE test in the afternoon the dash.


镜头三 Camera 3


小学生玩双杠被老师呵斥危险 Primary school students to play the parallel bars reprimand angrily to dangerous by the teacher


On November 30, in the morning,In jiangnan primary school playground in a corner,The parallel bars and a horizontal bar rusty stains on it,Class is over,Have students trying to come over and play,By the teacher on duty reprimand angrily to live."Play is secondary,Fall is trouble."The teacher on duty told reporters,Students want to play with horizontal bar & parallel bars,Open only in the physical education class,Thick stick two head to each two guards can rest assured to let the students play,Normally students are not allowed to climb alone horizontal bar & parallel bars.


"Said that it was so,In fact there is no use the horizontal bar & parallel bars."The school a PE teacher to climb(The allotted time periods specified by the)Privately told reporters,Not only the horizontal bar & parallel bars,It's no use jump goat,At least 5 years,For fear of an accident,These sports equipment only as decoration,To meet the above inspection.Because a few years ago,The school a student fell off from the horizontal bar,Seriously injured,The school did the compensation,Then the school will made strict management for horizontal bar & parallel bars.


镜头四 The lens.


班主任让全班学生揣鸡蛋 The teacher in charge for the class chuai eggs


In order not to let the students in the lesson/Crazy make,And cause accidents,Teacher in charge for the class students go to school in carry around pocket eggs.According to a not to be named the king of sports teacher said,There is a physical education classes,Third grade XiaoJun guarded the ran to his presence,Pointing to his pocket,Big shout"Egg is broken!"


Where are the eggs?Teacher wang puzzled."It is the students in this class is active,Some time ago when chasing the break,Two children are not careful scraped his knee,Fear will more safety accident,The teacher in charge teacher under the feeling be nasty to this decision."Wang said,Teacher asked each student a eggs in his pocket,At school every day,If eggs are not broken,That day not crazy funny scenes.


调查 survey


为何单杠、双杠难见其踪? Why the high bar/Parallel bars to see its trail?


怕孩子伤不起,老师不敢上 Afraid of children can't afford to injury,The teacher can't on


"single/Parallel bars below should be equipped with corresponding bunker,In order to protect student accident harm."Public pier third grade PE teacher ZhouJunLi said,Three years ago,School is a single/The parallel bars,Because of the limited site later,And considering the single/The parallel bars are easy to cause potential safety problems,Will change a table tennis.Now outside of the school sports facilities in football/Table tennis is given priority to,Indoor storage's sports equipment is complete,For the student to use in class.


"The high bar/The parallel bars are down,Parents of children hurt,The teachers also dare not."When nearly 17 years of elementary school physical education teachers YuanFengYun said,Remember at the beginning when the physical education teachers,The hardware facilities of the school is very simple,Better conditions have cement the playground of school,The school or sent some mud on the playground,As the high bar/The parallel bars/Climb rod/Jumping box/Jump goat these sports equipment into the children's favorite.In the original[outline]On the,And such as:A pedal to roll over/On its swing practice, etc/Parallel bars behavioral essentials,Now these teaching content generally does not make the request,Also it is difficult to see the high bar on campus/The parallel bars/Climb the traces of stem.


体育课为何缺勤的多? Why PE's absence?


家长过分疼爱,动不动就请假 Parents too much love,Ready to leave


"Back straight,Head up,Toes to pointed straight."On November 30, in the morning,Hanyang public pier primary school on the playground,PE teacher XuQinZheng guidance second grade students practise the fork.

  众多学生中,晓婷(化名)独自站在一边“旁观”,“早上妈妈硬让我穿靴子,说运动鞋不保暖,结果老师罚自己在游戏环节‘旁观’。” “老师,我这几天感冒了在打针,不能跑步。”在操场另一角,六年级的晓鹏拿出喉片给体育老师看,还连咳嗽了四五声。与老师“协商”后,“胖墩”晓鹏慢悠悠地绕着操场走了一圈。

Many of the students,XiaoTing(The allotted time periods specified by the)Alone on the other side"On the sidelines","Morning mother hard let me puss in boots,Said the shoes is not warm,Result the teacher punish yourself in the game‘On the sidelines’." "The teacher,I caught a cold these days in an injection,Can't run."Another in the playground,Grade 6 of XiaoPeng took the tablet to physical education teacher,Four five also even a cough.With the teacher"Through consultation"after,"overweight"XiaoPeng gliding slowly went a circle around the playground.


PE teacher song jian said,The students leave the teacher must pay attention to distinguish authenticity,Usually don't encourage students to one side"apprentice"the,According to the specific situation to students"reduction",Let every student move in P.E. class.


"Parents love the child too much,A slight headache and fever,Let the day off."A junior middle school vice principal,Grade 3 students facing entrance pressure tests,Because of sick leave is less,But the new moon/Junior students is"delicate"Much more,Cold injection is a few days."In fact some small sickness,The injection in the morning,When can the normal classes in the afternoon,But some parents eager beloved son,Instead of indulging the child is easily‘Ask for leave to rest’State of mind."


Reporter random survey found that 79 high school students,53 people don't like running,Or to dash/Run with fear,About seventy percent.


说法 statement


市教育局 City bureau of education


中小学生体质并非单纯下降 Primary and middle school students' constitution is not a simple decline


"Primary and middle school students' constitution is not a simple decline,But have rise and fall,mixed."yesterday,City bureau of education, deputy commissioner of body WeiYi ZhengWeiGuo doesn't agree with physical deterioration,He said,In recent years,Rapid growth in primary and middle school students in addition to the height and weight,Average growth over the past 20 years of growth;The growth of the upper limb strength is also very obvious,If the boy pull - ups grades up a 5 years ago;Body function and endurance quality get substantial downward trend,As the men's 1000 m/Women's 800 m result in 2005,These are all worthy of happy place.


But small and medium-sized place also many the deterioration of student's physical quality,The first is the rate of myopia remains,Secondly the overweight and obesity of children improve year by year,Rural students proportion of overweight is lower than the city,But the rise in obesity rate is higher than the city,Overweight children in the city rose from 7.6% in 2005 to 9.2% in 2010,Obesity rate rose from 3.5% in 2005 to 5.1% in 2010,The main reason is the students lack of exercise and junk food.Once again,,Primary school and high school students physical want difference than other age groups,Some sports scores declined,Results such as 50 meters run jump and standing long than before,This point and learning pressure is a certain relationship.


课表上的体育课多了 Schedule on the PE class


无形的体育课少多了 Much less invisible physical education


Engaged in more than 20 years of PE teacher XiongZhou fang said,In terms of physical education itself,Now class has increased.Eighties last century,Only two PE lessons a week,Now second grade four PE lessons every week,Three to six grade three PE lessons every week,Each class 40 minutes.In addition,According to the national ministry of education"The national primary and middle school students' extracurricular activities"The plan calls for,Our city since 2002,The whole city elementary and middle schools to carry out the implementation"The sun for an hour"activities,Although due to the large and small confront the problem may be difficult,But most of the elementary school can be fully implemented.


Although physical education have a guarantee,But there is a phenomenon that XiongZhou fang are very much worried."Student or like gym class,Active fun should be their nature.but,Feeling now children not children play,Much more poor endurance."XiongZhou fang said,Over the last class,Everyone ran out of the classroom,Take the time to play games,Such as:sandbags/Kick the shuttlecock/Rubber band skipping/Skip rope, etc.,Now most of the students are sitting in the classroom still take the break.P.E. class,Exercise a bit bigger,Some children will be unable to stand,Run 400 meters and legs feeble,Climb six floor is straight out of gas.In addition,Obese children are more and more,Many are eating out,And fat and lazy just like a couple"travels"shadow,The health of children of forming negative energy.


"The play did not play,Make activities and does not reach the designated position,Virtually little children do not know how many hall of PE."Say to the children's physique question now,Kicked off the elementary school sports teaching and research group leader reduced,Physical education has two basic functions:One is the development of sports,Guide the student to enhance the physical quality education;2 it is to exercise methods/skills,To cultivate the consciousness of lifelong exercise,Form of healthy exercise habits.However,,In the university entrance exam baton under high pressure,The children were"hoop"Die too,They don't have time to play,The consciousness of taking part in physical exercise more lack the initiative.In his opinion,Physical health knowledge and other skills"1"and"0"The relationship between the,Only grasp the front"1",The back of the professional knowledge/Practical ability/The innovation ability/Social skills and so on will become 10/100/1000/10000.


建议 Suggestions


给时间学生学会玩 Give students time to learn how to play


"The traditional sports already can't satisfy the demand of modern children,Contact type sports will be more and more get the welcome of the child."Kicked off the headmaster ZhangYanPing said,In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students take part in physical exercise,Enrich the students' spare life,The school opened ten sports club,including:Track and field/Table tennis/unicycle/Roller skating/Martial arts/Setting-up exercise/Rubber band skipping, etc.,Attracted nearly half of the students involved.


体育成绩能否 Can sports scores


纳入高考评分体系? Into the university entrance exam score system?


"If sports scores can be incorporated into the university entrance exam score system,Students' physique will improve accordingly."In an interview,A physical education teacher put forward the idea,Although some helpless tone.


"Mark decided to position."Hankou a junior middle school sports teacher said,In recent years,Wuhan sports tests scores several fluctuations,By the first 20 to 45 minutes after drop to 30 points,But no matter what the score is still plays a significant role,At least the students in the middle/A minute to skip rope/坐位体 proneness of test project in ascension.

  漫画 彭翠琳

Cartoon PengCuiLin
